Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1331: "·Various Cards"

Beauty is a gymnastics of the soul-it makes us upright, pure in heart, and upright in our emotions and beliefs.

——Wa A. Suhomlinsky (a well-known Soviet education practitioner and educational theorist)

The decisive battle is coming, I always feel that the orc army still has the white card of the bottom card. First, the 5th Roman Legion and the 6th Roman Legion were transferred to the province of Lyon, and then all the troops stationed in the province of Lyon were handed over to Lucius for unification. command.

Twenty-seven standing corps and nine reserve corps in the province of Lyon, although the soldiers do not know Luquis, but there are four-member system generals of Atos, Assassis, Uppadama, and Gapitus Now, Lucius's order will still be most thoroughly implemented.

There are eight Roman legions and thirty-six imperial legions stationed together in the province of Lyon. Bai Feng's hand is considered to be an extra card; but only one card is obviously not enough. Once the decisive battle is defeated, how to save the coalition forces on the battlefield The army is the key to subsequent battles.

If the elite army of the 1 million coalition forces devoted to the decisive battle is annihilated, the million new recruits in the provinces of Lyon and Toulon will certainly not be able to resist the attack of the orc army; the combat power of the eight Roman legions is certainly not weak, But they are still too few in the end.

How many orc army can be defeated by 120,000 Roman legionaries? One hundred thousand? 200,000? Still 300,000? A few months ago, the number of soldiers in the orc army was 1.5 million. Now, how many soldiers are there in the orc army? Who can tell?

In formulating combat plans and holding military discussions, the reason why Bai Feng has used the data of 1.5 million that everyone knows is because he does not want his unfounded speculation to affect the morale of the coalition forces.

Hadith’s snare intelligence personnel took more than one adventure to detour the depths of the sunset mountains, and sacrificed hundreds of elite spies to discover: It turned out that the orc army at the sunset fortress also assembled a team of not less than 500,000. Army!

There are at least 1.5 million orc warriors in the orc army on the border of Mengdan, and at least 500,000 orc warriors in the sunset fortress; fortunately, there is a short distance between these two orc armies. Bai Feng has the courage to launch a counterattack.

If the orc army of the sunset fortress can reach the border of Mengdan within a day, Bai Feng will launch a counterattack with his existing forces, but it will be no different from self-finding; Bai Feng does not believe that the orc army will remain in the sunset fortress. , So he can only choose to fight as soon as possible.

Otherwise, when the two orcs are combined into a two-million-scale army, who can block the orc's attack? At that time, even if the Dragon Empire tries its best, it may be difficult to block the attack of the two million orc army.

Bai Feng, who had to do many preparations, transferred the five barbarian infantry and three barbarian phalanx corps in the city of Rome to the border between the province of Mendan and the province of Lyon; 113,000 barbarian soldiers built It is unrealistic to want to block the rapid assault of the orc army, so Bai Feng strengthened 100,000 random barbarian warriors to these eight barbarian legions.

Scattered barbarian warriors, although there is no fixed system or systematic training, their combat power is still good, at least stronger than the average human army; anyway, the enemy troops are scattered orc warriors, scattered barbarian warriors It will not suffer from the battle front coordination.

Eight Roman legions were deployed by Bai Feng in the province of Lyon, and eight barbarian legions and 100,000 barbarian warriors were deployed by Bai Feng at the border of Lyon and Mendan province; the remaining Roman city is available for Bai Feng to call The army, only the Eagle Flag Legion and the Banner Legion.

The soldiers of the Eagle Banner Corps and the Banner Corps are almost the same, but the Eagle Flag Corps is larger in scale, and the overall combat power is about equal to the two Flag Corps; the three Eagle Flag Corps and the six Flag Corps that can be dispatched at any time are the white peaks. The biggest hand in the hand.

The night before the counterattack began, Bai Feng, who had deployed everything in the province of Lyon, returned to his governor’s palace in Mondan City. After Bai Feng’s return, the thousands of soldiers who had originally been stationed in the governor’s palace were evacuated to the city overnight. outer.

It was replaced by fifty elite Roman infantry under the banner of the infantry battalion and fifty cavalry of the Roman legion under the banner of the cavalry battalion; the Ottoman Guards, strengthened by the infantry battalion and the cavalry battalion, once again had no less than one The combat effectiveness of the standing legion.

The five hundred temple warriors under the command of Leng Gaofei and the temple arms under the command of Lengda were sent back to Rome by Bai Feng before the Paladin John led the Bright Knights to Mengdan; therefore, only one thousand war cavalry remained The Guards have actually died in name only.

But with the arrival of the fifty elite Roman infantry and the fifty cavalry of the Roman legion, the guards who once played in the battlefield renewed their amazing vitality; tomorrow morning, the guards who once again formed combat effectiveness will participate in the next together with Bai Feng decisive battle!

In addition to the guards who have regained their fighting power, the sword-servant Maxi, the shield-servant Darnell, the barbarian slave Bai Sheng, the battlefield doctor Hua Mu, and the five flaming sword saints all returned to Bai Feng.

Only Queen Budeka, who had just returned to the Warlord's Palace with Bai Feng, was sent to the Duke's Palace in the Imperial Capital by Bai Feng; the Duke's Palace, where Yue'er and Bing Lan were sitting together, was Bai Feng's most assured local.

After a busy night, Bai Feng, in the last hour of dawn, took Webster and his 100 casters, Adrien and his 150 battlefield ghosts, Ivan and his 150 Ten shadow killers were transferred to the Warlord's Mansion.

All of the four hundred magicians who have been reinforced by the imperial capital are the most powerful fire magicians, but they are commanded by the stubborn fire magician Hahn; in other words, as the coalition commander Bai Feng, can't command these four hundred fire magicians.

Since Bai Feng, the four hundred fire magician strengthened by the imperial capital, cannot use it as he pleases, he can only transfer 100 casters immediately called by Webster and his commanders to strengthen his long-range strike power.

When the last shadow killer walked out of the teleportation array, the distant sky finally had a hint of fish belly white; only ten minutes later, the bright knight sounded the first in the barracks of the Bright Knights outside the city. Bugles sounded one after another in the barracks.

The continuous sound of the bugle sounded through the sky, and it seemed to be telling the difference between today and the past; after a few years, once again put on the white peak of the starfall meteorite armor, on the left and right of Maxi and Darnell. Under the escort, he left the Warlord's Mansion with the personal guard and came outside the city.

The assembly and formation of other armies, with their own generals and commanders of the army, did not require Bai Feng to intervene; only the assault troops who took the risk of attacking, and Bai Feng, who had high hopes for them, personally inspected each one who was about to embark on the journey. Cavalry force.

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