Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1035: "·Coming Soon·Three"

The foundation of life is survival. Only when you take care of survival problems will the more subtle aspects of life be opened up and occupy a place in life.

——Saguru (enlightened person, enlightened yogi, mystic, visionary humanitarian, excellent spiritual teacher)

The Ueno country on Higashiyama Road is indeed the territory of the Uesugi family, but after all, it is not the core territory that the Uesugi family has been operating for many years; more importantly, the ten-room and nine-air Ueno country is lighter than the powerful Yanhuang family. Shie Uesugi has his own choice.

The Ida family with the following wild country as their family headquarters, I am afraid that their current strength is not as good as the Yanhuang family; even the Yanhuang family with more than 70,000 people in the standing army without Baifeng’s expeditionary army is still declining. The Ida family is strong!

If it were not for Bai Feng's departure from the Mu'ao Kingdom, Nanxin Zhixin, Sanada Changxing, and others were strictly prohibited from mobilizing peasants and soldiers. The Mu'ao Kingdom, which has more than 3 million people, can at least increase the Yanhuang family's peasants by more than 300,000.

More than 70,000 standing soldiers trained every day, plus more than 300,000 peasants who took up arms, not to mention the 150,000 coalition forces of the Uesugi and Ida families, that is, 300,000 invading troops, it is impossible to attack The Muao Kingdom of the Xiayanhuang Family!

The crux of the problem is that the Yanhuang family, which has more than 70,000 standing troops, can't easily mobilize the tens of thousands of standing troops staying in various countries in Mu'ao; all the troops that can be mobilized are concentrated in Gaoshuisi City and Bianshi Imperial Palace. More than 36,000 soldiers.

Even the Gaoshui Temple City and the Bianshi Imperial Palace where the more than 36,000 soldiers died, it was not something that the Uesugi and Ida family forces could conquer in a short time; even, the "Hokriku Warlord" Uesugi Kenshin, both In the hands of Sanada Changxing and Sanada Xinxing father and son!

There is such a bad experience, as long as the subsequent Yanhuang family sweeps through the Shita country and the torn country of the Ida family with a thunder; Bai Feng believes that after seeing the power of the Yanhuang family, Uesugi Kenshin will not choose to The Yanhuang family is the enemy.

Even if the Yanhuang family appeals to the Uesugi family of the Uesugi family and is as clever as a master such as Uesugi Kenshin, it will inevitably make the most favorable choice for the Uesugi family among a powerful ally and a territory of little value.

As for the Date family of the Masamune Date, without affecting the strength of the Uesugi family, the Yanda family rising from the Mutsu country replaced the Ida family of the Shigeno country and became one of the top ten families of the Daiwa Empire. It is not unacceptable.

But if the Yanhuang family marches out of the country, and the Uesugi family whose core territory is threatened, can it calmly accept the rise of the Yanhuang family? To be fair, if the same thing rests on himself, Bai Feng feels that he will not compromise.

The feathering country between Mutsuge and Echigo is not only the junction of Dongshan Road and Hokuriku, but also the only way for Echigo and Mutsu to attack each other; if it does not pass through the country, The distance between Echigo and Mutsu will be extended at least three times!

In view of this, in order to ensure the absolute security of Mutsu State, Bai Feng wants to win the feather country and completely eliminate the threats that may exist around Mutsu State; but for the Uesugi family, it is equivalent to hanging a head above their heads A sword that threatens the safety of their family at any time.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Yanhuang family and the Uesugi family who control the feathering country will control the strategic initiative of another family; the family that loses the feathering country will not only be strategically passive, but will also lose one from external interference. Of the rear.

With the wisdom of Sugishin, it is impossible for him to see the strategic value of the Yuzu country; in fact, it is the guardian of the Anton family who is currently the guardian of the Yuzu country, and the Anton family itself is the main vassal of the Uesugi family. One of the family!

From this point of view, once the Yanhuang family attacks the country, its nature is no different than declaring war directly against the Uesugi family; whether it is for the consideration of the strategic security of his family or the prestige of his family, Uesugi is not convinced. May sit idly by.

Attacking the Shimono Kingdom is an enemy of the Date family. Attacking the Hokuriku Kingdom will inevitably oppress the nerve-sensitive Hojo family and then commit evil with the Hojo family; at this time, if there is a conflict with the Uesugi family again, the Yanhuang family’s enemies will Too much.

Desperate to seize the feather country, and did not want the Yanhuang family to make too many enemies of Bai Feng without allies, staring at the colorful Yamato Empire map for a long time, and finally locked his eyes on Jiafei's Takeda family and Ozaki's origami Tian family.

Although Tokugawa Ieyasu, the head of the Tokugawa family, made his name subconsciously uncomfortable; but due to the special relationship between the Tokugawa family and the Oda family, and the current strength of the Tokugawa family, the Oda family is the place where Baifeng puts Potential allies in the eyes.

In line with the idea that the enemy's enemy is a friend, Bai Feng feels that his Yanhuang family and the omnipresent Oda family are not without the possibility of forming an alliance; you must know that the Uesugi family has supported the Ida family's seizure of Shinano, and it has been adopted by the major families of the Yamato Empire. Learned.

The Shinano country, which is extremely important in strategic position and easy to attack and defend, has one-third of the territory actually controlled by the Oda family; half of the remaining two-thirds of the territory is controlled by the Takeda family and half is still independent. status.

The families on the territory of Shinano Kingdom that are in an independent state are nominally independent forces, but in fact they are the puppet forces secretly supported by powerful families such as Uesugi and Ida; even the semi-vassal forces of the Oda family Tokugawa The family is involved.

This status quo, for Bai Feng, is a good opportunity to form an alliance with the Oda family; if it can be an alliance with the Oda family, on the condition that the Ida family is eliminated and the Oda family supports the unification of the country, That is the most beneficial to the Yanhuang family.

Bai Feng, who has been adhering to the concept of long-distance and close attack, insists that allies should choose farther away from their own forces, rather than close to their own forces; compared to the Uesugi family close to the Yanhuang family, the Oda family far from the Yanhuang family is undoubtedly more attractive to Baifeng .

Of course, Bai Feng can also choose to give up his ambitions for the feather country, and to ensure the safety of Mutsuo by having heavy soldiers stationed in the northwest of Mutsuo; in this way, he can avoid head-on conflict with the Uesugi family.

Anyway, the Uesugi family of the post-Vietnamese family, all of its core territories are coastal sub-states; as long as Bai Feng successfully wiped out the pirate forces on Sado Island and built Sado Island into the naval base of the Roman fleet in the Yamato Empire, the Uesugi family is the lamb to be slaughtered. !

In the stage of development and growth of the Yanhuang family to consolidate its strength, the ships of the Roman fleet can disguise as pirates on Sado Island and plunder the Uesugi family's coastal towns, on the one hand weakening the strength of the Uesugi family, and on the other hand hindering the development of the Uesugi family.

When the Yanhuang family and the Uesugi family meet one day to fight for northern supremacy, the Roman fleet from Sado Island can transport the Yanhuang family's army to the coast of the Uesugi family, and insert the deadly behind the Uesugi family. A knife!

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