Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1333: "·In the name of God of War·Go"

The true educational performance of teachers is that students can see from him a guide who leads them to the peak of morality, and from his words he can be heard calling him to be faithful and uncompromising to evil thoughts.

——Wa A. Suhomlinsky (a well-known Soviet education practitioner and educational theorist)

Bai Feng left his guard behind the vanguard, and brought only Maxi and the five flaming swordsmen to Prince Gustav; looking at the vanguard soldier who was fighting with the enemy in front, Bai Feng Asked Prince Gustav:

"His Highness, how did you feel fighting the Orc army for the first time?"

"The combat effectiveness of the orc warriors is really well-deserved!" Prince Gustav said solemnly: "The 30,000 soldiers of the Blue Death Corps are the elite I have cultivated through my hard work for more than ten years. It can be said Is our strongest army in Kassel."

"But this is the elite master. Ten thousand soldiers can't take advantage in the battle with the ordinary soldiers of the five thousand orc army. Think about there are half a million more powerful orc elite warriors in the orc army. This is really A cruel fact that makes people shudder!"

"His Royal Highness, the orc army's fighting strength is stronger, and it will still be the loser, isn't it?" Bai Feng's expression remained calm.

"This is nature." Prince Gustav, who understood the meaning of Bai Feng's words, agreed: "At that time, the orc empire in its peak state was expelled to the east of the sunset mountains by our ancestors. It’s ridiculous to return to the center of the mainland!"

"His Royal Highness, I am very much looking forward to whether the name of your God of War can be achieved with the blood of the orcs."

"Compared to the title of "Kassel God of War", I prefer the title of "Human God of War"."

Prince Gustav’s self-confidence was not created out of thin air. As the God of War-class hero of Megatron, his superb reputation is built on a field victory; in his eyes, the orc army is just a terrible enemy, not Invincible enemy.

The thirty-second legion and the blue death legion fighting side by side, after a fierce battle with the orc army of the same size for half an hour, the battlefield, only 800 meters away from Prince Gustav, was already filled with the bodies of the soldiers of the two armies .

Prince Gustav, who felt that the time was almost the same, ordered the generals around him: "Axel, you send someone to order Giskar, and he will immediately dispatch two legions to launch the war against the orcs from the wings of the battlefield. Army offensive."

"Follow the order!" Axel, who was in charge, immediately went down to find the herald.

Just three minutes later, the 109th and 110th legions under Giskar left the vanguard queue and rushed from the two wings towards the battlefield; seeing the increase of the human forces, the orc army Bian also added troops without showing any weakness.

Bai Feng, who had given the vanguard command to Prince Gustav, just watched the battle quietly without interfering with the command of Prince Gustav; however, the command of the orc army suddenly sent 100,000 soldiers, Still makes him a little moved.

"Can't help it now?" Prince Gustav sneered, murmured, and ordered again: "Axel, you sent someone to order Duke Feisman to let him Separate troops to reinforce our soldiers ahead."

"Follow the order!" Axel led away again.

"Uxon, you personally ordered Thors and told him: I want to build an insurmountable line of defense on the far west side of the battlefield. He only has half an hour. If he can’t finish it in half an hour, Mission, military law disposal!"

"Nuo!" Uxon immediately drove forward.

Bai Feng was also curious about how to build a solid line of defense on the battlefield where there was no wood, under the pressure of the enemy's onslaught; he knew that Prince Gustav would not be targeted, and the Blue Death Legion must have his own tricks .

Under the order of Prince Gustav, Duke Feisman led his 100,000 army into battle; at this time, there were nearly 300,000 soldiers fighting on the battlefield, and there were about 130,000 orc army, human race There are about 160,000 coalition forces.

After receiving the order of Prince Gustav, the Blue Death Corps Tors, who had less than four thousand soldiers, began to fight and retreat from the battle; because the 100,000 troops of the Duke of Fesman had just entered the battle, So their retreat did not affect the morale of the human tribe.

When they almost retreated to the edge of the battlefield, the soldiers of the Tors Department stopped their retreat and built a line of defense that Prince Gustav ordered them to build; what Bai Feng expected was that they used The tool is actually the corpse of the enemy and our army!

Whether it is the corpses of the fallen soldiers of the Allied Allied Forces or the corpses of the fallen soldiers of the orc army, they have become a tool in the hands of these blue death corps soldiers; Cast on the west side of the battlefield.

After completing the formation of the main body of the defense line, the soldiers of the Blue Death Legion continued to extend their defense lines at the left and right ends. Seeing that the length of the defense line will reach three kilometers, Prince Gustav ordered again:

"Axel, send a command to General Eric, let him lead all his strength, and build a defense line on the west side of the defense line."


In a few moments, Erik led the 36th, 50th, and 65th Legions under his command; this time, the tools used by Erik’s forces to build defense lines were no longer corpses, but Prince Gustav had already prepared the refusal of horses and tribulus terrestris.

The layers of refusing horses can effectively resist the seemingly invincible charge of the orc army, and the iron cast iron tribulus can cause a lot of obstacles to the orc warriors who don’t even wear shoes; these two weapons are assisted The line of defense of the army of Eric is very strong.

The 60,000 soldiers of the three legions, relying on the defense line constructed on the west side of the corpse defense line less than three thousand meters long, based on the refusal of horses and Tribulus terrestris, its density and thickness are quite reliable; even if it is a powerful orc elite warrior, it is not It may break through this line of defense in a short time.

"Axel, send someone to order the Duke of Bancroft to let his soldiers guard the left and right sides of the line of defense in two ways. Never give the orc army a chance to bypass the line of defense!"


"Slow down." Axel was about to leave, and Prince Gustav stopped him again: "You don't want to send someone, you go for a run; remember to tell the Duke of Bancroft for me The army of the Deman Kingdom has always performed well, and the Dessau Kingdom cannot disappoint."

"Your Highness, rest assured, you will understand."

Looking at Axel who went far away, Bai Feng had to sigh in his heart the brilliance of Prince Gustav's means; use the performance of the Deman Kingdom Army to deliberately stimulate the Dessau Kingdom Legion. In this way, Bancroft The Duke didn't want to desperately.

It may be that the military strength of the Deman Kingdom is indeed strong. The combat strength of the 100,000 troops they sent is still very good, at least much stronger than the Dessau Kingdom; in order to improve the combat power of the Dessau Kingdom, Prince Gustav only They can be stimulated with this radical method.

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