Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1313: "·Summon General"

Loving the motherland, this is the purest, sharpest, most noble, strongest, gentlest, most affectionate, most gentle, and harshest emotion. A person who truly loves the motherland is a real person in every respect.

——Wa A. Suhomlinsky (a well-known Soviet education practitioner and educational theorist)

Arriving at the Apollo Giant Temple, Bai Feng, without any hesitation, began a random call of fifteen teams of special arms; the first random call was three teams of fifth-level German Berserkers, and the second random call was three teams Third-tier Parthian cavalry.

The third random call out was the three teams of Cretan archers. The fourth random call out was the three Macedonian Royal Cavalry whose value was being weakened. The fifth random call out was the third team. Royal Cavalry of Macedonia.

The five random calls to special arms made Bai Feng very dissatisfied; neither the Cretan archers who were indistinguishable from the chicken ribs nor the Macedonian Royal Cavalry whose actual value was weakening were not the special arms Bai Feng wanted.

On the contrary, the German Berserker known as the "Bear Child" and the Parthian Cavalry who can use the "Kite Tactics" have always been highly efficient combat arms that Bai Feng attaches great importance to; after the special arms are summoned, Bai Feng immediately begins to become more important The general called.

The first general to be summoned was General Sinida, the commander of the thirteenth legion of the Augustus Empire in the Roman world. He was originally a powerful general in the Kingdom of Numidia and returned to Augustus. The empire became a general of the empire, and it was also regarded as a warrior with outstanding merit.

The second general called out was General Lilias, commander of the Fourth Cavalry Corps of the Augustus Empire; unlike Bashirek, who was born in the Kingdom of Numidia, Lilias was a pure Roman The general was born and one of the imperial cavalry generals.

The third general to be summoned was General Alminy, the lieutenant of the 15th Legion of the Augustus Empire; Alminy, like Hartman, was one of the few Augustus empire, from the lower ranks Step by step, he became a typical representative of senior generals. His ability is slightly stronger than that of generals who came from aristocratic families, but his promotion speed is not as good as Hartman.

The fourth general summoned was General Shimika, the commander of the 16th Army of the Augustus Empire; as the retreating general of the Kingdom of Numidia, the ability of General Shimika was good, after all, he had It is one of the number one generals in the Kingdom of Numidia.

The fifth general summoned was General Shimiko, the lieutenant general of the Eighteenth Army of the Augustus Empire; Shimiko was the younger brother of Shimika, although his commanding ability was slightly inferior to that of Shimika, But the bravery of his charge is not stronger than Simika.

After summoning the five fairly normal system generals, Bai Feng, who had another important matter to deal with, did not personally take them back to the ruling official residence, but asked them to go to the ruling official residence first, but he himself went to the military on the other side of the city. Area.

The city of Rome has already broken through the two million mark, and the population is already the largest city on the Dragon Continent; such a city with a large population, even if there are various Romanesque public facilities everywhere in the city, it still cannot be changed. The city is getting more crowded.

The original Roman city in the state of the village was about a day away from the Roman port. Later, with the gradual expansion of the Roman city, the distance between the Roman city and the Roman port became shorter and shorter; today, from the east of the Roman city After going out the door, just continue east for an hour or two, and the Roman port is near.

Another consequence of the continuous expansion of the city scale is that the internal traffic of the city becomes more and more complicated; initially, as long as you walked a few hundred meters from the west of the city to the east of the city, if you now walk, you can’t walk for two days. This shows how big the city of Rome is today!

Bai Feng, who went straight to the military area, saw the bustling scene of the Roman city along the way; the endless stream of pedestrians and stalls selling various commodities made him accustomed to all the bustling Bai Feng capitals in the world. Inexplicable.

Various commodities and gourmet foods produced in various workshops in Rome City, various handicrafts and prey skins and woven meat woven by the barbarians, various wooden furniture and fresh and crisp fruits and vegetables delivered by the Yanhuang family. Beyond Bai Feng's imagination.

It took more than an hour for Bai Feng to come to the military zone; the newly built military buildings such as the army barracks, racetracks, and catapult ranges are indeed more magnificent than the previous military buildings such as the urban barracks, even with the guards at the door. Changed the look.

Because the newly opened legion recruitment function has no requirements on the activation location, Bai Feng came directly to the legion barracks he was most concerned about; after entering the command center of the legion barracks, Bai Feng immediately began to deeply understand the newly opened legion recruitment function.

After really understanding the legion recruitment function, Bai Feng understood that the original legion recruitment function is not as simple as directly recruiting a legion, but has a rather complicated summoning link; the strength of each summoned legion is also determined by these links .

In these complex summoning links, the first to rank naturally is the composition of the summoned legion; a standard summoning legion is the Roman legion with a system-approved number, which consists of twelve infantry wing and a cavalry wing , An equipment wing, an assault brigade, a gladiator brigade, a battle mastiff or fire pig brigade.

Among the twelve infantry wings, except for the highest-ranked first infantry brigade consisting of nine infantry brigades, the other eleven infantry brigades are composed of six infantry brigades. As the basic infantry unit of the Roman legion, It consists of three teams of Roman infantry.

The Cavalry Wing and the Equipment Wing are also composed of six brigades, but each cavalry brigade or equipment brigade consists of five teams of Roman cavalry or roman equipment soldiers, and has two more soldiers than the infantry brigade.

Assault Brigade, Gladiator Brigade, War Mastiff, or Fire Pig Brigade. These three brigades are independent combat brigades directly under the headquarters of the Legion. The specific establishment is not fixed. Bai Feng can adjust the size of these three brigades according to his actual needs. ; But Bai Feng's adjustment is limited in scope, and the system gives the requirement that the combat arms of each brigade must have a minimum of three teams and a maximum of no more than nine teams.

Among the three independent combat brigades, the composition of the battle mastiff or the fire pig brigades and the gladiator brigades is fairly simple. Bai Feng only needs to make targeted choices; new soldiers are activated with the completion of the arena The Monet Gladiator, and the new fire pig activated with the completion of the racetrack, plus the original armor battle mastiff, are exclusive arms that can be incorporated into these two brigades.

In comparison, the composition of the assault brigade is much more complicated; the assault brigade without any restrictions on the composition of arms is also the combat brigade with the highest initial combat experience level in each Roman legion, that is, the elite brigade with the strongest combat effectiveness.

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