Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1178: "·Decisive Battle Xia·Xia"

Humans should be clear in wisdom, morally innocent, and physically clean.

——Chekhov (Russian critical realist writer and master of short stories in the late 19th century)

With the covert assistance of the left-headed snake family, the Yanhuang Ninja Army's penetration of Lifu City was very successful. More than 100 Yanhuang Ninja Ninjas were lurking in the Lifu City; the two leaders who led the team were sent to Hanbuzo Lean City's lean confidant.

It is with the assistance of the ninja that the family members and warriors of the left-behind family can successfully control 20,000 peasants and soldiers; otherwise, with the family members and warriors who have not been involved in the army for two decades in the left-behind family, how could they control 20,000 like fish and water What about peasants?

On the night that Brono led his soldiers to Lifu City, one of the Yanhuang Ninja soldiers quietly sneaked out of Lifu City and came to the barracks of the Tamron Corps; after learning all the conditions in the city, Brono immediately formulated A siege plan that should be combined inside and out.

In order to complete the siege plan, the defenders controlled by the left-behind families in the city must launch an attack against the defenders of Bai Shizong at noon tomorrow; and this attack must not have any connection with the Tamron Corps outside the city. , Can only be fighting inside the city defenders.

This means that left-behind Yutai must join hands with the family members and warriors of the left-behind family to provoke a battle against Baishizong without concealing his father's left-behind left-behind. Army, this time can not help.

The most important part of Brono’s siege plan is to use the sound of the left-behind family army to achieve the purpose of the Yanhuang Ninja Ninjas hitting the west; therefore, when the left-behind family army and Bai Shizong broke out in battle At that time, the Yan Ninja's Ninja had other important tasks.

The arrival of the Yanhuang Army outside the city made Bai Shizong Shi, Liu Xianzong, Xuanchang Yuanshi and others feel the crisis; so that Bai Shizong Shi and Liu Xianzong temporarily put down their contradictions and began to negotiate how to Join forces to deal with the Yanhuang Army's siege.

The Ida family's step-by-step pressing, the years of repression by Bai Shizong, all of which have failed to change the thinking limitations of left behind Xianzong; even if it is an open battle with Bai Shizong, what Zhuangzong wants to get is not to strengthen itself. After the strength of the family was separated from the Ida family, all he wanted was to get the recognition of the Ida family and the respect of the governor Ida Zhengzong, nothing more.

When the high-level officials in the Lifu city discussed the joint matters, the left-behind Yutai who learned from the ninja and his family officials and warriors formulated a rather rough but simple and crude provocation plan, which was used to trigger the garrison in the city. conflict.

The morning of the next morning when the Tamron Corps soldiers were in Lifu City, a'hangover' warrior of the left-behind family brought fifty farmer soldiers loyal to the left-behind family, and wobbled into the standing barracks of the Shiraishi Sect , And unscrupulously scolded Bai Shizong in front of the barracks.

If Bai Shizong was in the barracks, perhaps he could avoid the outbreak of conflict. Without Bai Shizong's sitting in town, would the standing troops in the barracks tolerate the humiliation of dozens of peasants and soldiers? The furious standing footmen rushed out of the camp door with sticks.

Where are the barehanded peasants and soldiers who are the opponents of the standing foots with sticks? The peasants and soldiers who are beaten up and down really want their parents to give them two extra legs to let them escape quickly; only that name The drunken warrior greeted him without fear.

The samurai is not a peasant soldier. A dignified samurai can never keep his saber away from himself; when the club of standing footmen hits him, the enraged samurai directly pulls out his saber and slashes in an attempt to continue Hitting his standing is essential.

From the first standing foot who was stabbed to death, the chaos at the entrance of the barracks went out of control; the standing foot who hurried back to the barracks rushed out with their rifles in the next second, and the bruised face was swollen. The peasants and soldiers hurried back to find helpers.

From the fighting of hundreds of people to the fighting of hundreds of people, to the **** battle of thousands of people, the barracks between the standing army and the left-behind family peasants and soldiers quickly upgraded and expanded; but in more than 20 ninjas Under the interception, no one could go to Tianshou Pavilion to report to Bai Shizong and others.

When Bai Shizong, who was discussing in the Tianshou Pavilion, waited for someone to hear the movement and noticed an abnormality, the standing foot and the peasant soldiers who joined the melee were no less than 20,000; to control the situation, Bai Shizong and the left behind Xianzong took the guard together The samurai went straight to the barracks.

At the same time, nearly a hundred ninjas came quietly to the east gate away from the barracks, and began to attack the standing soldiers who defended the gate and the peasants on the wall; three minutes later, the standing guard against the gate The foot light was cleared, and the gate was opened by the ninjas.

As soon as the city gate was opened, the soldiers of the Rising Dragon Regiment and Infantry Wing, who were ready to fight in the barracks, immediately rushed to the city gate under the command of their respective captains; followed closely by Teng Long The longbowmen of the two longbow wings of the legion.

The wall was not yet completely wiped out by the ninjas, and it quickly collapsed under the charge of the Tenglong legionary soldiers who rushed to the wall; after a while, the wall was occupied by the two longbowmen’s long archers, and the other fighters They continued to march into the inner city.

When they arrived at the city of Baishizong and the left-behind Xianzong, who were always standing at the gate of the light army barracks, the two men just wanted to separate the two armies in the melee, and more than ten ninjas were killed at the time of Baishizong; , But was pulled aside by his son Yuta, who was left behind.

At this moment, the left-behind Yuta no longer concealed her relationship with the Yanhuang family in front of her father; the left-behind Emperor Zongzong, who was dumbfounded, only sighed deeply after a moment of silence, and then personally commanded the left-behind family's importance Sprint forward!

When he was besieged by ninjas and his soldiers were attacked by the left-behind Emperor Zongzong, he mistakenly thought that he was placed by the left-behind Emperor Xianzong of the White Stone Sect. When he was angry, he could only order his footsteps under his command not to show mercy , Be sure to kill all the traitors left behind!

The battle between the Shiraishi Department and the left-behind family peasants and soldiers did not last long. After the soldiers of the Tenglong Army entered the city, they captured the Tianshou Pavilion and captured Xuanchang Yuanshi. , Ended the dogfight with crushing resources.

The peasants and soldiers of the left-behind family were rudely pushed aside by the soldiers of the Tenglong Legion. The standing of the Shiraishi Sect was fully subjected to the most violent and violent attack by the soldiers of the Tenglong Legion. He fell under Brono's long sword.

Brono, who has always disliked the charge of the formation, rarely slashed the leader of the Lifu City defender Bai Shizong once. When Bai Shizong died, the morale fell to the trough of more than two thousand people. The soldiers raised their hands high under the offensive.

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