Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1149: "·Precursor of melee"

A protagonist must be a genius, but genius lies in self-confidence and in his own strength.

——Gorky (former Soviet proletarian writer, founder of socialist realist literature)

The conditions imposed by Oda Nobunaga did not actually cause any adverse effects to the Yanhuang family who are fighting the Uesugi family, the Ida family, and the top family; on the contrary, the Oda family’s actions have effectively helped Yanhuang family.

The Uesugi Kenshin sent a northward sneak attack army and a southward reinforcement army. From the formation of the army to the marching route, Bai Feng had a detailed and abnormal understanding; the outstanding performance of the Yanhuang Ninja Army and the Yanhuang Spy Army provided a reliable and reliable military deployment for the Yanhuang family Intelligence support.

The 50,000 troops of the Uesugi family heading north, even with the full support of the Yuma Tosawa family and the Onoji family, did not have the opportunity to enter Oshu; because the Haba’s Dabaosi family and Anton family have signed an alliance with the Yanhuang family. protocol.

The Quanshan Standing Army stationed in Ishikawa City, a major town in northern Austria, has been supplemented by recruits. It now has a full army of 20,000 troops. The Quanshan Standing Army, which has no commander in chief, is inevitable whether it is after the reinforcement of the feathers or the defense of northern Austria. Feeling weak.

According to the offensive and defensive alliance agreement signed by the Yanhuang family with the Dabaosi family and the Anton family, the Yanhuang family must send more than 50,000 troops before the general of the Yanhuang family can serve as the commander of the coalition; otherwise, the commander of the coalition army will be served by the Anton family superintendent Anton Aiji. .

As the family with the strongest overall strength among the four major families of the Emperor, the Anton family is the most qualified to be the commander of the coalition except the Yanhuang family; the Yibao of the Dabaosi family, the family governor of the Dabaosi family, did not compete with Anton Aiji for the commander of the coalition. Idea.

This aspect is determined by the strength gap between the two families. On the other hand, it is because An Dong Ai Ji’s personal strength is also much stronger than that of the Dabaosi Yishi; therefore, the generals sent by the Yanhuang family have no special warriors. Strength, it is also difficult to be competent commander.

Before receiving the letter from Nobunaga Oda, Bai Feng had dispatched the First Aisini Corps of Nardoba to Ishikawa City in northern Oshu; the 25,000 soldiers of the First Aisini Corps, plus temporary The Quanshan Standing Army of 20,000 soldiers under the unified command of Nardoba, and 45,000 Yanhuang family soldiers will be under the command of Anton Aiji to help the Anton family and the Dabaosi family defend the feathers.

The reason why Bai Feng willingly gave the position of commander of the coalition to An Dong Ai Ji was not because the Yanhuang family did not need the position of commander, but because the purpose of the Yanhuang family was only to help the Anton family and the Dabaosi family guard the feathers.

There is an old Chinese saying that it is easy to send gods to send gods; sending 45,000 troops to Yufeng’s Baifeng, he neither had his family’s army plan to help the Anton family and the Dabaosi family counterattack Yu, nor did they let them withdraw empty-handed. Family ideas.

The so-called offensive and defensive alliance agreement is that Bai Feng used the hands of Uesugi, Tosawa, and Ono Temple to achieve the goal of the Yanhuang family after annexing the feathers; before this goal was reached, the Yanhuang family's army would not enter the territory after the feathers. Leave easily.

Having figured out how to nibble Bai Feng after annexing the feathers, he has not had time to implement his plan. Even the army of the Nardoba Department has not yet left Ishikawa City. The changes in the empire have led Bai Feng to produce new ideas and an emergency military order. Then it will be sent to Ishikawa Castle.

Since the Nobunaga Oda tacitly approves that the entire northern empire is the hunting ground of the Yanhuang family, then Bai Feng will not waste such a good opportunity in vain; anyway, as long as there is the Oda family in the front, the Tokugawa family responds from the side, the situation in the northern empire Just under the control of the Yanhuang family.

According to the latest information sent back by the Yanhuang Ninja Army and the Yanhuang Spy Army, there should be four forces that allow Nobunaga Oda to make a commitment at the same time; in addition to the Yanhuang family, there are the Longzhu Temple family and the Oda family of Hokkaido. The vassal Tokugawa family, and Sado Island forces.

The Longzao Temple family as far away as Hokkaido and the Tokugawa family who take the Takeda family as their combat targets will not affect the northern strategic layout of the Yanhuang family; the only Sado island strength that may affect the strategic layout of the Yanhuang family is actually already Part of the Yanhuang family.

The combination of various factors that are conducive to the Yanhuang family makes it impossible for Bai Feng’s ambitions to be limited to the Ueno, Xiaye, and Hitachi countries; the current military deployment of the Yanhuang family is: a large army commanded by Bu Weixin and An Dongjiazhong. The soldiers divided into four ways to kill the Quartet in the territory of Ueno, and the army commanded by Lucurus had already attacked the city in the territory of the permanent land and will soon be killed in the territory of the country.

The army commanded by Nardoba, who was stationed in Ishikawa Castle, was ready to enter the feathers, and formed a coalition with the Dabaosi family army and the Anton family army; the last thing left was the Marcus Department still in the three households. And Willet Office.

Although Assam’s Second Lucy Army Corps was already on the way back to the Three-House City, there were more than 40,000 people who needed to receive the reorganized top army and more than 60,000 Uesugi Army prisoners of war. The Second Lucy Army Corps There are no more than 20,000 soldiers who have the opportunity to return to the battlefield to join the battle.

In addition, among the three standing forces, the Sanada Standing Army stationed in Gaoshui Temple City and the Iwashimizu Standing Army stationed in Bianshi Imperial Palace, and the Nine Households Standing Army, only a certain number of veterans are in the standing army. The other two standing troops are all pure recruits. The army formed will not be much stronger than the peasants of other families, so Bai Feng has no plans to let them go to the battlefield.

As for the Roman First Fleet, Sado Marines, Governor's Guard, and Sado Standing Army on Sado Island, there was an invitation letter from Nobunaga Oda to the forces of Sado Island. Bai Feng was ready to let the Sado Marine Army and the Sado Standing Army send troops to Vietnam. Seize Viet Nam before Yuchai Hideyoshi.

As long as the Sado Standing Army can control the Yuezhong, the Yanhuang family army can fight from Yuhou to Yuezhong all the way, and then turn the Sado Standing Army into a justified Yanhuang Family Army under the name of the collection, controlled by the Sado Standing Army Yuezhong will naturally be included in the Yanhuang family together; in this way, Noto, which is almost surrounded by Yuezhong and the sea, will also be in the Yanhuang family's pocket.

Hago, Yuqian, Echigo, Yuezhong, Noto, Ueno, Shimo, and Hitachi, all of these eight areas once became the territory of the Yanhuang family; then, even if there are the restraints of Tokugawa, Takeda, and Hojo in the north of the empire, Yanhuang The family will still become the third family of the empire.

If the Oda family and the Maori family can be defeated in the battle, then the Yanhuang family is not the third family of the empire; then, the Yanhuang family supported by the powerful city of Rome, may not become the unified Yamato Empire Super family.

Although the reunification of the Yamato Empire by force was originally the established strategy of the Yanhuang family, Bai Feng did not expect this day to come so suddenly; according to his initial expectations, it would take at least a decade or so for the Yanhuang family to have the power to unify the Yamato Empire .

However, since the opportunity comes, Bai Feng will never miss it; because, the dawn of victory has already appeared in front of him!

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