Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1315: "·Auxiliary Legion"

In the mental work of students, the first thing is not to endorse, not to remember the thoughts of others, but to let students think for themselves, that is, to create vividly and use words to understand the things and the world around them. Phenomenon, and to understand the extremely delicate emotional color of the word itself in connection with this.

——Wa A. Suhomlinsky (a well-known Soviet education practitioner and educational theorist)

Basically, after determining the specific organization of the other wing teams, it is the turn of the most important assault brigade; as the elite brigade with the most combat effectiveness in the Roman legion, the formation of the assault brigade is undoubtedly crucial .

When determining the establishment of the assault brigade, whether it should pay attention to the combat effectiveness of the assault brigade or the guiding role of the assault brigade to other troops of the legion, this is undoubtedly a very difficult choice for Bai Feng.

If you choose the former, then the assault brigade should be composed of pure Roman legionary cavalry, Roman heavy infantry, or Roman elite infantry; but if you choose the latter, then the assault brigade should be composed of a mixture of various arms.

After careful consideration for a long time, Bai Feng finally decided to hand over the responsibility of guiding the other troops of the Legion to the first-step infantry wing that was already burdened with it. As for the brigade in the name of assault, it was to strengthen its Mainly its own combat effectiveness.

Among the three strongest arms of the Roman legionary cavalry, the Roman heavy infantry, and the Roman elite infantry, Bai Feng directly chose the Roman elite infantry as a component of the assault brigade; confirm.

The specific formation of the Roman legion includes the 10th Ballista, 10th Scorpion, 10th Stone, 6th Mastiff, 3rd Fire Pig, 30th Cavalry, and 168th Roman Infantry. Squad, Roma elite infantry sixty six team, Samone gladiator nine team!

Looking at the compilation list of the system of summoning the Roman legions with more than 40,000 soldiers in this system, Bai Feng, who personally compiled the list of the existing legions of the Roman city, had to admit that the legion he composed was compared with the legion called by the system. It's too small.

However, the summoning costs required for such an oversized system of Roman legions are also extremely alarming; because the systematically summoned Roman legions have a basic calling principle, that is, all arms are priced according to the team with the highest recruitment cost.

The recruitment price of the Roman heavy infantry is 490 gold, the recruitment price of the Roman legionary cavalry is 790 gold, the recruitment price of the war mastiff is also 680 gold, the cheapest recruitment price is the fire pig only 260 gold, the most expensive recruitment price is the stone crossbow up to 830 gold; the system summons the 303 teams of the Roman legion, and calculates the recruitment cost according to the most expensive stone crossbow.

If this is the only way to summon a Roman legion with a higher initial combat experience level, that is not too expensive; what really makes Bai Feng feel helpless is that the actual summoning cost of each summoned legion should be based on this calculation. Times!

Calculate the total recruitment price of the 303 teams with the recruitment cost of 830 gold for the single-team service. The calculated result is 251,490 gold; after doubling, the system automatically saves A fraction, that is, the summoning cost of each legion is 500,000 gold!

If this huge amount of treasury funds is used to recruit Roman heavy infantry costing 490 gold, the roman heavy infantry that can be recruited will be as high as 1,020 teams of 164,000 soldiers, not every summon Four hundred and three thousand soldiers of the 303 team of the legion.

Even so, Bai Feng still has to use the much more costly system legion calling function; because the step-by-step recruitment of three hundred system arms takes a full ten months, and it takes only a trivial three days to call a Roman legion time.

More importantly, the initial combat experience level of the system soldiers recruited using the monthly fixed recruitment quota is the lowest level zero; in contrast, the initial combat experience level of the summoned Roman legionaries is generally first level, second level and There are also a few third-tier ones.

Don’t underestimate the gap in the initial combat experience level, that is an intuitive response to the gap in combat power; for example, the two teams of Roman heavy infantry with an initial combat experience of zero, frontal fighting is definitely not a team of initial combat experience level of one The opponent of the Roman heavy infantry.

Therefore, Bai Feng will use the costly system legion calling function whether it is for time-saving considerations or to improve the system soldiers' combat strength; in other words, the opening of the system legion calling function means that Very significant.

Bai Feng, who has sufficient funds in the treasury, just prepared to confirm the call of the first Roman legion, a prompt suddenly popped up on the summoning interface, and his face suddenly changed. It turned out that this system Roman legion can be configured at the time of the call Auxiliary Legion!

The meaning of the auxiliary legion in the Roman legion is needless to say, otherwise Bai Feng will not specifically form a special auxiliary legion for the first, second and third Roman legions; now the Roman legion called by the system can directly configure the auxiliary legion, Bai Feng How can it not be shocked? !

The slightly complicated configuration of the auxiliary legion, Bai Feng studied it for a long time to understand; it turned out that the auxiliary legion specially configured for the summoning legion was not automatically generated by the system, nor was it recruited by Bai Feng for money, but to the original Roman city. There are reinforcements of non-system soldiers.

The system auxiliary legions that do not even have a fixed establishment can be prepared by Bai Feng himself, but the number of auxiliary legions can not exceed 80% of the total number of summoned Roman legionaries, that is, the maximum number of auxiliary legions cannot exceed 35,000.

This means that as long as the number of soldiers in the auxiliary legion is limited to 35,000, Bai Feng can group the auxiliary legion according to his actual needs; the only premise is that Bai Feng has sufficient funds and suitable soldiers .

In the past, Bai Feng was always troubled by the barbarian warriors who could not keep up with the combat of the Roman system soldiers. Now that the system already has an auxiliary legion system that strengthens non-system soldiers, even if the cost is a bit high, Bai Feng will also use this auxiliary legion system.

Although the auxiliary legion does not have a fixed establishment, but there are restrictions on the choice of arms; there are currently twelve auxiliary legions available for Bai Feng, namely: sword shield soldier, sword shield soldier, javelin soldier, archer, and crossbow. Pawns, Longbowmen, Tomahawks, Pikemen, Ultralong Pikemen (Squadron Pikemen), Heavy Infantry (Roman Heavy Infantry), Light Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry (Roman Legionary Cavalry).

There are many arms that can be included in the formation of the auxiliary legion, but there are not many arms suitable for the auxiliary legion; the javelin, archer, pike, light cavalry, heavy cavalry, etc., are either similar in taste or inconsistent in nature. They are not very suitable for auxiliary legions.

The arms that are most suitable for the auxiliary legion are mainly those originally organized by Bai Feng himself, such as the longbowmen, crossbowmen, super long pikemen, tomahawks, sword shields, etc. Form supplementary auxiliary arms.

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