Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1159: "·The Battle of Yuyu·Shang"

In realists, it is not miracles that produce faith, but faith that produces miracles.

——Dostoevsky (excellent representative of Russian literature, one of the most complicated and contradictory writers in the history of Russian literature)

Nobunaga Oda's price for the Longzao Temple family is the whole of Hokkaido; as long as the Longzao Temple family's governor, Longzao Temple, Longxin can contain part of the Maori army in Hokkaido, after the war, Hokkaido is the Longzao Temple family Yes, this is the promise of Oda Nobunaga in black and white.

It is quite normal for the spy family of Hokkaido, the Longzaoji family, the Shimadzu family, and the Oto family to insert some spies and other spies among each other; but no one thought that a small surname beside Longxin Temple Longxin , Actually an agent of the Shimadzu family!

Nobunaga Oda, who was supposed to be an absolute secret, wrote a letter in person. After reading Longzao Temple's long letter, let the small surnames around him be burned immediately. Coincidentally, the small surnames that served around Longzai Temple's long day just happened to be There is this spy from the Shimadzu family.

The content of this top-secret personal letter was thus known to Shizuzu's family governor Shizuzu Yoshihisa; after learning the content of Nobunaga Oda's promise to Ryusoji Ryusoji, Shimadzu Yoshihisa was surprised and angry without delay , Immediately informed the Dayou family and the Maori family.

On the occasion of the confidence-building and expansion of the war in Takushino, Tatsuzu, Yoshihide Shimazu, Otomi Zonglin, and Mao Liyuan held a secret meeting between the three housekeepers at Nagato; as a result of the meeting, the Shimadzu and Otomi families agreed Join the coalition of the Maori family organization, and promise that as long as the army of the Longzao family attacks the Maori family, the army of the Shimadzu family and the Dayou family will attack the Longzai family.

The price paid by Mao Liyuan for this was to mobilize two batches of military materials to the Shimadzu family and the Otomi family for free. After the war broke out, the Maori family also had to pay the Shimadzu and Otomi families 200,000 yuan each for military expenses. To help the two families expand their troops.

Is a batch of military supplies worth 150,000 yuan and military expenses of 200,000 yuan worth the Shimadzu and Otomi families fighting for the Maori family? The answer is naturally no, Yoshihiko Shimadzu and Zong Lin, the big friends, they are more concerned about the interests of their families.

Why did the Shimadzu family, the Oto family, and the Māori family form a targeted alliance after learning of the secret alliance between the Oda family and the dragon-making temple family? In the final analysis, it was Oda Nobunaga's commitment to the Takinosuji Temple, which seriously jeopardized the interests of the Shimadzu and Otomi families.

If Hokkaido really becomes the Hokkaido of the Ryuji Temple family, how should the Shimadzu family and the Otomi family, who are also the overlord family of Hokkaido, manage their own lives? If people do not have far-sightedness, there must be near worries. Shizuzu Yoshihide and his big friend Zong Lin dare not take the risk of their family's life and death to take risks.

The alliance with the Maori family is the only choice for the Shimadzu family and the Otomi family; knowing that the other party can only choose the Maori yuan in alliance with their own family, it still satisfies the two conditions proposed by Shimazu Yoshihide and Otomi Zonglin. It is the wisdom of Mao Liyuan.

The actual production cost of military materials worth 300,000 yuan will not exceed 200,000 yuan, plus 400,000 yuan of solid military funds, the Maori family exchanged 600,000 yuan, but the Shimadzu family and the Dayou family have the least Two hundred thousand troops help each other.

As long as the Shimadzu family and the Dayou family waged a war against the Longzao family, the Maori family had no worries on the one hand, and on the other hand, two additional powers were added; when the Longzai family was destroyed, the Maori family chariot was already tied Can the Shimadzu and Otomi families escape the war between the Maori and Oda families? From the moment of joining the war, no one can end the war unilaterally.

The housekeepers who thought they had a good abacus, everyone was preparing for the interests of their families; as time passed, the Maori family had more and more troops assembled at the border, in order to gather on the front line More troops, many of the Maori family's territories far away from the front line, even the soldiers and soldiers who were guarded by soldiers, did not stay, and all were ordered to move to the front line by Maori Yuan.

The Maori family sitting on Sanyin and Sanyang, the territory is surrounded by the sea on three sides, there is the Murakami naval forces of Bukit Muruki, no family navy can threaten the rear hinterland of the Maori family; the only way is to use the geographical advantage to sneak into the Maori The Longzu Temple family in the family territory has been pinned by the Shimadzu family and the Oto family, and Maori Yuan, who has no worries, has only retained a reserve of 30,000 in the family capital.

The horrid Maori and Oda Army may fight a life-and-death battle at the border anytime, anywhere; this battle, which will determine the ownership of imperial hegemony, is also the first decisive battle in the history of the Empire with millions of troops!

The unreserved Oda family met the nesting Maori family. The sky above the middle of the empire was no longer the haze of war, but the dark clouds of death and destruction; even the vultures flying from time to time were done Ready for a full meal!

Nobunaga Oda, who has not issued an offensive order, still has some inexplicable Maori yuan, they are all waiting for news from the side of Hokkaido; but the former is hoping that the army of the dragon-made temple family is like a broken bamboo. The latter is to destroy the Longzao Temple family.

The smell of gunpowder is everywhere in the middle of the empire and the west of the empire. The war has not yet been officially launched. Another war has broken out in the north of the empire, which has been in a state of fighting. The place where this war broke out is Tsurugaoka, the capital of the Dabao Temple family after the feather. city.

Because of the commitment of Oda Nobunaga, Bai Feng added Marcus’ Sixth Legion to Ishikawa Castle; with the addition of the Sixth Legion, the Yanhuang Family Army after the rescue of the feathers, the Quanshan Standing Army and the First Aisini Corps 1. Three troops of the Sixth Army, with a total strength of more than 60,000.

The chief of the Sixth Army, Marcus, is the highest commander of the Yanhuang Army and the commander of the coalition forces formed by the Yanhuang Family, the Dabaosi Family, and the Anton Family; the 150,000 coalition army of the Uesugi Family, the Tosawa Family, and the Ono Temple Family, The day after crossing the border to enter the feather, Marcus led the Yanhuang army under his command to enter the feather from north to south, and set the coalition meeting point in the Anton family's Du Cobalt city.

According to the original alliance agreement, in addition to the 60,000 troops of the Yanhuang family, the coalition army should also have the 40,000 troops of the Dabaosi family and the 60,000 troops of the Anton family; but the reality is that after the order of Marcus’s assembly was issued, the Dabaosi family Of troops did not come.

The governor of the Dabaosi family, the Yishi of Dabaosi sent an explanation letter to Marcus. The content of this letter was not so much an explanation as a request for help; the 150,000 Uesugi coalition army headed north, and the Dabaosi family was the first to bear the brunt The territories of the Dabao Temple, where the family’s interests are of the utmost importance, could naturally not allow the army of his family to converge on the north. On the contrary, he also demanded that the Yan and Huang forces should go south as soon as possible.

The self-assertion of the Yoshishi of the Dabao Temple, the Anton army general, Langgang Xiancun, who has led the army from the cypress city to the Du Cobalt city, just said a few words casually, and he did not care about it; it was Maku. Sri Lanka condemned the Dabaosi family very seriously.

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