Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1041: "·Login Plan"

We should not ask for anything from God. We can only tell. If we only ask, and only want God to realize his wishes after hearing his prayers, then I think that God has become a vegetable market!

-Arnold Elani (one of the most contemporary writers)

Standing on the top deck of the seven-column battleship Roma, looking at the warships and transport ships sailing behind, there was a melancholy white peak between Meiyu, and suddenly said: "Wendel, you also think I am right The penalties of those six captains were too heavy?"

"Governor, I think your punishment is lighter." Wendel, who looked serious, said meticulously: "The twenty captains deceived you without permission. According to the Roman City Military Law, they are to be expelled from the army. The lightest They must also be cut into ordinary soldiers."

"If it were not for you to send Mr. Hua Mu in time to take care of the sick soldiers, the soldiers who died due to the disease were unimaginable; if that were the case, the twenty captains who executed their own honors and ignored the overall situation would not Ever!"

As the governor of the Governor’s Guard, Wendell was able to say such a thing. Bai Feng was not surprised; compared to other legion chiefs who were more or less short-handed, the famous iron-faced selfless Wendell did indeed perform in this regard. Better than other army commanders.

This is not to say that Wendell is the kind of cold-hearted and ruthless person. On the contrary, hidden under Wendel’s unselfish mask is a heart that loves soldiers; otherwise, he will not be supported by all the soldiers of the Governor’s Guard And love.

There was a time when Bai Feng wanted to replace Wendell as the governor of the Governor's Guard with a self-growing system general; in any case, the Governor's Guard was Bai Feng's guard army, and he gave such an elite division to the system general The commander is undoubtedly more suitable.

As a result, after personally leading several system generals to the Governor’s Guard Barracks, Bai Feng discovered that Wendell was very much loved by the Governor’s Guard soldiers; and he himself really did it, and each of his soldiers Treat yourself as a loved one.

Thinking about this, he loved Bai Feng, his commander-in-chief, and smiled involuntarily on his face. Then he turned his head, looked at Wendel, who was serious, and asked him, "Windel, you still remember us The first acquaintance?"

"Governor Ende, I will never forget forever!" Wendel showed a hint of nostalgia in his eyes, and said with a rare emotion: "That time, if the Governor was generous and replaced by anyone else, I am afraid I have already been dragged out Beheaded."

"No, Wendell, you must always remember that as a patrol captain at that time, it is a matter of course for you to do your due diligence; during your patrol, as long as anyone dares to approach the barracks, you Responsibility and obligation to block."

"Follow the Governor's teachings!" Wendell held the long sword in his waist with his left hand and straightened his waist with his feet together.

"After the fleet reaches the coast of the Yamato Empire, I will use the Governor's Guard as the main landing force to launch an attack on Sado Island. According to the information we currently know, there are about 20,000 pirates on Sado Island. You are confident to take them down. Is Sado Island defending?"

"Governor, I need a detailed map of Sado Island, as well as our specific landing locations, as well as the distribution map of the pirates on the island; most importantly, Commander Nams’ fleet must ensure our landing, not Disturbed by the pirate fleet."

"You can rest assured about the pirate fleet." Bai Feng gave his promise: "The fleet under Nams will complete the annihilation and eviction of the pirate fleet off Sado Island within two hours before the landing. No pirate fleet will interfere with you."

"As for the detailed map of Sado Island and the distribution map of the pirates on the island, I have no way to give you these two maps; Sado Island, the lonely big and imperial homeland abroad, has always been a nest of pirate forces, and ninjas and criminals have never infiltrated. Go in."

"Governor, since our spies and ninjas can't sneak in, how can we know the number of pirates on the island?" Wendell wondered.

"The number of pirates on the island was not discovered by our spy from Sado Island, but from the Uesugi family of Echigo. Because the Uesugi family has a long coastline, there is some connection with the pirates of Sado Island. The situation is also understood."

Wendell hesitated slightly: "Does the Governor, the information obtained indirectly from the Uesugi family, will there be a big discrepancy with the reality?"

"There will definitely be in and out, but it will not be too big." Bai Feng explained: "Pirates on Sado Island live on looting, but looted stolen goods cannot be turned into food out of thin air; the secret trade between the Uesugi family and pirates is Sado The main way for island pirates to get food."

"Based on the scale of the trade detected from the Uesugi family, we have roughly estimated that the total population on Sado Island is about 100,000; after excluding a certain percentage of the old and weak women and children, the number of young and strong pirates remaining is about 20,000. No more than 30,000."

While listening to Bai Feng’s speech, Wendel silently calculated the strength gap between the enemy and ours. After Bai Feng finished speaking, he said: "Governor, Sado Island is the lair of the pirates. Our first wave of landings will inevitably be pirated. Crazy counterattack."

"If you have any requirements, I will try my best to meet them," Bai Feng promised again.

"Governor, I plan to divide the Governor's Guard into three, all the way to attract the attention of pirates for feint attacks, all the way to break the pirates' main line of attack to defeat the pirates, and all the way to the attack on the pirate's rear nest. "

"Yes!" Bai Feng agreed without hesitation: "The landing operation plan of the Governor's Guard is made by you. The specific landing location is selected by you. Nams will lead his fleet to cooperate with you and send your army to you. The landing point you specified."

After receiving the guarantee and support from Bai Feng, Wendell, confident in his heart, confidently said: "It only takes up to three days, and the Governor's Guard will definitely offer the Governor to belong to Sado Island!"

"Good!" Facing Wendell's self-confidence, Bai Feng laughed: "As long as the Governor's Guard can capture Sado Island within three days, all the captains of the post-war will be restored to their posts! In addition, the outstanding warriors can be Get another reward!"

"All the officers and men of the last Governor's Guard, Governor Xie has a big reward!" Wendell, who is holding the winning ticket, seems to have seen the dawn of victory.

After Wendell left the top deck of the Roman, Bai Feng returned to his cabin, wrote the matter he had promised Wendell on paper, and then sent Maxi to send a boat to the commander of the First Fleet on the Empire. Officer Nams.

Whether it is to destroy the pirate fleet of Sado Island, to ensure that the Governor’s Guard is not disturbed by the pirate fleet when landing, or to cooperate with the Governor’s Guard to land in three ways, it is not a difficult task for the powerful First Fleet.

Therefore, as soon as Nams received Bai Feng’s order, he immediately resolutely obeyed the order to ensure the completion of the task, and brought it back to Bai Feng through the guard who sent the order; after this matter was determined, Bai Feng began to be busy again. Other things.

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