Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1308: "·War Situation Development"

The leather whip not only lowers the dignity of the child, but also damages the child's heart. It casts the most gloomy and despicable shadows in the heart: cowering, cowardice, human hatred, and hypocrisy.

——Wa A. Suhomlinsky (a well-known Soviet education practitioner and educational theorist)

The new method adopted by the Duke of Coulomb has allowed the Imperial Army to recruit 470,000 recruits in just half a month. In addition to the 100,000 recruits recruited in the previous ten days, it is more than enough to form 25 legions.

The crux of the matter is, are these 570,000 recruits with mixed ingredients really reliable? According to incomplete statistics, of the 570,000 new recruits recruited by the military department, only 210,000 are strong and strong, and the path of other 360,000 recruits is quite complicated.

Among these 360,000 recruits, there are light and heavy prisoners released from provincial prisons, young and strong slaves from the slave market, farmers who have been forcibly recruited from the noble manor, and even bandits and bandits who have been temporarily recruited!

The formation of a corps with such chaotic recruits is a fool’s dream to say how reliable it is; including Earl Ernst, who is responsible for recruiting, most senior officials within the military department are very impressed with the strength of the newly formed corps. Not optimistic.

No matter how low the evaluation of the new legion within the military department, the nominal criticism of the new legion is still good; the hundreds of thousands of weapons and equipment provided by the Westminster Chamber of Commerce to the empire make them look like they are wearing new soldiers. It's as if it's elite in the field.

The first reserve legion, including the ten first legions, was set aside for a month after Prince Pross asked Charlemagne for help. At the same time, fifteen other reserve legions were being formed quickly With.

The Eastern Metropolitan Government, which had been aided by 28 legions before, faced a rather weird state; it succeeded in destroying the orc army of nearly 300,000 troops in the empire, and somehow stopped suddenly. The pace of their attack.

A month ago, Baifeng Governor’s Mansion, which received reinforcements from various roads, prepared a total of 730,000 soldiers in five counties to prepare for a decisive battle with the orc army; as a result, the powerful orc army rushed to Mengdan It stopped near the provincial border.

1.5 million orc warriors stayed at the border of Mengdan Province, and the military tents they used were connected from north to south. They stretched for more than three hundred miles, which was longer than the border of Mengdan Province. Even more terrible, The elite warriors in the orc army are still increasing!

Cavalry regiments of the Donald’s Cavalry Corps and Urgudai’s Divine Axis Camp often scouted hundreds of meters away from the Orcish Army Camp; according to their observations, in the orc camp closest to the border of Mengdan Province There are more and more fighters in the main battles such as the Lions, Tigers, Bulls, Bears, Leopards, and Elephants. On the contrary, the number of ordinary orc warriors whose fighting power is not amazing has not changed.

Because the camp of the orc army rises from the north to the south of the sunset mountains, the reconnaissance cavalry of the Cavalry Corps and the Shenshu Battalion cannot conduct in-depth reconnaissance of the orc army camp, and can only conduct moderate low-intensity reconnaissance near the front of their camp. .

The direct intelligence obtained by this low-intensity reconnaissance is the number of powerful fighters among the approximately 500,000 fighters on the front line of the orc army. The first 50,000 or so slowly increased to no less than 200,000; it must be known that this is a very scary digital.

If the combat power of ordinary orc warriors is better than that of elite soldiers of the Imperial Legion, then the combat power of orc warriors should definitely stabilize the elite soldiers of the Imperial Royal Corps; even the most powerful Yulin Corps in the Royal Corps, in Regardless of the coordination of battle fronts and the use of special weapons, head-on field battles will not be opponents of powerful orc warriors of the same size.

What made Chief Military Officer Liszt and others anxious is that among the existing Royal Corps of the Empire, only the combat power of the Yulin Corps and the Blaze Corps were worthy of the name of the Royal Corps; the other three first suffered heavy losses and were reorganized. The Royal Legion, which has not been trained on the battlefield so far, is not much stronger than the general standing legion, but only has a larger number of soldiers.

Successive battles and continuous losses have caused the Imperial Army to lose too much of its powerful and powerful soldiers. The reconstructed legion has no time to slowly train and break into the battlefield. Too poor strength once again suffered heavy losses on the battlefield.

Such vicious recurrence has been engulfing most of the legions of the imperial army, and their combat power is naturally extremely low; the army of the governor of Baifeng had originally won the empire in the elite, but only experienced the last fiasco. Is the rebuilt army still elite?

Taking the Gabion's Lance Corps as an example, the Lance Corps formed in the war grew up under the personal training of the Spartan heavy infantry and the Macedonian Royal Lancers; their name is a little bit Use the blood of the enemy as the foundation.

First of all, the Eight Banners elite of the Jurchen tribe, and then the Wolf Cavalry of the Orc Empire. After the fierce and unusual **** battles, there was the spear legion that was well-known and well-known; but, after a fiasco that was almost wiped out by the whole army. Does the Lance Corps still have combat power?

Although the reconstructed Lance Corps has hundreds of backbone officers and more than a thousand veterans as the core of its combat power, the flooding of too many recruits has reduced the Lance Corps to a third-rate army; the current Lance Corps can be pulled out and still be able to compete with the Eight Banners. Are the Wolf Cavalry head-to-head?

In stark contrast to the imperial soldiers’ hard-won fighting power, the orc warriors’ fighting power has always been very strong; because the harsh environment brings the orcs not only the difficulty of survival, but also their own strength, this is the human warrior In any case, it is not comparable.

Limited by his own strength, Lister, the Chief Military Officer of the Warlord’s Palace, can only sit with the leaders of the various regiments to watch the orc army become stronger and stronger, and there is no measure that can be taken. The true strength of the orc army is unclear.

Of course, not all bad news received by Lister and others in the recent period is that the nine legions that are being reconstructed in the provinces of Lyon and Toulon have completed the most important structural reconstruction of their respective legions.

This means that with the passage of time, it is not only the orc army that is slowly increasing in strength, but the overall strength of the Governor’s Mansion is also steadily increasing; more importantly, the Royal Capital’s reinforcement to the Eastern Metropolitan Government is very strong. Timely and powerful.

The arrival of the 28 standing legions of reinforcements, although it can not immediately change the strength comparison between the enemy and the enemy, it can also make the available troops of the Eastern Metropolitan Government suddenly increase by 560,000!

This time, the situation faced by the Eastern Metropolitan Government was very thorough. Prince Prosper did not need List to come forward to ask for it. He took the initiative to rush the new to the 28 reinforcements of Broyongsong. Command is given directly to the Warlord’s Palace.

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