Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1325: "·Human Alliance"

The whole secret of educational skills lies in seizing the child's self-improvement, a moral self-discipline. If the child does not seek self-improvement and does not know how to encourage himself, no educator can cultivate good quality in him. But only in those places where collectives and teachers first see the advantages of children, will children be motivated.

——Wa A. Suhomlinsky (a well-known Soviet education practitioner and educational theorist)

The Roman city with a total of 1.6 million troops, but not so many troops actually available; of the 340,000 allies that bear the brunt, the armies of the Kingdom of Aisini and the Kingdom of Lucy must stay in their respective kingdoms, Uesugi The 200,000 army of the four legions of Xin et al. took the responsibility of building a city, and it was impossible to cooperate with the Roman army in a short time.

The reserve army, which is not part of the regular army, has 235,000 soldiers under the command of the Tuntian Command and the Garrison Command. The former is the food production force of the Roman city, and the latter is the police force that maintains the security of the cities and towns directly under the rule of the Roman city. It is a force that cannot be used directly.

Even the million-strong army that belongs to the regular army, not all soldiers can be directly called by Bai Feng; for example, the 48,000 system soldiers and 65,000 long archers belonging to the navy are far from the 14th of the Yanhuang family. A standing division of 280,000 soldiers. Although these troops are all military forces of the Roman city, they are not immediately available to Bai Feng, so they have little impact on the current situation.

The Roman city is truly an army that Bai Feng can call at any time. In fact, there are three Eagle Flag Legions, eight Roman Legions, five Barbarian Infantry Legions, three Barbarian Phalanx Legions, and two Barbarian Cavalry Legions. The total strength is about fifty. Wan Shangxia.

If you add some direct combat troops and temple troops that were not included in the army by Bai Feng, the city’s ready-to-call army is about 550,000, which is one-third of the total strength of the orc army.

However, the army that Bai Feng can use now is not only the 550,000 soldiers counted by the Roman system; on the other side of the shogunate system, six fully-equipped Banner Corps have been formed, 180,000 shogunate troops Can enter the battle at any time.

At this time, the confrontation between the orc army and the dragon army on the border of Mengdan has been turned upside down compared with two months ago; not long after Bai Feng returned to the Roman city two months ago, the dragon dragon was stationed in the province of Mengdan There are only 910,000 in the army.

Even with the addition of 420,000 soldiers in Lyon province and 340,000 soldiers in Toulon province, the army of the Dragon Empire directly resisted the orc army is only 1.67 million, and it is still mostly recruits, and the actual combat power is far. Not as good as the orc army.

In two months, the first fifteen reserve troops of the Imperial Ministry rushed to the province of Toulon to increase the total garrison in the three provinces of Mondan to two million; after that, Duke Fesman of the Kingdom of Deman led a hundred thousand troops Arrived in the province of Mengdan.

The arrival of the 100,000 troops of the Deman Kingdom was like a signal, and then one army followed another to the province of Mengdan; the second army arrived was the 50,000 army led by General Calby of the White Horse Kingdom. The third army arrived was the 50,000 cavalry led by Charles the Nine President of the Rheinland Business League, and the fourth army arrived was the Light Knights, a temporary group of tens of thousands of light knights.

Duke Tarbert of the Duchy of the Feathers and Prince Gustav of the Duchy of Kassel arrived almost at the same time, except that the former brought 100,000 troops, while the latter was only followed by 30,000 soldiers, only the number of soldiers The difference is several times.

But in terms of combat power, the 30,000 soldiers brought by Prince Gustav are to throw away a few streets of the 100,000 Feiyu Army; because the 30,000 soldiers under Prince Gustav are The super strong army'Blue Death Army' of Megatron in the Principality of Kassel!

The long-awaited reinforcement of the Dessau Kingdom is a 100,000 army commanded by the Duke of Bancroft; this is also a matter of reason. With the relationship between the Dessau Kingdom and the Deman Kingdom, they will either not send troops before In the future, the number of troops sent will not be less than that of the Deman Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Cartgart and the Kingdom of Bohemia, which expressly refused to ask the Dragon Empire for help, were naturally impossible to send reinforcements, but the Antal Empire, the furthest away from the Dragon Dragon Empire, actually sent a reinforcement of 50,000. Surprised.

In addition to the Holy See, which is still mobilizing the light knights from other countries to the province of Mendan, the seven countries including the Kingdom of Deman, the Kingdom of White Horse, the Rhine Business League, the Principality of Feiyu, the Principality of Kassel, the Kingdom of Dessau, and the Empire A total of 480,000 reinforcements were dispatched to the Tianlong Empire.

With the arrival of nearly half a million reinforcements, the total number of human alliances in Mengdanhang Province has reached 1.4 million, which has formed a number of equals with the orc army stationed on the border of Mengdan; if it is counted as Toulon If the millions of garrisons in the provinces and the provinces of Lyon, then the coalition of human races has occupied the absolute superiority in quantity, but the military capabilities of the army still cannot be compared with the orc army.

However, with the powerful and powerful Knights of Light and the Blue Death Corps of Megatron, the overall fighting power of the Humanoid Alliance is barely maintained, and it will not be dragged down by a large number of recruits.

Can use the teleportation array in the Bailing Ring to directly return to Baifeng in the Warlord's Mansion. In the past two months, he has gone back a total of eleven times. Every time when there is another country's reinforcements, Baifeng will appear as the Warlord and Duke in person as a reinforcement The general held a banquet of very high standard.

Even if it was the Duke of Tarbert and Prince Gustav who led the army to the province of Mondan on the same day, Bai Feng held the banquet for Prince Gustav on the same night, and then Talbot the following night. The Duke specially held a banquet.

Feasting the generals of the countries led by the army is not a thing that the governor should do, but it is a must-do for the coalition commander; the identity has been changed from the military governor of the eastern capital to the Bai Feng of the adult ethnic coalition commander. Things that should be done.

After all the reinforcements had arrived, Bai Feng went to observe the orc army camp near the border. Although the camp of the orc army was still calm as before, Bai Feng felt a sense of urgency with the instinct of war. .

Bai Feng, who has not made a final decision, is still hesitating to this day. He does not want to give up such a good opportunity, and he does not want to lose his team accumulated in the Tianlong Empire during World War I. This dilemma is especially embarrassing for him.

On the fourth day of early February, during another observation of the orc army camp, Bai Feng accidentally discovered that in a certain camp of the orc army, hundreds of fox mages were doing it by slaughtering the dragons. Issues.

For the first time, I felt how cruel Bai Feng was in the ethnic war, and finally decided to send the army of Rome to Mengdan to participate in the war; because the decisive battle has not yet begun, and there are many churches in the province of Mengdan. The light knight is here, so in order not to cause too many people's attention, Bai Feng only temporarily transferred the first, second, third, fourth, seventh and eighth Roman legions and deployed them in the province of Lyon.

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