Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1064: "·Send a messenger"

Let the dead bury the dead. Since we have life, we should live and live happily.

-Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (one of the most outstanding writers in the history of world literature)

"The protagonist, the Oda family may not really dare to treat the emperor, but they will not take our Yanhuang family into their eyes; if our Yanhuang family is recognized and supported by the emperor, will the Oda family launch a campaign against The war of our Yanhuang family?"

"Adults in the South, if the Oda family dares to wage a war against our Yanhuang family, I can't guarantee the reaction of those families in the south, but the Uesugi family, the Hojo family, the Takeda family, and the top family in the north will not stand idly by. "

Facts have proved that Bai Feng's insight is very good. Sanada Shinfan is almost 20 years younger than Nanxin, and his experience and experience are naturally more than a star and a half. Even so, his strategic vision is more than that of Nanxin. Sharper.

Seeing Sanada Nobuyaki said what he was thinking, Bai Feng stood up directly, walked to the map placed in the conference room, and said to the Nanbu Shinji who was following: "The Oda family always wanted to control this place, why Slowly refuse to send a large army?"

Looking at the Shinano country pointed by Jiadu’s right hand, Nanxin directly replied subconsciously: "Because the Shinano country is the most important branch country of the geographical location of the empire, once the Oda family obtains the Shinano country, all families in the entire northern empire will Under the soldier's front of the Oda family."

"The military threat of the Oda family forced the Hojo, Tokugawa, Ida, and Uesugi families who had been fighting for many years to sit on the negotiating table; the four northern families that joined together were already an Oda family. Don’t dare to confront the powerful forces.”

Bai Feng got the answer he wanted to hear. He went on to say: "The southern monarch, the most important Shinano country in the north of the empire, is enough to unite the four northern families; then you say, the Oda family will Are we fighting against the Yanhuang family?"

"It must not be." The southern faith that finally responded suddenly realized: "If the Oda family wages a war against our Yanhuang family, then the northern families who feel threatened will not sit idly by, but will Join the war!"

After Minato Shinto finished speaking, Sanada Shin sidely added in a timely manner: "At that time, this war provoked by the Oda family will be completely out of the control of the Oda family, and it will become the Oda family deeply trapped and The quagmire that is hard to escape!"

"With the current strength of the Oda family, perhaps all the northern families including our Yanhuang family and the uppermost family add up, but they are not rivals of the Oda family, but what about that?" Bai Feng, who looks relaxed and confident, is confident. :

"No matter how strong the Oda family is, it is impossible to defeat the alliance of the northern families in a short time; the southern families also understand the truth of the cold, they can’t sit on the north of the Oda family and become the most powerful in the empire. Powerful."

"I dare not guarantee the Dayou family, Shimadzu family, and Ryojima family in the south, but the Maori family, which has borders with the Oda family, will not stand idly by; whether the Oda family wins or loses, the Maori family is bound to Will stab the knife behind the Oda family!"

"The protagonist, a sly hero like Mao Liyuan, will he easily join the battle?" Southern Trust still had some doubts about this.

"Southern monarch, Maori Yuan does have an unprecedented cunning, but that is just the way he expanded the Maori family, and it does not mean that he is really a timid person." Bai Feng said in affirmation: "He sent troops better than anyone else. How big is the profit!"

"If the Oda family wants to send troops to our Yanhuang family, they must be prepared to fight against all the families in the north. The army that needs to be mobilized also accounts for at least one-third of the total strength of the Oda family; in this way, the Oda family’s The rear will inevitably become empty."

"The empty Oda family in the rear does not have enough troops to resist the full attack of the Maori family; at that time, even if the Oda family is willing to negotiate with our northern family alliance, will the major northern families encounter such a rare opportunity? ?"

"Before the entanglement of our northern family alliance, after the Maori family's full offensive, is it possible for the Oda family to win two battles at the same time? I will not question the ability of Oda Nobunaga and the strength of the Oda family, But they will not believe that they are invincible."

Listening to the description of the family governor, Nanxin's eyes seemed to see the scene of the destruction of the Oda family in the war; Shinada Shinada, who still has a clear mind, raised doubts: "The protagonist, the Ruo Maori family attacked the Oda family. What about other families in the South?"

"Of course they would not sit back and watch the Maori family and our northern family join forces to divide the Oda family!" Bai Feng first glanced at Sanada Xinfan with satisfaction, and then said: "As long as they participate in the war, a melee that affects the entire empire will erupt. "

"On this scale of fighting, there are only two results, or all the families will die together, or there will be a lucky family taking the opportunity to unify the empire; no matter what the result is, the Oda family who took the lead in the war will not escape the fate. ."

After hesitating for a while, Nanbu Xinxin asked again: "Dr., is it possible for the Oda family to become that lucky family?"

"Not at all!" Bai Feng resolutely replied: "I am not a fool, Uesugi Kenshin is not a fool, Hojo Kashi and Takeda Shingen are not fools, and Mao Liyuan is not a fool; no matter how many families participate in the war, we will fight to death. Tian family!"

"Such..." Knowing that he didn't have the wisdom of the southern faith, he was relieved: "That's good!"

Bai Feng, who was disappointed with the performance of Nanbu Xinzhi, could only contemplate in his own heart: "Nanbu Xinzhi is not a talent like Sanada Xinfan, and it is normal to be afraid of the Oda family; anyway, leave him to be It’s more than enough to stay in a family."

"Princess, when will we send a messenger to Kyoto?" The southern faith, who had no idea of ​​Bai Feng's idea, returned to the original topic after calming down: "What kind of gifts do we need to give the emperor, and need the emperor How to support us?"

"Southern monarch, the gift to the emperor should be selected by you. It can be generous, but it should not be too generous." Bai Feng wrote lightly: "As for the request, our Yanhuang family should get the lowest one from Muaoshou and the Six Guards. The position of the subordinate official."

"The protagonist, the imperial power has been declining for hundreds of years, and it is not impossible for Lu Aosuke to become Mu Ao Shou; but the position of the second officer of the Six Guard House, I am afraid that the emperor will not easily give it, but this challenges the Oda family. The Emperor will certainly not do the bottom line."

"Southern monarch, you need to arrange two messengers instead of one." Bai Feng, who had planned for a long time, said righteously: "Sending the messenger to Beijing to meet the emperor is just the official practice of our Yanhuang family to replace the Ida family; sending the messenger to The Oda family is the key."

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