Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1327: "·Night Visiting Prince"

True love requires not only love, but also mutual insight into each other's inner world.

——Wa A. Suhomlinsky (a well-known Soviet education practitioner and educational theorist)

Every army to which the Dragon Empire belongs can be directly commanded by Bai Feng, and even the general of the rank of commander-in-chief, he can appoint and dismiss himself; because he is both the prince of the Imperial Forest and the governor and governor of the Eastern Metropolitan Government, It was also the commander of the coalition appointed by the emperor.

But even if Bai Feng was the commander-in-chief of the coalition appointed by Charles the Great, troops from other countries could not obey his orders; for example, General Caulby, the lowest-ranking prince in each country, his troops were all from the White Horse Kingdom Standing Army The elite carefully selected is the elite division of the White Horse Kingdom, second only to the Wang Family Legion. Will he rest assured that he will hand over his army to Bai Feng?

In the coalition forces, the rank of the knight and the strength of the strength may allow you to get more respectful eyes at the banquet, but it can not bring you any practical benefits; Bai Feng’s arrangements for other countries’ reinforcements must go through The other commander's consent can only be implemented.

Because the elements of the coalition are too complex, Bai Feng did not directly propose his own combat plan at the coalition military meeting, but adopted a private communication method to persuade Prince Gustav and others to support and implement his combat plan.

It was night, and Bai Feng’s first visit was to the highest-ranking and strongest Prince Gustav; who went with him to the Blue Death Corps, in addition to several of his personal bodyguards, as well as the general of the Warlord’s Palace Military officer Lister.

Bai Feng, who was fairly satisfied with List’s performance, officially returned to the Warlord’s Palace and placed the six standing legions that he had temporarily returned to Hans and Rodriguez under his command; the Chief Military Officer had no actual military authority. To the commander-in-chief of the commander-in-chief of the six standing legions of 120,000, Liszt became one of the most powerful generals in the Warlord’s Palace.

"Overseer, I heard that Prince Gustav's character is notoriously stubborn and stubborn. Even the orders of his elder brother Grand Duke Kassel are often ignored by him. Will he agree to our combat plan?" Lee Sister's face was a bit worried.

"If he disagrees, then we will find a way to let him agree." Bai Feng said calmly: "Prince Gustav is stubborn and stubborn, but this does not mean that he is an incompetent person; I believe he can understand now. Can understand our combat plan."

"Overseer, I still think it's easier for us to convince Duke Fesman and others first than to convince Prince Gustav first."

"The advantage of persuading the Duke of Fesman and others first is that we can more easily convince each other. The disadvantage is that their attitude cannot affect Prince Gustav; if we can convince Prince Gustav first, then go to the fee Duke Sman and others can do more with less."

"Overseer, Gustav is only the prince of the Duchy of Kassel, so influential?" Lister had difficulty channeling.

"On this continent, there are many famous generals in every country that can win battles, but how many of them can really bring out an elite warrior with elite warriors? As long as it is not a hostile relationship, then Gustav The prince’s judgment is worthy of everyone’s belief."

In front of the camp of the Blue Death Army, Lister just sighed silently: "I hope he can understand your good intentions."

The patrol soldiers of the Blue Reaper Corps near the camp gate saw Bai Feng and his group did not immediately put them into the camp, but after confirming Bai Feng’s identity, they reported up step by step; after about two minutes, Prince Gustav Brought someone to the camp gate in person.

"Duke Bai Feng, I don't know if your lord is visiting late at night, what is the matter?" Prince Gustav asked bluntly as soon as he met.

"His Royal Highness, who would have taken the liberty to disturb tonight, there is indeed an important military need to discuss with His Royal Highness, can we talk about it again?"

"Since the Duke came with important military affairs, then the king will welcome him on the couch; Duke, please!"

"His Royal Highness, please!"

Bai Feng and Prince Gustav walked into the camp side by side, the generals of the Blue Death Army and Lister, naturally followed the two; the two talked and laughed and walked to Prince Gustav After the entrance of the camp account, the others were left behind by the account.

Prince Gustav, sitting on the throne, glanced at the battle plan that Bai Feng handed him, and said with a sneer: "Bai Feng, you are the Duke of the Dragon Empire, I am the Prince of the Principality of Kassel, you think I will agree with your combat plan?"

"His Royal Highness." Facing the challenge of Prince Gustav, Bai Feng smiled and said: "I am the Duke of the Dragon Empire. It is true that you are the prince of the Principality of Kassel; aside this layer of identity, we do not say It’s the same human race again, right?"

"There are more people who share the same roots with me. Your grassland tribes in the northern part of the Tianlong Empire are still humans with me. Should I go to the northern grasslands to help them and let them go south to improve their lives?" Gus Prince Tuff's face was full of disdain.

"The war between the grassland tribes in the north and our empire is, in the final analysis, a conflict within our human race, but the orc empire is different; the war between the orc empire and our empire is a racial war between the orcs and our human race. The race to survive."

"So what?" Prince Gustav said unmoved: "I don't believe your billions of people in the Dragon Empire will not survive a declining orcish empire; if the Holy See has put pressure on our principality , Do you think I will lead the army to help you?"

After discovering that his prepared long speech could not convince Prince Gustav at all, Bai Feng gave up his meaningless persuasion and went straight to the door: "His Royal Highness, I believe everything in this world is valuable, Your Blue Death Legion is no exception; I need your Blue Death Legion to help me fight. You can outline your requirements and I will try to satisfy you."

"Bang!" Prince Gustav, who shot the handsome case in half, like a furious lion, shouted at the calm Bai Feng: "You are the prince of the Dragon Empire, and you shamelessly said You can get out of me right now if you say such words!"


"Your Highness!"

The tremendous movement in the military account made the two people who were outside the account suddenly rush in; they looked at the angry Prince Gustav and the calm and calm Bai Feng, but did not make any excessive moves, but Look at the questioning eyes to your hero.

"His Prince and I talked about the brutality of the orcs during the last aggression. The Prince's indignation was out of control, and he shot the table." Bai Feng waved to the two people: "You both go out, Prince and I Your Highness still has something to talk about."

Prince Gustav didn’t want to make things too ugly. After staring at Bai Feng with disgust, he waved to his generals; after receiving the signal of Prince Gustav, these blue Death Legions The generals then withdrew from the military account in turn.

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