Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1049: "·Army Landing"

You don't grow up when no one says "no" to you.

-Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (one of the most outstanding writers in the history of world literature)

After the dangling Roman First Fleet arrived off the port of Mutsu, the commander-in-chief of the commander of the Nams, the seven-story battleship, and the thirty-three battleships belonging to the fleet, did not go deep into the shallow sea, but Stay in the open sea to take on the task of alert.

The twenty double-row battleships belonging to the fleet are guarding the transport ship loaded with soldiers of various legions and arrived at the periphery of the port. To avoid the unruly Lusi warriors landing on the shore, they caused some unnecessary misunderstandings. The first landed was the horse The Sixth Roman Legion of Koos.

At the current size of Mutsu Port, only a maximum of four transport ships can be allowed to dock at the same time. This has to be said to be a torment for the hundreds of transport ships waiting in line at the port; even Bai Feng himself, After waiting for two hours, they decided to go ashore early.

Although the expansion of the Mutsu port is already the largest port of the Yamato Empire, the seven-row battleship like the Roman can’t stop in any way; the helpless Bai Feng can only bring his own generals, Take a boat to the port.

For a full two hours, out of the four Roman and three Longbow teams of the Sixth Roman Legion, only one Longbow and half of the Roman Union successfully landed; at this speed, I am afraid that it is only the first The landing of the Six Roman Legions will take ten hours!

Ten hours to land a Roman legion, two Roman legions will take twenty hours; plus two Lucy legions, each Lucy legion will take at least more than ten hours, the landing of four legions may require two Two days and two nights!

The Lucy Legion without a cavalry, although there is no need for a time-consuming and laborious cavalry landing, but the number of their legions is as high as 35,000, which is more than double the number of full-length Roman legions; in this way, Their landing speed will naturally only be slow but not fast.

After landing on the beach from the beach by boat, Bai Feng first ordered Sanada Nobuhiro who brought a large number of samurai to arrange personnel to assist the soldiers on the transport ship to land, and prepare hot meals and drinks, as well as fresh fruits for the soldiers who had landed.

The long voyage is a huge test for all soldiers, including Roman soldiers; if the long winds and waves make these soldiers tired, then they have not eaten hot meals and fresh fruits and vegetables. Physical state plummeted.

If these mental and physical fatigued soldiers recover their condition as soon as possible, provide them with hot meals to supplement their physical strength, fresh vegetables and fruits to supplement vitamins, and alcohol to relieve mental stress, it has become the most simple and effective method.

With the arrival of the Roman army and the army of Lucy, the soldiers of the standing army of the Yellow and Yellow Army, who are responsible for their tasks, can also free up the soldiers who have landed to assist in the landing; therefore, once arranged on Baifeng’s side, Sanada Shinfan’s side immediately Take the samurai back to arrange.

The 10,000 soldiers of the Yanhuang Standing Army who rushed to the port quickly could do nothing more than prepare meals, vegetables, fruit, and wine for the landing soldiers, or assist the landing cavalry to take down their horses.

Facts have proved that even if the cavalry landing the war horses, it is a difficult task for the soldiers of the Yanhuang Standing Army; because of some grumpy war horses, seeing a stranger approaching, they immediately lifted forward The hooves kicked the approaching person out!

When the Roman light cavalry of the Second Wing of the Sixth Roman Legion was on the shore, two Yan Huang standing generals who stepped forward to help lead the horse were kicked out by the slightly uneasy horse and fluttered away. Into the sea.

The Yan Yan standing soldiers who were busy next to him saw this situation, and all of them were rushed over immediately. Among the rushed soldiers, the one who could swim was to seize the time to take off his armor and jump into the water to save people. If he could not swim, he ran Stepped forward to control this horse.

The messy surroundings made this uneasy warhorse immediately panicked; the panicked warhorse not only kicked the rushing soldiers and soldiers who rushed up, crying and crying, even his own master He was kicked into the sea by him.

If it were not for the Centurion of the Roman light cavalry who came out in time to appease the mad horse, God knows how many chaos will provoke behind him; even so, among the dozen of Yan Huang standing soldiers who fell into the sea before and after One person was unfortunately killed.

No one wants to see such an unfortunate incident during the landing process; however, since the incident has already happened, what Bai Feng needs to do is to promptly remedy and take some measures to prevent similar incidents from continuing.

First of all, the unfortunately killed Yanhuang Standing Army General, Bai Feng ordered people to give him 10 times more than the Yanhuang family’s death allowance and give it to him, and personally ordered Sanada Xinfan to let him send the money to the family of the dead soldier. In the hands.

In addition, every Yanhuang Standing Army general who fell into the water was compensated with three months' worth of military supplies, and the Yanhuang Standing Army general who gave himself up to save people was rewarded with six months' worth of military supplies. This is Bai Feng's timely remedy.

Afterwards, in order to avoid the continuation of similar things, Bai Feng made the soldiers of the Yanhuang Standing Army only responsible for preparing meals, vegetables, fruits, and wine; the landing of the Roman Legion and the Lucy Legion was carried out by themselves, and no longer needed the assistance of the soldiers of the Yanhuang Standing Army.

Seeing that the landing speed of the army was slowing down again, Bai Feng, who came up with a new trick, ordered people to send orders to the transport ships that were still queued up at the end, so that the sailors on these transport ships should use the boats on board first. The soldiers landed on the beach.

All standard ships that survive in the Roman port, whether it is a transport ship with more cargo capacity or a more comfortable commercial ship, each ship is equipped with five life-saving boats; this kind of boat that exists for emergency, use It's just right to land on the beach.

After the first batch of 500 small ships carrying 500 second Lusi legionnaires successfully landed, the number of small ships departing from the second batch reached 100; obviously, there were already 20 transport ships, Participate in this small but fast landing.

After the landing speed of the army was significantly improved, Bai Feng, who was busy with other things, did not continue to stay in the port; on the way to the Yanhuang Standing Army Barracks, Bai Feng also ordered Sanada Xinfan to send people to Sanhu City, so that the southern faith should grasp Time to catch the flag.

The two Roman legions and the two Lucy legions that are about to land, the two Banner legions and two Aisini legions that will land later, and the Dragon dragon legion of Brono, all need a large number of Yanhuang Tangling flags from the Yanhuang family. Disguise, this is a necessary prop for the army to fight.

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