Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1359: "·Truce of Armistice"

Work must be persistent, sincere artists cannot just sit back on the pretext of being in a bad mood.

——Tchaikovsky (Russian composer, music educator)

"A truce can be signed, but the three eastern provinces can never be ceded!" Charlie the Great, who did not want to be the first emperor in the history of the Tianlong Empire, set a tone for the signing of the armistice agreement, that is, he must never beg for mercy. .

"Your Majesty, the basic premise for the orc army to commit a truce is to obtain the three provinces of Mengdan, Lyon, and Toulon. If we do not want to cede these three provinces to them, the war will probably continue to burn." Duke Patel said no Amazingly endless.

Emperor Charlie really did not understand why the emperor’s prime minister, who was not very concerned about the past, would have so hardly contributed to the truce today, but he still insisted on seeing: "I would rather have my own imperial war to the last soldier, not Give an inch of land to anyone!"

"Your Majesty, the minister has a policy, and he can sign a truce with the orcs without cutting the three eastern provinces."

"What's the good plan for Boris Aiqing, come quickly."

"Your Majesty, since the period set by the orcs for the armistice agreement is fifty years, why don’t we lease the three eastern provinces to the orc empire for fifty years? The lease is not a cessation. Once our strength is restored, we can The orcs demanded to return to these three provinces."

The remarks made by the Foreign Secretary Duke Boris sneered at the imperial ministers present; what lease is not a cession, is it not another form of cession? It's just that it is a cover of shame for the begging of land that mourns the country.

The reality is that the Tianlong Empire, which has been unable to continue this war, needs precisely such a layer of shaming cloth; with this layer of shaming cloth, the Tianlong Empire will not cut off the land from the orcs and ask for mercy.

Emperor Charlie immediately said: "Ai Qing really deserves to be a humorous empire of the empire. This is a very good plan; first paralyze the orcs in the name of the lease, wait for the strength of our empire to recover, and then retake the leased land in the name of reclaiming the lease. , It works!"

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the use of leases to pack and mow the ground is a self-deception. As the Duke of Boris said, in the future, the imperial army has recovered its strength and strength. It is indeed possible to ask the orcs to return to the three eastern provinces.

Even Charlie the Great was stumbling down the hill with a clear confusion, and the other ministers would naturally not take the initiative to touch this kind of mold; so, in the name of renting, the cession of the three eastern provinces to the orc empire was so finalized. Down.

The next question is, who should the Empire send to negotiate with the Orc Empire? Being a diplomatic ambassador of a defeated country is not an easy job. If you are a little careless, you will become a mouse in the bellows. If you are angry at both ends, your own life will be threatened.

Especially the target of this negotiation is the orcs who have always been known for their brutality and fierceness. Although the rules of the war between the two armies of the human races are not cut, but the orcs will not talk about this rule, then only Heaven knows.

Even more daunting is that the diplomatic envoys who signed the armistice agreement on behalf of the Tianlong Empire will be nailed to the shame of the history of the empire in the future; this kind of hard work that will make you and your family rancid for thousands of years. , Who can be willing to do it?

Charles the Great, who has always been satisfied with the performance of the Duke of Boris, did not push his confidant into the fire pit. He directly asked Boris and said: "Ai Qing, you are the foreign minister of the empire. You feel that you are negotiating with the orcs. Who is dispatched to make it suitable?"

"Your Majesty, my servants in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have never dealt with orcs. Sending them to them may only be a change in situation. It is better to choose one of the senior nobles of the empire who understand the orcs. The understanding is very comparable."

Among the senior nobles of the empire, the only princes who had dealt with the orcs were the princes who had fought against the orcs on the front line; among them, Duke Gurner and Duke Krest were the heads of the five empire families. It's impossible to get involved in danger.

The Duke of Iron-Blood Longde Stadt is considered a personal choice, but his identity is too special. If Charles the Emperor uses him, it will inevitably arouse the criticism of the people of the empire; in this way, the only suitable candidate is now trapped in the city of Mengdan Bai Feng, Duke of Yulin.

Charlie the Great, who had planned to take advantage of this opportunity to cut the title of Duke of Baifeng and deprive him of all his duties in the name of unfavorable operations, weighed himself in his heart, but decided to temporarily suspend the growing Bai family and let Bai Feng continue to replace him. The Empire guards the East.

"The Battle of the East, as the Provincial Governor of the Eastern Metropolitan Government, must be responsible for the defeat of the war; I intend to strip the Prince of Pros, deprive him of his position as the governor, and take him back to the imperial capital for trial. What does Qing think?"

"Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible!" Duke Terras, who was anxious at once, jumped out and called out injustice: "His Royal Highness, it is not easy for the Empire to command the army and the orcs in **** battles. How can it be handled easily?"

Other ministers also knew that this was Charlie the Emperor's self-directed and bitter trick. How could they be more true, even the military minister Duke Cullen, who most wanted the fall of Prince Pross, persuaded:

"Your Majesty, the defeat of the Eastern War is not a crime of war, but the army of the orc army is too large, and there are winged people who will not be able to help for thousands of years. It is normal for our imperial army to lose to the other party; the command of His Royal Highness the Eighth Prince, no It’s at least nothing to say that you have merit."

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness is responsible for this task at a young age, and blocking the orc army for a few months has been a great accomplishment; treating people who have merit in the front line is demanding too high for his prince's identity, and he will not reward him. Your wisdom!"

"His Majesty……"

The ministers talked eloquently to the Prince of Pros. Anyway, it was just a few beautiful words; no matter what the ministers said, the emperor Charles was serious anyway, he really felt His son became a hero who fought blood on the front line.

"Well, you will intercede for him." The emperor Charlie rebuked the ministers, and then ordered: "Prose's death is exempt from living sin. From now on, he will be exempted from his position as the great governor. Return to the Imperial Capital within ten days and think behind closed doors!"

Here’s how the ministers still don’t understand. This is an excuse that Charlie the Emperor loved his son and was reluctant to leave his son on the dangerous front line and repatriated him to the capital; even so, there are still many people who are concerned about this It's a pleasure to see.

The great-grandfather's maternal grandfather Duke Cullen, the fourth-prince's maternal grandfather Duke Hammond, and the five-prince's maternal grandfather foreign minister Duke Boris. The foundation of the painstaking management of the eastern provinces can be destroyed once, and the eighth prince who was the strongest in the past became the weakest prince in an instant.

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