Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1212: "·Subsidiary Attached"

There are three kinds of egoists in the world: one egoist wants to live and let others live; another kind of egoist wants to live but does not let others live; the last egoist does not want to live Live, let others live.

-Turgenev (Russian 19th century critical realist writer, poet and playwright)

The march of the army was not very fast. One step in advance, he took his personal guard to return to the Mito Castle, and met three Uesugi Kenshin, the most Uetsugi, and the Masamune Date in the city; the highest status of the three was Uesugi Qian It is believed that the most recalcitrant is the Masamune Date.

With Uesugi Kenshin's surrender coming first, the most supreme Yoshihide and Date Masamune finally chose to lower their proud head; for this, Bai Feng paid the price to give them the same treatment as Uesugi Kenshin, that is, rule in Rome Create a new city for them in the area.

The three governors chose to surrender, and some of them came to persuade the prisoners of war, and they easily changed the status of the prisoners of war. This is a great thing for the Yanhuang family, who has always lacked military ministers, but it is a good thing in the snow. New conditions.

The city of Uesugi, the uppermost city, and the city of Ida to be built in the ruling area of ​​the Roman city, although nominally a vassal city of the city of Rome, are actually independent cities of three major families; together with the three major legions to be formed, they The demand for home officials is very large.

After some discussion and negotiation between you and me, Bai Feng agreed in principle that the three men selected a group of officials from their group of officials to take away, but they had to agree to two prerequisites: first, only a limited number of officials were allowed to be taken away ; Second, they must let their remaining officials loyal to the Yanhuang family.

Knowing that these three people are already the most generous, after all, they didn’t get any more; they didn’t want to force Bai Feng, who was too much, to give Uesugi Kenshin eight official seats, and most of the six official seats for Yiguang and Date Masamune. At least half are generals.

Because Bai Feng’s establishment for the Uesugi Corps, the Supreme Corps, and the Ida Corps is a corps of 50,000 soldiers, and the 150,000 troops of the three corps will fight for the city of Rome on the battlefield sooner or later, so Bai Feng wants to ensure the combat effectiveness of these three legions.

In the end, the eight officials selected by Uesugi Kenshin in his family were: Ujo Shojo, Seisho Shi, Saito Asahi, Yasuda Changxiu, Yamaji Toyohori, Honjo Shojo, Oishi Gangyuan, Gao Lizheng Lai is a famous general of the Uesugi family.

Yusami Dingman, Shizaki Jingjia, Zhijiang Jinggang, Gancao Jingchi, who are known as the four kings of Uesugi, no matter how they argue and quarrel, but Bai Feng did not give him any one, who made these four talents. The core of the Uesugi Regiment is.

Uesugi Kenshin, who has a deep affection for Usamei Dingman and the other four, knows whether he will leave them anyway, but also lowers his posture, begging Bai Feng to be kind to them; this is what I thought Bai Feng, he agreed without hesitation.

In addition to the four kings of Uesugi, among the family members of the Uesugi family, Bai Feng’s eyes can also be seen, that is, the eight people are: Jinjin Yijiu, Xinjin Yimen, Sugihara Pro-Xian, Chisaka Qingfeng, Nakajo Fujiki, Yamamoto Jing Long, Su Tianman, Qingjing Inoue.

The six priests chosen by the Date Masamune in their regiments are: Ishida, staying in the political scene, Date Grand, Date Masamori, Genri Sect, Ghost Court Zuoyuezhu, mainly based on the Date family. Bloodline members are the main members, and outsiders have only one ghost court, Zuo Yuechu.

It’s not that Date Masamune didn’t want to take away Ghost Court Tsunamoto, Katakura Kojuro, Goto Shinko, Yayoi Yasuo, Endo Kishin, Shiraishi Shoji, Xuanchang Yuanshi, etc., but Bai Feng’s life and death If you don't let go, it won't give the Masamune Date a chance to take them away.

The Ida family also has two unrecognized but exceptionally capable officials. One is Suzuki Motobu, who has built a complete financial structure for the Ida family, and the other is the long-term support of the other families for the Ida family. These two people are particularly valued by Bai Feng.

The uppermost family that has almost been hollowed out by the Yanhuang family and the officials who can be taken away by the most Shangyiguang, that is, Aoki No.1, Ito Nagaji, Nakajima, Nomura Ji'an, Hayami Suiku, Horida, six others, and other officials It is basically impossible to go with him.

These are not the 20 most outstanding courtiers. Bai Feng allowed the Uesugi Kenshin and other three to take them away. The remaining Baifeng did not allow them to take away the courtiers belonging to these three families. They will be personally persuaded to persuade them.

After dealing with the affairs of these three families, Bai Feng had to personally persuade a group of officials who were captured from other families; for example, the three heroes of the Kasai family, Miyoshi Sanya and the three people of the Kashiyama, and the Ichiro cows of the Osaki family. All are talents.

Among the captives, the three most respected Baishan people in Baishan are actually the easiest to persuade. The weakness of the three brothers of Baishan Mingzong, Baishan Mingchang and Baishan Mingjiu is their father Baishan Mingji. As long as Baishan Mingji is willing to descend, they will naturally follow The effect of the Yanhuang family.

It seems not easy to persuade the descendants of Migu, Migu and Yiqi Longzhen, etc. In fact, it is not very difficult; even the only one who is more difficult to persuade, Yili Gaoniu, clearly expressed his willingness to loyal to the Yanhuang family. Compromised.

After spending several days to persuade the war prisoners he valued one by one, almost all the messengers Bai Feng sent to Hitachi, Ueno, Shimo and other places came back; between the head of the military division and the local guard, Sanada Changxing and Yan Qingshui Yijia chose the latter.

Kyuhu Kangzhen and Southern Truly chose the former not because they were not interested in power, but because they really knew nothing about internal affairs; instead of doing things they would not do for the sake of power, they might as well develop in the military. Is the reason.

Several of them made their own choices. In response to their choices, Bai Feng also made new adjustments to their positions; Southern Truly and Kurodo Kangzhen were ordered to return to Gaoshui Temple City with their troops, and Sanada Changxing was officially appointed For the Ueno Taishou, the Iwaki Kiyomizu Religious Church was officially appointed as the Shigeno Taishou, and the army of the two of them will return to Gaoshui Temple City under the command of the brigade commanders.

Yanqingshui's righteousness was originally a temporary priesthood of Hitachi, but was eventually appointed by Baifeng as Shimo's priestly guardian, mainly because Hitachi is more important than Shimodo; Transferred to Shigeno as a souhou.

The three countries of Echigo, Yuezhong, and Hitachi have a large area, a large number of people, and a high number of stones. In addition, the two fronts and the rear feathers, and the newly captured Noto, the six countries still lack six guards, if not Bai Feng recruited a number of nominees, and I am afraid that he didn't even have a suitable candidate.

Even if Bai Feng now has enough capable officers to be appointed, the appointment of a country's princes still needs to be cautious; for this reason, Bai Feng also deliberately held a family evaluation meeting in the three households, even in Sado. Kangcheng of the Ministry of Service was called back to participate in this conference.

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