Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1144: "·Rewards and Awards"

Book, this ordinary process that we are accustomed to, is actually a process of combining people's hearts with the great wisdom of all nations from ancient times to modern times.

——Gorky (former Soviet proletarian writer, founder of socialist realist literature)

The report of Anton Kazhong who captured more than 14,000 generals of Uesugi Generals and more than 15,000 most senior generals in the battle of Canggutang City, Yubu Weixin captured more than 35,000 generals of Uesugi Generals in Yuzawa City, The battle reports of more than 26,000 generals were sent to Bai Feng's hands almost simultaneously by the ninjas of the Yanhuang Ninja Army; at this time, An Dong Jiazhong and the messengers sent by Bu Weixin were still running halfway.

Using the fast channels of intelligence organizations to deliver front-line battle reports to the family has always been Bai Feng’s usual method; in fact, whether it was Bu Weixin’s deployment in Yuzawa Castle, or Anton Kazu’s deployment in Hase Valley Hall, their every move was affected. Bai Feng looked in his eyes.

Looking at these two battles from the perspective of Jiadu, Bai Feng undoubtedly appreciates the performance of Anton Jiazhong in Hasegutang Castle; but the surrender of the uppermost family city owner and the Liutian family has a lot of luck in it, so Yufu Wei Xin's performance did not disappoint Bai Feng.

It is not wrong to obtain the greatest results at the smallest cost. If it can be done, it is naturally better, but it is definitely not something that every general must pursue; because in this world, most battles are **** And cruelty, bloodshed and sacrifice are inevitable. Kindness and kindness are the excellent qualities that a good person should have, and they are also extra qualities that a general should not have.

It was clearly acceptable to capture Yuzawa Castle at the cost of nearly 7,000 soldiers killed and more than 4,000 soldiers injured; in other words, Yu Buweixin’s performance was not as good as Andong’s loyal rumors, but he also worked hard. It is worth praising Bai Feng.

For the two loud battles received on the front line, Bai Feng rewarded the **** warriors with three rewards: First, the pensions of all fallen soldiers were tripled on the original basis, and the soldiers who could not return to the battlefield due to injuries caused the retired soldiers. The work is arranged by the family.

The original normal pension of the Yanhuang family is one soldier per death, and his family can receive thirty consecutive pensions, or ten years to receive five annual pensions; such a generous pension is actually already a family More than ten times the death benefit.

It should be known that in families other than the Yanhuang family, the maximum amount of pension for each fallen soldier cannot exceed two. The pension is only for standing soldiers, and those temporarily recruited militia are not included in the pension.

This time Bai Feng will triple the number of soldiers who have made great contributions in battle. This means that the families of the fallen soldiers can get at least 90 per cent of the pension, and the most can get 150 per cent. Pension money, this money is enough for most ordinary families to live for a lifetime. The Yanhuang family has really made the fallen soldiers worry-free.

As for the soldiers who were disabled or disabled or returned to the barracks, the Yanhuang family generally arranged for them to work as government officials in various cities, making them also the enjoyment of the victory of the Yanhuang family, so as to inspire Other soldiers.

Second, all the soldiers participating in this battle can get an opportunity to exchange land for fighting; for example, a long gun that kills one enemy can be used as a weapon, and he can use his fighting power to kill five acres of land in the Ueno country. It is ten acres to kill the enemy, and so on.

In order to avoid the embarrassing situation of creating countless landlords overnight, each foot can only exchange for a maximum of 20 acres of good land, the foot of the light group is 30 acres, the foot of the light will be 40 acres, and so on; redundant For the merits of war, one killer can earn five consecutive bonuses.

Considering that a large number of soldiers haven’t had time to kill the enemy, the war is over; Bai Feng issued a command in his own name to reward the whole army, that is, every soldier who participates in the war can get money from the family supervisor regardless of the military merits. Special bonus!

With only these two rewards, the Yanhuang family has to pay nearly two million yuan for this purpose; for such a huge sum of money, no family in Daiwa Empire can take it out, including the territory that is far more than the Yanhuang family’s. The Oda family and the Maori family.

But all the problems that can be solved with gold coins are not a problem for Baifeng, which is a relying on the Roman city system; Baifeng, which can exchange treasury funds for real gold and silver anytime and anywhere, even if it is a 20 billion yuan bonus, he has Can get out of your teeth!

In fact, the number of gold coins in Bai Feng's Bailing ring is not less than 10 million, and a gold coin with a tens of grams of gold is equivalent to one or two golds in the Yamato Empire; then the price factor is included in the two The value of one million copper coins will not exceed two million gold coins.

With two million gold coins, how could Bai Feng put it in his eyes? The rich and wealthy Bai Feng did not know that only his two award orders today made the Yanhuang family the most prestigious giant family in the Yamato Empire; as the object of reward, the standing army of the Yanhuang family became countless homeless warriors. Desperately wanting to join the army, joining the army has even become the hottest thing for the Yanhuang family.

Thirdly, all the Yanhuang clan generals joined the war. Under the premise that their positions are temporarily unchanged, each of the generals under the rank of Shida will be promoted to one level, that is, the head of the light team will be promoted to the general of the light, and the general of the light will be promoted to the general of the guard, but there is another one. The premise is that they are strong enough.

According to the practice of the Yanhuang family, the head of the light team is generally served by experienced foot soldiers or low-level samurai who have been in the army for more than five years. The general foot soldiers need to have the strength of intermediate samurai at least. The minimum strength level of the generals is the senior samurai.

With the release of Bai Feng's commendation order, the head of the squadron with the strength of the intermediate warrior state will be promoted to the squadron general, and the squadron with the strength of the senior warrior state will be promoted to the sergeant general; this means that the military Will promote a large number of mid-level generals.

The mid-level generals at the rank of generals are only one step away from the high-level generals at the rank of generals. More importantly, there are not many generals who have the strength of super warriors in the Yanhuang family army; in order to avoid too many senior generals in the army, Bai Feng There is also a bonus for the generals of the rank of generals, that is, each general can get a spacious house in a three-family city and a bonus of five hundred.

Careful people can find that the three award orders issued by the family governor are all directed at ordinary soldiers and low-level generals; all senior generals and generals of the army have no specific award arrangements. This is clearly to wait until the war is over. Praise!

Just as the unpublished punishment measures are frightening, the unpublished rewards are unprecedentedly anticipated; even Yubu Weixin and Anton Kazu from the Shogunate are unlikely to be vulgar in this regard, because they are also There is a strong heart and humanity.

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