Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1292: "·Emperor's Warfare·Fifteen"

Science is called science precisely because it does not recognize idols, is not afraid of overthrowing outdated old things, and listens carefully to the voice of practice and experience.

——Stalin (one of the important leaders of the former Soviet Union)

In the conference room of the Warlord’s Palace in Mondan County, the Chief Military Officer List, the Chief Civil Officer Aukin Lake, the Chief Secretary Heinrich, the Chief Financial Officer Cunningham, and the Commander of the Guard, Claire, are Discuss how to send a large army to reinforce your own fortress surrounded by orcs.

The garrison commander Claire was a commander of a small garrison unit and was not qualified to participate in this level of meeting, but as the military became more and more busy, the chief military officer Lister who had no time for him had promoted him to three. One hundred thousand young and responsible training person.

Because the scale of the orc army is far beyond the worst predictions of all, the number of young and strong recruited by the Warlords in the three provinces of Mengdan, Lyon, and Toulon has been expanded from 200,000 to 300,000; Wan Qingzhuang is Claire.

In the dull meeting room, before starting to talk about the business, Claire reported to the recent military officer Lister Huishui, who has seen the dragon and the dragon in the past: "General, the basic training for the young and middle-aged people has completed more than half, but the lack of Weaponry is still not available."

"The 10 Eastern Legions sent by Bro Yangsong occupied our 100,000 sets of weapons and equipment. The production capacity of the Thunder Cloud Base has reached the limit; if it is not possible, the lack of weapons and equipment on the young and strong side is Replace it with the weapons stored in the warehouse first."

"Liszt, the weapons stored in the warehouse were seized by our army back then, and many of them have been in disrepair for a long time. Wouldn't it be wrong for the young to use such weapons and equipment?" King Lake asked with some concern.

"This is also something that can't be done." Lister said with a sad face: "Our inventory of weapons and equipment is not enough to arm the 300,000 army, and the 100,000 army sent by Bro Yangsong can't help but be armed. Use the weapons in those warehouses first."

"If I say that a prince like Pros, if one day he becomes the emperor of the empire, it will be the greatest misfortune of the empire!" Heinrich said indignantly: "He left the weapons and equipment of the ten Eastern legions. , Are you ready to eat?"

"Otherwise, how could the protagonist evaluate him as a man of great ambition and greed and greed?" Lister said with a wry smile: "He just thinks that our governor's palace is rich and wealthy, and wants to take advantage of us. I don't know that the beast talents are all of us. Fatal threat!"

Seeing everyone talking more and more, Cunningham brought the topic back: "There are already 180,000 young people equipped with standard weapons and equipment, and the remaining 120,000 people can also be equipped. Our top priority is to find a way to send troops to the frontline."

"Fifteen thousand soldiers were killed in two days, 10,000 soldiers were seriously injured, and more than half of the fortification equipment was lost. Our army's battle damage was too heavy; the orc army's attack was too fierce. If we don't send troops to reinforce them, I am afraid they will insist It won't be long."

Ao Jinlake frowned and took over the words: "There are hundreds of thousands of orcs besieging them. Judging from our current strength, the reinforcements we sent may have no chance of connecting to the nearby fortress. Surrounded by an orcish army."

"That's going to send reinforcements!" Lister glared at Auchin Lake and questioned him: "Their soldiers of the five legions are fighting **** the front line. How can we not send troops one soldier at a time and leave them alone? Fight hard?"

"General Liszt, we are not allowing the front-line soldiers to fight alone, but we cannot allow our precious soldiers to make meaningless sacrifices." Aukin Lake asked: "Once a field battle breaks out, which of our army soldiers , An orc opponent?"

"If one legion does not work, then two legions, and if two legions fail, there are three legions. We will definitely be the last winner!"

"I believe we will be the final winner. The question is, how much do we have to pay to win?"

"Victory always comes at a price, and only blood and sacrifice can win the victory of the war!" Lister said excitedly.

Aukin Lake, who disagrees with List, said tit-for-tat: "Bleeding and sacrifice are indeed indispensable, but if the price is too heavy, it will not be a victory in the war, but both will be injured!"

Seeing that Lister and Auchinleck had already fought red-faced, Cunningham had to come forward and round the road: "The two of you are justified. We have to consider the cost of the war, and we can’t give up the soldiers ahead. These things Let's discuss it together."

Claire also cooperated with Cunningham and persuaded Lister, who said: "General, let's calculate how many reinforcements we can send, and then see if the reinforcements sent out have a chance of winning against the orcs, and finally decide to send in the end. No reinforcements, how many reinforcements are sent."

"Humph!" Also knowing that it was not the time for a quarrel, Lister and Aukin Lake snorted at the same time and stopped talking.

"Look, please." Liszt didn't speak. Claire could only come to the map and analyze for him: "The orc army is now in our army's stronghold area, whether they can capture the stronghold area or not, we Meng Danhang Province is within their threat."

"So, the garrisons in the counties of Mengdan Province can only be strengthened and not weakened; by comparison, Lyon and Toulon, which are far behind, have no direct threats for the time being. Transfer some troops to Mengdan province."

"General Claire, how much troops do you think we can draw from the provinces of Lyon and Toulon?" Cunningham asked.

Claire did not immediately answer Cunningham, but looked at the questioning glance at List, still gloomy; Lister, who understood the priorities, used his right hand to compare one to two, and then one to five, and Clayton understood .

"Your Excellency, our military believes that we can first transfer two legions from these two provinces to Mengdan province, and then add 50,000 young people to these two provinces; in this way, these two lines The number of garrisons in the province will not be affected too much, and our available troops will increase."

"This matter can be carried out by General Lister in consultation with Generals Dan Brosio and Erik. After all, the legions under these two generals are handed over to them by the Warlord. To mobilize their army."

When it comes to decisions at this level, it is not Claire who can speak for Lister. Lister can only nod his own and agree: "I will go to General Dan Brosio and General Eric this matter in person. If the negotiation fails, we will use the seal of the Warlord."

Before leaving, Feng Feng left his seal of the Prime Minister and the Warlord. No matter what, as long as they had the unanimous consent of Lister, Auchin Lake, Heinrich, and Cunningham, they could use the two. The official seal issued an order in the name of Bai Feng.

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