Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1201: "·Silk is behind"

I have only three allies, one navy, one army, and one air force.

——Putin (current President of Russia)

"Princess, the number of Uesugi troops here is wrong!" Hanzo Kurobe suddenly appeared in front of Bai Feng with a quick tone.

"How much worse?" Bai Feng's complexion instantly became dignified.

"The Uesugi Army attacking Danban City only has 50,000, and the Uesugi Army intercepting General Willed also has only 50,000." Shen Yin moments, Hanshin Hansheng added: "When the Uesugi army surrounded Danban City five days ago, it was true It’s 200,000, and now 100,000 are missing."

"One hundred thousand army is not a small number, it is impossible to hide it, and immediately go to investigate the whereabouts of this Uesugi army."


Before waiting for the departure of Hanbezo, Bai Feng asked again: "The size of the Uesugi Army has suddenly dropped by half. Why didn't Nardoba find out?"

"Princess, the military camp of the Uesugi Army is built on a scale of 200,000, and the food prepared every day is enough for the 200,000 army."

"The name of Uesugi Kenshin's military **** is truly well-deserved."

Shortly after the departure of Hanbezo Hattori, a horn sounded suddenly from ten miles east of Danban City! With the sound of the horn, the countless jungles behind Bai Feng rushed out of countless people wearing uniforms of the Sugi family!

No matter how heavy the Uesugi army was behind, he could not attract Bai Feng’s eyes, because his eyes were on a hill; the man on the top of the mountain wearing a white samurai sword and a samurai sword was a famous emperor. 'Northern Army God' Uesugi Kenshin!

"The subpoena, Willet continues to lead the army forward, must block the Uesugi army in front."

"The subpoena, Liu Tian Xiongcheng, Tiantong trust, Muto Tatehu immediately led the army to turn around and face the enemy behind."

"The summons, Aooka Shinoka and Inoue Kisawa immediately led the troops to withdraw from the battle, rested in place to prepare for reinforcement at any time."

"The subpoena, Nardoba must defeat the enemy who attacked the city within an hour, and then lead the first Aisini army out of the city to reinforce."

One order after another was conveyed by the herding soldiers. The severe situation caused Bai Feng to frown tightly. Fighting the tiger was not defeated by the tiger. Uesugi Kenshin, who did not bear the name of the military god, gave Bai Feng a good strategy. class.

"Princess!" Hanzo Kurobe, who rushed back again, reported breathlessly: "A ninja found traces of members of the Uesugi family at the port of Mishima-gun, and there was also a large-scale navy and various warships. No less than one hundred ships!"

"Now that they have found their trail, they can't escape." Bai Feng, still calm, ordered calmly: "You immediately send someone to Yuezhong's Sheshui Port to order, letting Ito Yuheng lead the Sado Marines to attack Intercept Uesugi Marines at sea!"


"The army led by Uesugi Kenshin should have no more than one hundred thousand. You continue to send people to check to see if he has hidden troops."


A keen instinct is often more reliable than ambiguous information. Bai Feng has always trusted his instinct; the specific number of the Uesugi army that has been surrounded by mountains and fields cannot be calculated with the naked eye, but the intuition tells Bai Feng that the Uesugi army has no ten Million soldiers.

After receiving Bai Feng’s order, the three wing teams of the Roshino Yushin Institute, who entered the battle at the latest, were the first to leave the battle and then withdrew; when they re-arranged, they faced an enemy army that was ten times their own. The standard offensive formations are listed!

The Tiantong Trust Department and Muto Tiehu Department, who left the battle immediately afterwards, withdrew left and right to the two wings of the army of the Liutian Xiongcheng Department and began to prepare for battle; except that the formations listed by their two forces, It is no longer an offensive formation but a defensive one.

The Chinese army has an offensive formation and the two-winged defensive formation. Such a deployment is extremely risky; if the troops under the leadership of Yuta Yuta fail to form an effective offensive, they will fall back with no time to adjust the formation, and eventually take the two-winged army together Defeated.

However, if the Chinese army of Yuta Yuta formed an effective offensive and suppressed the offensive of the Uesugi army, then this extremely risky deployment would build an unbreakable line of defense and block the attacking Uesugi army from the line of defense. .

As soon as the Tiantong Trust and Muto Tachibu Headquarters were lined up, the Uesugi Army shouting the slogan of charge was rushed over; after the left and right wings were ready to fight for the defense, Liu Tian Xiongcheng also led his Chinese army to launch Charge.

The leading soldier of the six fields, Yuta, took the twelve warriors in his army and rushed towards the enemy troops who were rushing towards them; the Chinese soldiers who followed them saw that their masters would be so brave and fearless. Morale is naturally ferocious!

In this head-to-head battle against Maimang, the new army soldiers under the command of Liu Tianxiongcheng are no better than the generals of the Uesugi army, but their fighting will is firmer and their morale is more high.

"Kill!" The six Yuta Yukagi, who cut down four Uesugi's troops in a row, screamed incomparably.

"Kill!!" The twelve warriors who were charged side by side with Liu Tian Xiongcheng, three have fallen forever, and the remaining nine are still brave.

"Kill!!!" The high military intentions of the Chinese generals broke out, even the Uesugi Kenshin on the top of the mountain looked at him.

"Saito Jun, what is the status of this army among the Yanhuang clan?" Uesugi Kenshin turned around and asked Saito Zhaoxin.

Saito Zhaoxin, who is in charge of information management, said bitterly: "Principle, this is a new army newly established by the Yanhuang family."

"How could a new army have such a strong combat power?" Uesugi Kenshin looked directly at Saito Shinshin's mind.

"Princess, this is a new army formed by prisoners of war. Its soldiers are mainly from the uppermost family and...and...our family!"

"You mean, our family has been taken lightly, and now it has become a new general in the Yanhuang family, and it is so brave?"

"This...Yes." Saito Zhaoxin, who dare not speak bluntly, had to tell his protagonist the facts.

Saito's expected anger did not appear. After a long silence, the expressionless Uesugi Kenshin sighed: "After all, my Uesugi family is not as good as the Yanhuang family, and this non-war crime is not the same. , All I can do is nothing."


"No need to say more!" Uesugi Kenshin robe waved: "There is no family that will last forever. Since God is like that, whoever will end my Uesugi family will pay a heavy price!"

Looking at the Yanhuang family governor who was still in the middle of the two battlefields in the front, Uesugi Kenshin ordered the Saito letter: "Send someone to send orders to Gao Lizheng Lai, so that he must block the Yanhuang army to support the army, even if the whole army No matter what you do!"


Bai Feng, who withdrew his gaze from Uesugi Kenshin, ordered Bai Yi and others around him: "Did you see the man in white on the top of the mountain? You go and grab me back, remember not to hurt his life." "

"Promise!" Bai Yi, who was in charge, immediately leaped forward and went straight to Uesugi.

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