Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1077: "·Existence of Marines"

There must be a life goal, a lifetime goal, a period goal, a stage goal, a year goal, a month goal, a week goal, a day goal, an hour goal, a minute goal.

-Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (one of the most outstanding writers in the history of world literature)

High efficiency has always been a typical label of the Roman army. Whether it is Nams’s first fleet or Wendel’s Governor’s Guard, it is naturally impossible to perform too badly in this regard; Wendel, who will give orders overnight Fifty elite warriors, thirty elite longbowmen, and twenty elite crossbowmen were selected to form the elite squadron that Nams needed.

In order to ensure that the fighting power of this elite squadron can be maximized, Wendell also deliberately transferred a captain he most admired to serve as the squadron leader of this elite squadron; the battlefield warrior Obuwano, that is the best of the Governor’s Guard One of the big captains!

The battlefield leader Obuwano personally led the team. The combat squadron of 50 elite warriors, 30 elite long archers, and 20 elite crossbowmen, no matter how powerful their combat power is, it is no longer necessary. Language is used to describe redundantly.

Before handing this elite squadron to Brent, Wendell proudly said to Brent: "Commander Brent, our 100-member squadron of the Governor's Guard, is definitely stronger than a thousand pirate sailors. Weak, I hope you can use good steel on the blade!"

"Your Excellency Wendell, please be assured that we will not disappoint you and the commander's expectations!" Brent, who is very different from Wendell, spoke very lowly and did not have him in Nam Hee ha ha in front of Si.

This is the rules of the city of Rome. As a squadron commander of the First Fleet, Brent can not pay too much attention to etiquette in front of his direct commander; but he is in front of other generals with the same status as his direct commander , You need to pay attention to etiquette.

The sparse night of the moon star did not affect Brent’s actions at all. He used the rescue boat on the Empire to transport the 100 elite warriors led by Obuwano to his flagship; fortunately, there were no prisoners left on his flagship Otherwise, the elite warriors could not be tolerated.

Even so, the three-row battleship, already equipped with 150 long archers, became full with the arrival of the elite warriors; because the pirate captives will be released tomorrow morning, so tonight Lent still needs to do some preparation work.

The so-called preparation work is that Brent intends to let the captain archers of the captives take advantage of the night to carry out an "ideological education" of the captives who will be released; use this "ideological education" to give these Yumao naval forces The sailors left a relatively deep impression.

Throughout the middle of the night, the intermittent screams from the four double-row battleships made Yoshimoto Honma standing side by side on the flagship deck with Brent feeling creepy; he didn’t even dare to imagine the sailors under his own What kind of torture is being suffered.

After a sleepless night passed by, the 435 Yumao Marines captives on the four double-row battleships, all of whom looked awkward with two eyes; but what surprised Yukimoto Honma was that There are no scars on the faces and bodies of these sailors!

Under the smirk of the sailors and longbowmen of the double-row battleship, Yuma Honma was embarrassed to ask the sailors under his command, what did they encounter last night; the only thing he can do now is to say that there is no one. Listen to nonsense.

It should have been a warm release conference, and finally died in the death of the Yumao Marines, and ended in an extremely awkward way; Yonghui, who did not stay on the four double-row battleships for half an hour before and after, panic Returned to Brent's flagship.

Brent, who expected to achieve his goal, laughed in the heart but comforted Yonghui, so that he did not have to care too much about these non-competitive sailors, as long as he was loyal to the Yanhuang family and made great contributions to the Yanhuang family, he would definitely be able to do so in the future. The commander is more elite in the Yanhuang family army.

In this regard, what can I say other than the promised promise of Hiroshi Honma? In all fairness, from the most powerful competitor of the Honma family to the **** of the Yanhuang family, how could there be no hatred in Yongma's heart?

It's just that the Yanhuang family is so strong that the suffocating fleet makes him dare not show the slightest dissatisfaction and hatred; even the hundred guards provided by Brent'good intentions' for him, he accepted with a smile Without any refusal.

Of course, it’s not just Yonghui who is painful about what happened on this day; the Aimar Fleet, which is responsible for blocking the sea off the Wing Tai County, and the Babster Fleet, which is responsible for blocking the sea off the Kamo County, have done a great deal of self-effort. The navy navy and Kamao navy.

The navy naval forces and Kamo naval forces jointly formed by various small forces are originally loose alliances of foreign powers and medium forces. The number of fleets that patrol the sea and the sea daily as pirates is certainly not small; it is ridiculous that these bear the name of the fleet At the head of the pirate force, there are generally only three or five small ships in a fleet and a closed ship as the flagship. Occasionally, some fleets do not even have closed ships, only a few small ships.

Faced with enemies of this size, Aimar’s fourth squadron annihilated all the navy navy patrol fleets outside the navy and navy inland seas without any effort; Amar, with good luck, even captured three ships Close the ship and eight small early morning.

As for the fifth squadron that blocked Kamo’s offshore and Kamo’s inland seas, Babbost, who had no mercy, did not capture any of the Kamo’s warships; The five-point fleet sank into the sea.

It is no exaggeration to say that in this one day only, the overall strength of the Sado Island Second Marine Corps, second only to the Yumao Marine Corps, was sunk by a third of the warship, and completely lost the juvenile The control of the outer sea and the naive inner sea has been reduced to the presence of naval forces in the shrinking port.

The Kamao navy, which suffered even more losses, and all the pirate leaders who dared to challenge the fifth squadron had already brought their warships to the bottom of the sea; the cold-blooded and ruthless Babst did not even salvage the captives, but let it go. The pirates sank in the sea after struggling with half of the pay.

After this battle, the total number of warships on Sado Island fell by at least a quarter, and the remaining three-quarters were distributed in the hands of the forces of Yumao, Kamo, and Shita. They have become a naval force and are not enough to stop Rome. The fleet escorted the Governor's Guard to land on Sado Island.

The reason why Nams has not ordered his fleet to **** the Governor’s Guard for landing operations is because he wants to win the most complete Sado Island with the least casualties; after all, in the future Sado Island, but insist on becoming a Roman Of the city’s overseas naval base.

No one will not cherish their own wealth, and Nams is no exception; now Sado Island has been regarded by him as the chassis of his first fleet, he rightfully wants to regain the Ito navy and some Yumao navy first , And then launched a formal attack on Sado Island.

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