Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1074: "·Use Value"

If everyone only fought for his own beliefs, there would be no war.

-Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (one of the most outstanding writers in the history of world literature)

After leading his first victory squadron back to the outer sea where the main fleet was, Brent personally escorted Honda Yuma to the Empire by boat; during this period, he was shocked by the size of the main fleet. Yonghui Hui didn't even have the slightest resistance.

Watching his own fleet being easily annihilated by the enemy, Honma Honma had a very intuitive and clear understanding of the combat power of the enemy's double-row battleships and three-row battleships; and the 100 transport ships belonging to the first fleet, It became another powerful battleship in his eyes!

The two-row battleship and the three-row battleship, which are completely different in structure from the customs ship, are a completely strange warship to Yuma Honma; he does not know where these battleships come from, but he understands how powerful these battleships are. A transport ship that is so powerful that it is even more massive than the double-row battleship and the three-row battleship, has become an unfamiliar battleship with amazing fighting power in the eyes of Yumoto.

In particular, the flagship empire of Nams, the seven-tier battleship, but the powerful presence that shocked Bai Feng, who was used to the five-tier battleship; when the empire appeared in the field of vision of Honma Yonghui, the brain almost lost its thinking. For his ability, for the first time, he felt the huge gap between the strength of the enemy and the enemy. This is not the quality gap that quantity can make up!

The small catapult on the Deck of the Empire and the eight ballistas on the left and right sides of the ship's hull completely defeated Yonghui's mental defense. There was no longer a fluke in him. He was like a walking dead and was stunned by Bren. Several longbowmen under the special command pushed forward.

"Brent, you guys have good luck!" Griffin, the commander of the third squadron who came back one step ahead and smiled, teased him with a smile: "This war has just begun, you just snatched it We are the envious of the first merit!"

"Yeah, our fleet went out in a circle without any results. Your kid went out and wiped out an enemy fleet and captured their commander." Ai, the fourth squadron commander on the side Mal, also echoed: "Just against your luck against the sky, after you go back, you have to ask us to have a good meal; otherwise, we can spare you!"

"Brother Griffin, Brother Aimar, you two rest assured that after the war is over, I will definitely invite you to drink the best wine in the best restaurant!" Brent, who smiled broadly, said: " By then, we must not be drunk!"

"Okay! It's a word!" Griffin was originally a good drinker, and he smiled at Brent's commitment; but the calmer Aimar said, reminding Brent: "Brent, Commander The officer is waiting for you, so hurry and go first."

"Yes, those two brothers are busy, so I'll go to the commander first." Brent, who didn't dare to delay, left his longbowman in his place with his own Yonghui, himself. Then he left the deck under the leadership of two commanders and guards.

"Commander." After coming to the top deck of the Empire, Brent respectfully reported to Namshui: "Our first squadron just wiped out a fleet of pirates, and captured the leader of the Yumao Navy. This is the son of Kengo Kenma.

"Yamao Marines?" Nams frowned slightly: "The Sado nation on Sado Island is divided into three counties of Yumao, Kamo, and Wenta. This Yumao marine is a naval force in Yumao County, or a family of this family. Are you clear of the forces of the naval forces?"

"Commander Qi Yun, according to the description of the pirate captives, the Yuma-gun on Sado Island is ruled by generations of the Honma family, and the Yumao Marine Army controlled by the Honma family is the most powerful naval force on Sado Island. The second is the Kamo Water Army and the Naval Water Army."

"Then the scale and strength of the Yumao Squadron that you annihilated? What is the overall strength of the Yumao Squadron?" Nams nodded and continued to ask: "The Kamo Squadron, which is slightly weaker than the Yumao Squadron, What kind of family are you in control of the navy navy?"

"Commander Qi Yun, the Yumao Squadron, which was annihilated by some of my fleet, counted seven ships and sixteen small ships; the main force of the Yumao Squadron staying at the Yumao Port, three Anzhai ships, and a large ship. Eleven ships, sixteen ships closed, seventy-eight ships early."

"As for the Kamo Water Army in Kamo County and the Naita Water Army in Shita County, the character of these two armies is different from that of Yumao County in Yumao County; it is not the clan forces like the Honma family who control these two naval forces, It's a group of pirate leaders united for survival."

"In this way, the pirate forces on Sado Island are not monolithic, but are divided into three independent forces, right?"

"Commander, the pirate forces on Sado Island seem to have only three shares, but in fact it is far more than three shares." Brent, who prepared in advance, explained to Nams: "The family that controls the Yumao Navy, its internal family It is also divided into several factions, and the power struggle between the factions is fierce; the Kamo Water Army and the Childhood Water Army, which are loose alliances, are internally hilly and rarely can be unified."

"The faction within the family is very fierce?" Nams said sharply: "The Yonghui you captured, what use value he has, it is worth letting you bring him here to see me, just because Is his father Ken Yuma, the leader of the Yumao Marines?"

"The commander, as the leader of the Yumao naval forces and the governor of the Honma family, has four wives and nine sons, and one Honma Yonghui is not much; but the uncle of Honma Yonghui, but It’s the most prestigious sergeant Ito Yuheng of Hamo-gun.

"The most prestigious wise man in Yumao County does not mean that he can split the Yumao naval forces from Kenma Honma." Nams questioned.

"Commander, the Honma family is the ruling family of Yumo County, but it is not the only family in Yumo County. Similarly, the Yumao Marine Army is the most powerful naval force in Yumao County, but it is not the only naval power in Yumao County. The Ito Marines of the Ito family are typical."

"Himeo-gun, who is under the control of the Honma family, has a place. The naval strength of this Ito family should not be weak; I believe that the root of the Ito family is not their relative relationship with the Honma family, but their own. Good strength."

"The commander is wise!" said Brent, who immediately sent a fart, following the words of Nams: "Although the strength of the Ito family's navy is far from that of this family, it should not be underestimated. There are one house, seven ships closed, and thirty early."

"One house, seven ships closed and thirty early in the morning, so there seems to be no big gap between the strength and the Yumao Squadron that you annihilated." Nams looked to the distance and said: "This way Is the Ito family worth our time?"

"Commander, if we can conquer Ito Yuheng and his Ito naval forces through Yuma Honma, then Yumao no longer need us to deal with it by hand; if the operation is smooth, we will also get a The cannon fodder charged for us."

Nams, with a burning eyes, stared at Brent and asked, "Brent, how much confidence do you have to succeed?"

"His Commander, as long as you support, I have at least 60% assurance!" Brent said firmly.

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