Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1357: "·Prince reaction"

Opinions and emotions are the same, and it is better to connect two people together than to contact. In this way, the two people are very close despite being far apart.

——Tchaikovsky (Russian composer, music educator)

After learning that the two million coalition forces on the front line were almost dead and wounded, and the nearly two million troops of the orcs and winged men had retreated from the remnants of the coalition, the city of Mengdan was surrounded by a leak. The first reaction of the Prince was not how to rescue the remnants of the front coalition, but Quickly pack up and prepare to run.

The Governor’s Guard and the Bluebird Corps, which have been expanding their troops in the Eastern Metropolitan Government, now have a total army of about half a million, but this half a million troops cannot bring a sense of security to Prince Pros, because the real The number of warriors that can stand a war is no more than one hundred thousand.

Of the two million coalition forces on the front line, there are no less than one million elite warriors who have been battle-tested. They are almost completely annihilated by the coalition of orcs and wingmen. The Prince of Pros has no confidence. With his own half a million The patchwork of the army blocked the attack of the orc army.

It took the power of nine cows and two tigers to withdraw to Prince Gustav, Duke of Fesman, Duke of Bancroft, etc. in the province of Broyansong. They merged the Duke of Tarbert and Youli who had been here before. After Duke Ka and General Caulby, they decided to retreat back to their country.

Duke Tarbert, Duke Ulica, and General Calby, somehow, they can bring some of their men back to the country, but the three of Prince Gustav, Duke Feisman, Duke Bancroft, but They can only bring their 50 carefully selected guards home.

Although the loss was heavy, Prince Gustav and others did not have much regret in their hearts. Instead, they were mostly fortunate; thinking about the soldiers who were trapped in the city of Mengdan, they felt that they were lucky to escape from the ascension. Meng Dan City is better to wait for death.

Prince Gustav and six others left the city of Broyansong on the same day and withdrew without looking back, which made Prince Pross's uneasy heart even more anxious; but he did not get permission from his father. Before, he did not dare to lead his troops to evacuate Broyansong province.

The feudal governor is an important step towards the independence of the four princes who are restricted by the imperial capital; even the weakest prince Harry, after being governed by the governor of the southwestern metropolitan government, there are three provinces under his command. The territory and the army of seven legions.

The prosperous Prince of Prosperity, which had been developing rapidly, had obtained six provincial territories and the army of 17 legions. If it were to be the Cavalry Corps, the Blast Corps, the Lance Corps and other legions directly under the Bai Feng, the Prince 'S strength has firmly ranked first among the princes.

Although the overall strength of Prince Prosperity has surpassed the other three princes, it cannot form an absolute advantage over the other three princes; the strength is second only to Prince William of Pross, and his development speed is incomparable. Prince Los is slow.

In such a large environment, the loss of the Eastern Provinces to the Prince of Pros is almost the same as the direct deprivation of his succession to the throne; because if he loses the foundation of the Eastern Provinces, the consequence must be to return to the imperial capital to continue to do so The prince, not like other princes, stayed in the metropolitan government and developed in his own world.

The Tianlong Empire of the sword and the magic world is different from the feudal dynasty in Chinese history. In this world where the strongest is respected, only the most powerful prince can become the emperor of the empire. One side is far away.

Therefore, after receiving the information sent by Bai Feng to send him, Prince Prosperously dispatched a quick horse to the emperor and sent him to the emperor. In addition to sending back the frontline situation, Prince Pross, who was active, also caught his situation in the intelligence. In the middle, sent back to the imperial capital.

The over-indulgence of Charlie the Great for his son is well known to the world. How can Pros, who is his son, not understand his father? He was playing emotional cards in the situation report and was waiting for his father to send him an order.

Unauthorized leadership to abandon the eastern provinces and order to leave the eastern provinces, the results are the same, but the nature between the two is very different; if you choose the former, even if Prince Pross returns safely and unharmed The imperial capital will also become a target.

Not only will the supporters of the other three princes attack Madam Pross with all kinds of madness, but even his supporters will have many people change their courts; as a prince who has been fighting for years, Pros will not Make this low-level mistake.

Strongly enduring the impulse to escape immediately and risking staying in Broyongsong, Prince Pross, while anxiously waiting for the order of Charles the Great, did not forget to call back the four legions that had been sent to Bai Feng; the war ahead broke out prematurely , So that the four legions on the way to march only went to the middle of the province of Lyon, which gave Prince Pros the chance to recall them.

At this time, the Prince of Pros could not care about any hidden strength. All the guards who were distributed in the cities and towns of Broyansong Province were all gathered near the city of Broyongsong. Complete the Bluebird Legion.

Unlike the Governor’s Guard, which had no fixed establishment, the Blue Jays in the Imperial Standing Army’s combat sequence had only 20,000 soldiers in full formation, and they expanded the army several times without authorization; if this was known by the military, it would inevitably be One pass and all accusations and complaints.

But does the current Prince of Pross still care about the accusations and complaints of the Imperial Army? The answer must be no. Under the premise that his life is directly threatened, the Prophet of the Prince, Pros, will not take the imperial army at all.

The expansion of the Governor’s Guard, which has never stopped, has more than 400,000 soldiers, plus more than 100,000 soldiers of the Bluebird Legion, and 80,000 soldiers of the four standing legions that will be withdrawn. The soldiers assembled outside the city of Broyongsong are expected to be Up to 600,000.

These 600,000 troops were commanded by the Prophet's confidant Demps and Black respectively, and the lord Moritz, the highest commander of the military in the name of the Metropolitan Government, could not even command a single soldier.

The anxious Prince of Pross didn’t know that he sent someone to send the intelligence back to the imperial capital, which caused another uproar at the top of the empire; but this time, everyone’s attention was not put on his Prince of Pros, but instead On the wing man who appeared suddenly.

The Imperial History Museum, which has never been visited, has become a place frequented by high-level empire. The director of the History Museum has been summoned by Charlie the Emperor several times in person; all the historical materials and books about the winged people in the museum have been collected and Someone is responsible for finding useful things.

The Wing Humans, which had been extinct 10,000 years ago, became the Allies of the Orc Army. This is a major event that can change the situation on the mainland; after all, the Wing Humans are one of the four strongest races in the ancient times. God knows their race What kind of power does it have?

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