Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1217: "·Army Planning"

Ah, youth, youth! Perhaps all your wonderful mysteries are not in being able to do everything, but in wanting to do everything.

-Turgenev (Russian 19th century critical realist writer, poet and playwright)

The second half of the evaluation conference was basically a banquet conference. All generals who made achievements on the battlefield received the personal praise and material rewards of Bai Feng. The other family officials who belonged to the Yanhuang family received a sum of money. Settlement fees.

Even Tian Tiantai, who has not been reused by Bai Feng and has been in a semi-retired state, has received a thousand awards; after all, he is the old writer of the Yanhuang family, even if Bai Feng never waits to see him, at least respect And treatment still has to be given to him.

As soon as the appraisal meeting was over, the other twelve sub-national guards, except Nanshin Shinji and Sanada Katsuyuki, left Mito Castle directly and went to serve; the fourteen sub-national defense generals, such as Taketo Tatego, went south to the high. Water Temple City, where they formed their respective armies.

The Uesugi Legion of Uesugi Kenshin, the Ida Legion of the Masamune Date, and the most supreme legion of Yoshihikari are all formed by the prisoners of their respective families. Among them, the army of the Uesugi family is far more than 50,000. Not even one hundred thousand.

Bai Feng gave Uesugi Kenshin the condition that he was allowed to pick 50,000 soldiers from the Uesugi family's army to form the Uesugi Legion, and the remaining Uesugi family soldiers would have to rush to Gaoshui Temple City and merge into Yanhuang, which is about to be mixed and reorganized. Family army.

In addition to the more than 70,000 generals of the Uesugi family, the total number of troops assembled by the Yanhuang family in Gaoshuisi city will be as high as 320,000. This does not include the Sado Corps that has been restored to its full capacity; The Sado Legion is an army to be taken back to Rome by Bai Feng.

In the previous series of wars, the Aisini Corps, the Lucy Corps, and the Roman Corps all suffered considerable losses. More than 40,000 barbarian warriors and 5,000 Roman soldiers died in the battlefield. Such casualties are even to the current Rome. For the city, there is no small loss.

Due to the loss of the army, the support of grain and grass, and the input of capital, Rome City paid too much for the development of the Yanhuang family; therefore, now that the Yanhuang family is becoming stronger, it is the turn of the Yanhuang family to feed the Roman city.

Just like the colonial era on earth, the British Empire invested troops and money to open up colonies, and then let the colonies feed back to the British Empire and promote the development of the British Empire. When necessary, the colonial army was the cannon fodder of the British Empire on the battlefield.

To a certain extent, the relationship between the Roman city and the Yanhuang family is the relationship between the homeland and the colony; the early stage was the investment of the Roman city to the Yanhuang family, and in the future it will be the Yanhuang family's feedback to the Roman city. This kind of feedback will not only be economic. Up.

The various agricultural products and cash crops cultivated by the people under the Yanhuang family do need a continuous supply of Roman city, but this is not the Yanhuang family's free provision of Roman city, but the mutually beneficial trade between the two parties.

The Yanhuang family exports commodities to obtain gold and silver currencies, and the Roman city exports gold and silver currencies to obtain commodities. Both parties occasionally have barter transactions; such trade exchanges can not only promote the commercial prosperity of the Roman city, but also promote the Yanhuang family. economic development.

The pure trade is not the Yanhuang family’s support to the Roman city. Bai Feng’s formation of the Sado Legion and the temptation to surrender Uesugi Kenshin and others are the real backfeeds. Among the 190,000 troops, the loyalty of the Sado Legion’s 40,000 soldiers is unquestionable. Although the other three legions of 150,000 soldiers were self-contained, once they arrived in the city of Rome, it was up to Ken Uesugi and others.

The special training of the barracks, shooting ranges, and stables of the Roman City system can not only improve the 190,000 small combat strength, but also ensure their loyalty; after up to three months of special training, Rome City can add 190,000 standing troops Team, this is the real feedback!

On the morning of the second day after the assessment meeting, Bai Feng summoned the three leaders of the entire army, Kyujin Kangzhen, Nanbu Truly, and Sanada Xinfan, to the Tianshou Pavilion to discuss with them the whole army.

"I heard that you didn't sleep last night, how about it, did you make a plan for the whole army?" Bai Feng smiled and asked.

"Princess, this is a preliminary plan that I have formulated. Please take a look." Kyuhu Kangzhen took out the plan from his arms and presented it.

Looking carefully at Bai Feng of the planning book, the more he looked, the tighter his brows grew. After reading it, he said to Shen: "Why do you think the army stationed in Gaoshuisi City needs to cut at least 50,000 feet? Only by being lighter can we ensure that the reorganized army has stronger combat power?"

"Princess, this proposal was made by me, and it has nothing to do with Generals Kyuhu and Generals in the South." Shinada replied: "If you go to Gaoshui Temple to take a look now, you will know why I made this proposal. ."

"Is these more than 50,000 decisive combat powers too low, or is their military discipline too loose?"

"Princess, now in the 320,000 army of Gaoshuisi City, almost everyone is a veteran who has seen blood on the battlefield, and their combat effectiveness is generally not too bad; the problem is that it is in the military discipline. The military discipline of more than 50,000 people is so poor that it is almost the same as Liu Kou!"

Bai Feng, who emphasized military discipline, heard Sanada Shinfan say this, frowned and asked, "Since their military discipline has been corrupted to this point, wouldn't they be sent back to their hometowns, would they give them the opportunity to blame the hometown, you have this Any arrangements?"

"Princess, I already have a preliminary idea of ​​these more than 50,000 important arrangements, and I will report to you in detail later."

"Alright." Bai Feng nodded in agreement with Sanada's proposal, and said instead: "You want to reorganize the elite of the family army into twelve divisions, and the remaining nearly 30,000 troops will be reorganized into the defense army. This The idea is good, but the number of the garrison is insufficient."

"Princess, the three of us think that it is better to use the existing foot force to form a national defense army, instead of only adding half of the troop strength to each sub-national defense army, and the other half of the troop strength can be selected from the garrison of the respective defense forces." Nine Hu Kang Zhen replied.

"This idea is not bad." Bai Feng, who instantly understood the significance of this formation, glanced at the three people with admiration.

In the era of cold weapons with inadequate transportation, ordinary people with extremely limited range of activities have a deep feeling for their hometown; selecting young and strong from the local area to add to the defense army can not only accelerate the integration of the defense army, but also improve the defense army The fighting strength of the battlefield really does two things.

After a moment of contemplation, Bai Feng ordered: "That is how the formation of the defense army is settled. After you rushed to Gaoshui Temple City in a few days, you immediately transferred 28,000 light troops to the generals such as Muto Tatehu. Let them lead the army as soon as possible."

"Hi!" Seeing that his own and other people's proposals were accepted by the family supervisor, Kyuhu Kangzhen and others were originally nervous and relaxed somehow.

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