Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1347: "·Orcs Strike"

The historical road is not a sidewalk on Nevsky Prospect, it is entirely moving in the fields, sometimes passing through the dust, sometimes through the mud, sometimes crossing the swamp, sometimes walking in the jungle.

-Chernyshevsky (Russian revolutionary, philosopher, writer and critic)

The current orc empire, in addition to the Bichon royal family, has eight powerful main battle races and two special races, as well as the three largest number of ordinary races; these 14 races are the main races of the orc empire.

Of the three ordinary races among the 14 races alone, the total population of the Doug, Pig, and Munch is no less than 30 million, and more than 5 million warriors can fight; plus other races, The total number of warriors in the orc empire is about ten million.

The orc empire that can dispatch thousands of warriors at any time, although the population is still far inferior to the dragon empire, but its overall strength is already stronger than the dragon empire, because the individual combat power of the orc warrior is much stronger than the soldiers of the dragon empire .

However, there are more enemies facing the Orc Empire than the Dragon Empire; according to Douglas, there are as many as three or four enemy countries in the Orc Empire east of the Sunset Mountains, and the overall strength of each country is not much worse than the Orc Empire. .

There are three or four rival countries that contain the orc empire and have to have a large number of troops on the border. The orc empire that can be used to invade the dragon empire often does not exceed one tenth of the total number of their empire fighters, which is one million.

Why the army used by the orc empire has not been less than one million since the last war, it is not clear to Douglas; he has left the orc empire for too long, and he has nothing to do with the changes in the orc empire in recent years. Known.

After roughly understanding the situation of the orc empire, Bai Feng's heart was increasingly looking forward to going to the orc empire; there was no problem with the dark council. After the war in the eastern provinces ended, Bai Feng could leave for the orc empire.

Douglas’s identity is special, so Bai Feng let him temporarily hide in the Warlord’s Palace, so as not to attract the attention of the people of the Holy See; there are people such as Bai Yi who help him hide the breath, but the representative of the Holy Paladin of the Holy Paladin, John, cannot find his existence. of.

Two days later, the twenty-seven standing corps that rushed to Mengdan City, together with six other standing corps with complete combat strength, were included by Bai Feng into the first line of defense against the province of Mengdan.

The first line of defense consisting of thirty-three fully-armed standing legions is located fifty miles east of Mondan City; this line of defense consisting of six hundred and sixty thousand troops is divided into four parts, each composed of Assassis, Uppadama, Atos, and Gabitus served as commanders.

In addition to their respective old ministries, the army of the generals of Assassis and other generals received more or less reinforcement: the army of the Assassis headquarters was reinforced by the Fifth Corps, and the army of the Upadama headquarters With the reinforcement of the Sixth Army, the army of Atos received the reinforcement of the Seventh Army, and the army of Gabitos received the reinforcement of the Eighth, Fifteenth, and Nineteenth Army.

The second line of defense, which is only fifteen miles away from the first line of defense, is composed of the Legion of Rodriguez and the army of Dambrosio; although there are five standing legions under Dambrosio, the real The fully-fledged legions are only the 115th legion and the 51st legion that have just been supplemented. The other three standing legions are seriously lacking.

Including Rodriguez’s Blaze Corps, the total strength of the second line of defense is only 100,000, and the role it can play is quite limited.

The third line of defense ten miles west is composed of Hans’s Yulin Corps and Erik’s army; the composition and combat power of this line of defense are not much different from the second line of defense, only the battle of the Yulin Corps. It is slightly better than the Legion of Fire.

The fourth and last line of defense in the province of Mengtan is just five miles under the city of Mengdan; not only the seven standing legions under Giskar’s line, but also the troops of all other countries in the coalition, the total Nearly 400,000 troops!

The Light Cavalry, the Rhine Cavalry, the Cavalry Corps, and the Shenshu Battalion, these four cavalry units are still not in the combat sequence of each army; the cavalry who are resident in a camp thirty miles north of Mondan City, their task is to maintain their mobility , Ready to go south at any time.

Bai Feng, who didn't expect much from the next battle, began to deploy the army and was also arranging for the Sofia Chamber of Commerce to move the assets of the Governor's Mansion in the three provinces of Mondan, Lyon, and Toulon to Broyansong. It is the key to Baifeng's layout.

Once the coalition defeated the fall of Mengdan Province, the millions of coalition forces in Mengdan Province will definitely be fierce. By then, the Prince of Pros, who has only two or three hundred thousand recruits, will choose to stick to Broyansong Province. Or directly led the army to flee back to the imperial capital?

The answer is obvious. It is impossible for the deceased Prince of Pross to stay in the province of Brojansson anyway; as long as Prince Pross is gone, Bai Feng, the governor of the Eastern Metropolitan Government and the commander of the coalition, will naturally be able to enter the cloth. Luo Yangsong province.

By relying solely on the defeat of the coalition soldiers and wanting to hold Broyongsong under the peak of the orc army, it is nothing short of an idiot's dream; therefore, hundreds of thousands of Roman troops stationed in Toulon province are Bai Feng blocking the west of the orc army The real hole card.

Orcs, like the barbarians of the barren continent, believe in the respect of the strong. Only the strong who defeat them can get their respect. The weak who are conquered by them can only be under their bullying and oppression.

If Bai Feng is to be qualified for an equal dialogue with the orc empire, he must defeat the invading army of orcs in a head-to-head battle; otherwise, the orcs as victors and conquerors cannot look at Bai Feng.

The orc army, which had just received 400,000 reinforcements, launched an offensive against the coalition forces on the fifth day after the decisive battle. The orc warriors in the mountains and the mountains directly crossed the border of Mengdan Province and poured into the territory of Mengdan Province like a tide.

The heading orc unit is the tens of thousands of wolf cavalry led by the wolf king Sacker; tens of thousands of wolf cavalry ran wildly on the Mengdan Plain, and the sound of the wolf's wolf howling rang through the sky, letting the cities behind closed doors. The people heard terrified and frightened.

Wolf cavalry who can only attack will not waste time on such futile things like siege, even the main force of the orc army behind them, not caring for the closed cities, but going straight to the human forces. The line of defense will come.

The boldness of the orc army is, to a certain extent, based on their strength; the orc army that has been deployed has nearly two million soldiers directly deployed, and the black orc warriors are enough to scare all attempts to attack the city. Defense Army of Mendan.

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