Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1396: "·Go North Again"

To discover fruitful truth, a person needs millions of people to destroy their lives in failed explorations and tragic mistakes.

-Mendeleev (Russian scientist)

If it was only Bayara who went to visit Daishan deliberately, perhaps it would not explain anything; but if Bayara’s six sons went to Hoag’s camp while Bayayar visited Daishan, there might be something to say Unclear meaning.

The calm day began so calmly. The 20,000 cavalry that Huang Taiji first provided to Bai Feng was not the cavalry of their headquarters in the Eight Banners of Jianzhou, but their newly collected vassal cavalry from Hercynian and Savage.

The 20,000 chaotic and poorly equipped cavalry, although from the tribes of Hercynian and Savage, are now Jianzhou women’s true cavalry; therefore, it is not Baylor from Hercyn and Savage, Instead, it was Baylor and Taiji of Jianzhou Jurchen.

The 20,000 cavalry who actually compiled eighty dissatisfied cattle records, with four Taijis of Yebushu, Seler, Asb, and Bakji as their deputy capitals, were in charge of the Aixinjueluo family. Beside the elders Bei and Qibeile, the father of Selebel.

The ancestor of the Aixinjueluo family, Juechangan, had five sons, and their second sons, Ergon and Sanzizhai, had no heirs. The fourth son, Takshi, was the father of Nurhaci, and the yellow belt of the Aixinjueluo family was created The eldest son of Lidun and the youngest son of Tazapian are the main body of the red belt with the closest blood relationship to the yellow belt.

The long-dead Lidun only had the only son Bei Heqi, the cousin of the founder of Manchu Eight Banners Nurhaci; Bei and Qibeile had three sons, namely the eldest son Sele, the second son Xi Lai, and the third son Aji Lai, all of them were Taiji. Cousin of Taiwan, Jianzhou Jvzhen Taiji.

The ancient Belle, a Tacha chapter of the old man, has sons Huerhaqi and Dalhuqi under his knees; Huerhazibele has sons Ashke and Ashbu, and Darhu Qibele has sons Bakki and Mangma, These four Taijis are cousins ​​of Huang Taiji.

The Emperor Taiji who does not reuse the members of the Aixinjueluo family's descendants is quite good for the members of the Aixinjueluo family, especially the red belts of the ancient veins of Lidun and Tacha, which have always been more popular than the ordinary yellow belts. Emperor Taiji reused.

Baylor and Taijizhong, commanding 20,000 cavalry cavalry dispatched by Huang Taiji, the most special status is Yebushu Taiji; although Yebushu’s title is only Taiji, he is one of Huang Taiji’s favorite sons. Among them, the status is second only to Hauge.

In fact, even Hauge, who has a higher status than Ye Bushu, takes care of his younger brother Ye Bushu; this is the first time Ye Bushu has led a military expedition. Zheng Lanqi transferred one of the most elite Niu Lu and gave it to Ye Bushu.

After simple communication with Bei and Qibeile, Bai Feng led the two red flags and two blue flags of his headquarters, and the 20,000 cavalry of the eight flags of Jianzhou, and embarked on a journey northward to the third surname of Tiele.

Huang Taiji who stayed in the camp also had a lot of things to do next. The overall relocation of Jianzhou women really was a huge project. To avoid accidents, Huang Taiji must be as prepared as possible for various unexpected situations. .

The three surnames Huihui, Tongluo, and Absi are the third strongest surnames among the nine surnames of Tiele. They are neither the strongest nor the weakest among the nine surnames of Tiele; however, what is the strength of these three surnames, Bai Feng now Not quite understand.

Neither the limited information provided by the Secret Guard nor the slightly confusing information provided by the Jianzhou Jurchen can make Bai Feng have a clear understanding of the tribes of the three surnames in the north, and even he can gather these three surnames. I don’t know how many cavalry.

One hundred thousand Tianlong Eight Banners cavalry plus twenty thousand Jianzhou Eight Banner cavalry cavalry, the mighty 120,000 cavalry went north all the way, but even a nomadic tribe did not encounter it; such a weird situation made Bai Feng involuntarily improve himself Alertness.

The Jianqi Baqi vassal cavalry with uneven combat power was arranged by Bai Feng between the Zhenglan Banner and the Blue Banner. The two more powerful blue flags protected the 20,000 cavalry who were vulnerable to heavy damage on both sides; At the open red flag, thousands of cavalry were sent to patrol and travel within five miles of the army to prevent the army from being attacked by the enemy.

After three days of high vigilance, the army finally reached the Tongluo camp among the nine surnames of Tiele; as a result, what appeared in front of Bai Feng was not a bustling and densely populated tribal camp, but a person who went to camp. ruins.

"Princess, there is almost no trace of fierce fighting in this camp. The Tong Luo people should have taken the initiative to withdraw." Alexander Hui reported.

"Can you find out in which direction they evacuated?"

"Princess, judging from the ruts and horseshoe marks, the direction of the Tong Luo retreat should be northeast, where it happens to be the camp of the Hui Pu, logically speaking."

Intuitively something wrong, Bai Feng immediately ordered: "Tongluo people can't give up their camp for no reason. You will immediately send someone to search the 30-mile range of this camp for me carefully to see if there are Mongolian cavalry. Trail."


"White III, White IV, and White V, you go to Dudu, Nikan, Pui and Qi to order them, and let them camp on the spot to stay alert."


"Maxi, you go and inform Antico, let him lead the red flag into the camp, and check the camp carefully again."


After receiving the order issued by Bai Feng, Bei and Qibeile just relayed the order. Ye Bushu, who was on the first trip, complained with resentment: "Uncle, how can Bai Feng let his own ministry go to the camp overnight, And let's camp outside?"

Knowing that Ye Busu's first expedition would inevitably be a little uncomfortable, Seler comforted him: "Primary four, don't complain, it is not a good thing to be in this empty camp; besides, this is not Du Duhe Are Nikkan’s two blue flags with us?"

"Huh, these two traitors!" Ye Dushu immediately cursed angrily at the mention of Dudu and Nikon: "Grandpa purposely named them Baylor before he died. He wanted them to love Xinjuero for me. Family effectiveness, who thought they would dare to betray their own family!"

"Then your grandfather still has his will to let Dorgon inherit the sweat position. Hasn't your elder emperor Taiji usurped the sweat position of his own brother?" Seler, who didn't say this, still hung on his face. With a faint smile, he continued to persuade Ye Bushu who was grieving.

Having experienced too many ups and downs in his life, Bei Heqi is not so important about the so-called title and power, but his sons and nephews are not the same; Seler and others are in their prime, and they think they are Aixinjueluo. A member of the family has been artificially divided into a red belt that is inferior to the yellow belt. It is still a little Taiji. How can they not be dissatisfied?

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