Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1156: "·Landing Operation·Next"

The most important thing is that we should be kind first, followed by honesty, and again, never forget each other in the future.

——Dostoevsky (excellent representative of Russian literature, one of the most complicated and contradictory writers in the history of Russian literature)

The Light Cavalry Brigade and the Auxiliary Cavalry Brigade directly under the Seventh Legion each have five teams of cavalry. Each of the four wing groups under its jurisdiction has a Roman Light Infantry and a Roman Auxiliary Cavalry. It is the mobile power in the hands of Lucurus.

The Gezi army actively attacking in the temple pool just appeared on the edge of the battlefield. The nine teams of Roman auxiliary cavalry who swiftly moved rushed over; the cavalrymen threw the javelins in their hands, curbing the progress of the Gexi army. Hold them in place to defend.

The Patriarchs of Pacers who had stopped, while their entire attention was focused on defensive javelins, the roaring nine teams of Roman light cavalry stormed into their array; not suitable for frontal Roman light cavalry , Easily ripped the Kasai army's defense.

Nine teams of Roman light cavalry charged back and forth, and nine teams of Roman auxiliary cavalry shot round and round. The Geshe army, an assault force composed of two thousand elite and light troops, only insisted on less than twenty minutes to declare the destruction, and the Seventh Army won They attacked the first victory of Sichi City.

The loss of less than thirty horses killed more than 500 enemies, and captured more than 1,400 enemies. The cavalry won a lot of victory; even Lukurus, who has always been a tribute to his soldiers, is right. The two cavalry centurions who returned to life expressed their appreciation.

Seeing the cavalry soldiers killing the enemy on the battlefield, the infantrymen on the city wall struggled harder and harder; the Roman heavy infantry built a "horizontal wall" of four or five people on the city wall, and defended the defending soldiers. Divide into dozens of small battle groups.

The flexible and light Roman youths cooperate with each other to strangle the divided Kasai army, especially those who are struggling to organize the defense of the soldiers on the spot, and are the Roman youths. Focus on the target.

The death of a large number of foot-light heads and foot-light generals has caused the morale of the defensive Gessi army footmen to decline very quickly; on the contrary, it is killing the increasing number of enemies of the 7th Legion, and their morale is becoming more and more aggressive. The speed is getting faster and faster!

With only the last two thousand standings left in his hand, he did not commit himself to battle. He wanted to personally lead the army to reinforce the defenders on the city wall. How could Governor Kasai Qingxin not give him a chance at all; he decided to live and die with his own city. Qingxin, let Yasushiaga always lead the last defender in the city to retreat into the city, and be ready to fight with the enemy troops who have entered the city to the last moment!

As a majestic warrior known for his bravery, Yasuo Changchang would rather die on the city walls by himself, rather than take the soldiers under his command to win a bigger street battle; because this city is the capital of their Kasai family and countless Kasai The home of generals!

The battle on the city wall was finally over. The soldiers of the 7th Legion, who had won the victory, waited for the captives of the Roman Light Infantry who climbed the wall to take their captives. Fight **** battle.

The Gezi soldiers who occupied the ground and the people and advantages in the street battles always launched unexpected attacks, causing quite heavy casualties to the unexpected 7th Army soldiers. Obviously, the Gexi army soldiers underestimated the 7th Army soldiers Their cruelty.

The repeated attacks, while causing heavy casualties to the Seventh Army Corps soldiers, also angered the Centurions of the Seventh Army Corps; from the first wooden building occupied by several Kasai soldiers, they were burned, one after another. The dwelling house was burned, and the brutal fighting spread to the people in the city.

Ignite the house occupied by the Kasai military generals, open the way with the Kasai family of people in the city, kill the prisoners of war to intimidate the other defending military generals, the 7th Army Corps generals who have done everything they can, and force the unbearable fighters to take the people and kill them. .

Even Yasushige Chang, who possessed the strength of a special warrior, was unable to persevere for a long time under the siege of a large number of Roman heavy infantry and the Roman youth army; although Yazuki Shige was already dead, the defending defensive beliefs were not attacked. The battle is still going on tragically.

This fierce street battle lasted for four or five hours before it was declared ended. With the destruction of two thousand Kasai soldiers, there were also one-third of the houses in the city and one-sixth of ordinary people; the final moment of the battle, Ge Xiqingxin personally ignited his Tianshou Pavilion.

Even if the Temple City was about to become a ruin, Lucurus left two thousand southern generals standing in the city; this time, after seeing the heavy price paid by the Seventh Army for the siege, Southern Truly gave Lukulus Has no more dissatisfaction and resentment.

The Seventh Army, which had killed nearly a thousand soldiers, spent two full days under the temple pool before continuing to march to the last heavy city of the Kasai family, Sanuma City. It was learned that the Kasai family had been destroyed in the temple city. The Cheng Migu family did not wait for the 7th Legion soldiers to come under the town of Sanuma, they made a decision to return to the Yanhuang family.

For the Migu family who surrendered actively, Luculus first left two thousand southern standing army soldiers stationed in the city of Sanuma according to the usual practice, and then let Migu Changzhong of the Migu family lead the entire army of Sanuma City to the Hanamaki City together with the Seventh Army March.

The Yoneya family who didn’t even have the qualification to refuse, all of the standing resources of their families scattered around the towns of Sanuma within one day were all gathered outside the city of Sanuma, plus the defenders in the city of Sanuma, the reserve of the Yani family The total number of light is up to six thousand.

The army, mainly composed of the Seventh Army, supplemented by the 3,000 soldiers of the southern standing army and the 6,000 soldiers of the Migu army, set off on the second day of the march to the Hanamaki city of the barnyard family; at the same time, Brono’s Tamron The legion also successfully captured the famous city of the capital of the Osaki family.

The reason why Brono can use his own strength to take down the famous city of famous people gathered by the Tenglong Army is not the Tenglong Army, but the arrogance of Esaka, Osaki; the Tenglong Army, which is standing still outside the city, gave Osaki Long had enough time to expand his army and prepare for war.

As a result, after expanding a 50,000-scale army with thousands of standing soldiers and temporarily recruited peasants and soldiers, the self-confident swollen Yizaki Osaki actually wanted to take the initiative to attack the Tamron Corps that broke the city; just like this, one Li Fangniu, Yi Yulong Zhen, Sifu Longxiu, Nanjo Takinobu, and Miyazaki Takashi and other generals of the Osaki family, each led 10,000 troops out of the city to launch an attack on the Tamron Army.

Even if there is a three-to-one strength gap, the Rising Dragon Legion still uses actual actions to let Yoshilong Osaki understand what is called a gap; in less than six hours of **** battle, the death of 50,000 Osaki troops is more than 15,000, but the casualties of the Rising Dragon Legion One thousand three hundred!

On the battlefield, the Tamron Corps, which captured the five generals of the Osaki family, followed the defeated army into the city, and captured Osaki Yoshito who was watching the battle on the city wall; after the Osaki family declared its destruction, Brono left the standing army of 5,000 soldiers in the south. Shengcheng watched the prisoners of war, but he himself led the Tenglong Legion to the last strong city in the territory of the mainland, the capital of the barnyard family, Hanamaki City!

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