Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1088: "·Fleet Return"

Ideal means a beacon, without ideal there is no firm direction, without direction there is no life.

-Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (one of the most outstanding writers in the history of world literature)

Nams, who wanted to kill all the people of the Honma family, considering that Yuma Honma was also a member of the Honma family, after all, he did not kill the Honma family; more than one hundred Honma families Ten of the old, weak women and children have not been killed because of their relationship with Yonghui.

Of course, Nams’s benevolence is limited. In addition to the ten lucky ones left by Yuma Honma, there are more than one hundred people in the Honma family and all the people in the Nanyun family. All were ordered to be executed locally by Nams.

The Honma family and the Nanyun family declared the annihilation, and the Governor’s Guard also completely controlled the three Sado counties. Knowing that their first fleet continued to stay on Sado Island, Namus, who had no great effect, led the loss of the first squadron of the first squadron. The fleet set sail back to Mu'ao.

The joint fleet jointly commanded by Ito Yuheng and Yuma Honma has now become the only naval fleet on Sado Island; it was formerly jointly guarded by the three naval forces of Yumao, Kamo and Naoto Sado Island should now be guarded by the joint fleet.

The established strategy of the Yanhuang family is to manage Sado Island as the overseas military base directly under the Roman city, that is, the Roman city uses the naval blockade to control the bridgehead of the Yamato Empire; but the main fleet of the Roman city cannot be permanently stationed on Sado Island, because The future enemies of the Roman city are no longer barbarian forces that do not even have warships, but the forces of the Tianlong Empire, which have a stronger overall strength in the navy than the Roman city navy!

In the Roman city with a limited number of naval battleships, the military focus at this stage is on the Yamato Empire. Only then did the soldiers of the first navy fleet come to Sado Island; when the military center of Rome in the future will be transferred back to the Dragon Empire, At that time, let's not talk about the first fleet of Nams, even if the Roman city only sent a squadron to station on Sado Island, it is a matter of reason.

In this way, to ensure the absolute safety of Sado Island, Rome City must have a sufficient number of garrisons and a strong naval fleet on Sado Island; Wendel and Nams are the senior core of the city of Rome The general is also the executor responsible for the specific implementation of the Sado Island strategy in the Roman city. The army of Obuano and the fleet of Ito Yuheng are the Sado island garrison they deliberately cultivated.

The army of Obuwano organized by the Ito family's standing light and samurai has absorbed the warriors and standing light of dozens of large and small families in the Yumao, Kamo, and Shita three counties, and the total strength has reached the limit. Inferior to more than 10,000 people in the Governor's Guard.

An army of 1,500 warriors and 9,800 standing troops, supplemented by 100 elite Governor Guards as intermediate tactical commanders; such an army will not be inferior to Yamato in terms of combat effectiveness. The standing army of any overlord family in the empire.

Not to mention the newly established joint fleet (Sado Marines), the overall strength of the navy fleet consisting of five Anzhai warships, eight large customs vessels, nineteen customs vessels, and 74 small early ships It's not much worse than the Kumano Marines ten years ago.

Comparing Ito Yuheng of Satoru Island with Megatron and the Nine Ghosts of the Empire, the former is indeed less famous than the latter by more than one star, but there is no comparison between them. Who can know the result?

With the support of the Oda family, the Kumano navy of Nine Ghosts Kalong can develop into the first navy of the Yamato Empire; the Nojima navy of Bukitami Murakami can develop into the second navy of the Yamato Empire with the support of the Maori family; The Sado Marines, who are about to receive the full support of the Yanhuang family, may not have the possibility of growing into the top three powerful naval forces of the Yamato Empire.

However, a truly powerful naval fleet relies not only on the quantity and quality of warships, unless it is the contrast between the Roman warships and the Yamato warships that opened the gap of the times, or like the Nanyun Zhongwei annihilation The one-fleet fleet is pushed hard by quantity; otherwise, the strength of the fleet commander's personal ability is definitely one of the most important factors that determine the combat effectiveness of the fleet.

Although Nams himself recognized Ito Yuheng's ability, Nams was not qualified to determine the status of Ito Yuheng in the Yanhuang family; the appointment of Ito Yuheng and Yuma Honma, Obuwa For the future of the Nuosuo army and the joint fleet, both Nams and Wendell have the right to make recommendations, and everything must be decided by Bai Feng personally.

The First Fleet, carrying the Governor’s Guard soldiers and the grain and materials needed for the battle, was full of various loot from Sado Island when returning; it has to be admitted that the accumulation of Sado pirates over the centuries is indeed It is a pretty amazing astronomical figure.

During the reunification of the Yanhuang family, the Yanhuang family continued to destroy the spoils of the Spo family and the Tsugaru family, and all of them were less than one-fifth of the Sado island loot. To 200,000, within 10 years, Bai Feng does not need the funds of the Yanhuang family to support the army of the Yanhuang family!

In fact, when the First Fleet returned to Mutsu Port, the 100 transport ships loaded with loot did not immediately call the port to unload the spoils on the ship. Instead, under the **** of the two squadrons of the First Fleet, they directly turned their direction. Set sail for the port of Rome.

Before sending the First Fleet and the Governor's Guard to secretly attack Sado Island, the reason why Bai Feng did not inform the officials of the Yanhuang family was that he did not want to let him secretly control the Sado Island by anyone or any force.

If the First Fleet was allowed to unload their loot from Sado Island at Mutsu Port, the Yanhuang Clan’s capture of Sado Island would soon be spread; after all, many of the loot seized by the First Fleet were Sado pirates from Looted from the sea fleet.

These treasures, which obviously have the colors of other families, once appear in large numbers in the Yanhuang family, as long as the other families, especially the families of Uesugi and other families close to the Yanhuang family, are not stupid, they will surely associate the Yanhuang family with the Sado pirates. go with.

Perhaps no one in the family would think that the Yanhuang family wiped out the Sado pirates and occupied the Sado island that was originally occupied by the pirates; but as long as the Yanhuang family was connected with the Sado island, Bai Feng’s layout on the Sado island would be nothing. significance.

In order to avoid this, the spoils seized by the First Fleet and the Governor's Guard on Sado Island were directly ordered by Bai Feng and returned to the city of Rome. At the same time, Bai Feng also sent a flaming sword Saint to Namus to order him strictly. Do not take anything on Sado Island ashore!

With Bai Feng’s explicit order, Nams will naturally not do anything that violates the order. Even he originally intended to dedicate a sword that was seized from his family to the village, and he was left in the empire. The number was not brought with me.

This is the Murakami sword that the Honma family has inherited for more than 100 years. It was the stolen goods that the Honma family robbed from the Uesugi family before the rule of the Yuma-gun. It was also one of the Utsugi family’s trustees; such a special loot is Bai Feng ordered something within the scope.

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