Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1403: "· Beat Key"

Of all the criticisms, the greatest, correct, and most genius is time.

-Belinsky (Russian democrat, philosopher, literary critic)

With the full support of Yue'er and Binglan, Bai Feng began to send Roman soldiers to the battlefield on a scale of 5,000 people; first, the Eagles Legion of Eggers, followed by Brono's Tamron Legion, Peres The Lions Army, Hall’s Iron Eagles.

The four barbarian legions were quickly sent over. This time Bai Feng did not send them directly into the battle, but waited for all the legions to be sent over before ordering the 64,000 barbarian soldiers to support the Fourth Roman Legion in two ways. And the Tigers.

The 30,000 Thule cavalry, who still had the upper hand against the Fourth Roman Legion and the Tiger Legion, but with the involvement of the four Barbarian Legions, the strength of the warring parties was immediately reversed; the brave and good barbarian warriors succeeded Stopped the offensive of the Tyler cavalry.

Baifeng, which is no longer available for the Barbarian Legion, continues to send not the Roman Legion, but the Roman Eagle Flag Legion; although the first Roman Eagle Flag Legion of Luculus is still stationed in the same camp as the Luo Family, there are two more in the city of Rome A Roman Eagle Flag Legion is available for Bai Feng to call.

The first Roman Eagle Flag Legion of Li Xini and the second Roman Eagle Flag Legion of Vimina, the two Roman Eagle Flag Legions are exactly the same, but Li Xini is good at attacking Vimina and better than defense; therefore, Bai Feng The choice is still more offensive Li Xini army.

The extremely large First Roman Eagle Flag Regiment, the first to be sent over was its First Infantry Wing; full of nine brigades, with three Roman heavy infantry and twenty-four Roman elite infantry First Infantry The team is the strongest and largest wing of the army.

The eleven other infantry wing of the First Roman Eagle Flag Legion. Each wing consists of six brigades. It has fifteen teams of Roman heavy infantry and three teams of elite Roman infantry. Infantry Wing of the Roman Heavy Infantry.

Twelve powerful infantry wing, although it is the core main force of the Roman Eagle Flag Legion, but not all of their fighting power; the cavalry wing consists of 30 corps cavalry, the instrument wing composed of various equipment arms , The war-mastiff brigade composed of battle mastiffs and fire pigs, the gladiator brigade composed of gladiators of Samonet, and the assault brigade composed of elite infantry of Rome. The combat power of these legions is also not weak.

After the infantry wing and the cavalry wing were sent over, Bai Feng did not continue to send the direct troops of the legion, but began to give priority to the affiliated auxiliary legion of the legion; it had fifteen wings and five auxiliary battalions directly under the battalion. The total number of editors is up to 35,000, and the relatively perfect combination of arms makes the actual combat strength of such an auxiliary legion stronger than the two barbarian legions!

Even if Bai Feng could transport five thousand soldiers from the city of Rome to the battlefield at one time, the first Roman Eagle Flag Legion with all his staff needed him to go back and forth sixteen times to complete the transmission; there was not so much time for Bai Feng to send the first auxiliary After the legion was sent over, let Li Xini and Gregory lead their main and auxiliary legions to push the red and blue flags on the battlefield.

The cavalry wing, equipment wing, assault battalion, gladiator battalion, battle mastiff battalion, and other direct troops that were transmitted immediately afterwards were separately organized by Bai Feng into a mixed battle cluster for the reinforcement of the first in the north. Roman Legion and Second Roman Legion.

The first Roman legion, the second Roman legion, the blue flag, and the red flag have all been killed and wounded for more than half of the time. If they can no longer receive strong assistance, let’s say whether the blue flag and the red flag can resist. Each Roman legion is at risk of annihilation.

It is impossible to sit back and watch the two Roman legions under his command, Bai Feng, which was destroyed by this. This is why they were organized by a group directly under the First Roman Eagle Flag Legion to support them; however, it is certainly impossible to rely on a group with limited strength. Decisive role.

Bai Feng was to be transferred from the Roman city to the battlefield next. It was the Third Banner Corps of the Ten Thousand Lianzhen and the Fourth Banner Corps of the Takano Dinner; the full-length Banner Corps with 30,000 Shoguns had an overall combat power that was higher than that of ordinary Rome. The stronger legion is a reliable reinforcement option.

Six times back and forth, one Banner Corps could be sent to Baifeng on the battlefield. In just half an hour, the two Banner Corps 60,000 Shogun soldiers were sent to the battlefield; from the moment these two Banner Corps arrived on the battlefield, the balance of victory finally Start to lean towards Baifeng.

The first Tyler cavalry to be defeated was the one that attempted to impact Bai Feng’s location; under the joint attack of the Fourth Roman Legion, Tiger Tiger Legion, Eagle Legion, Tamron Legion, Lion Legion, Iron Eagle Legion, They have not been able to persist for too long.

With the collapse of the Tiele cavalry, Bai Feng discovered a key to defeat the Tiele cavalry, that is, the Mongolian cavalry mixed in the Tiele cavalry cluster, it seems that it has been playing the role of war supervision.

The collapse of the Tiele cavalry is the best proof. The loss of more than 25,000 cavalry killed by the 40,000 cavalry did not collapse. However, after the loss of the Mongolian cavalry mixed in between them, the number of deaths did not increase much. They even collapsed inexplicably!

Bai Feng, who has discovered this, is still not sure whether the Mongolian cavalry influenced the Tiele cavalry, because the four barbarian corps, such as the lion corps that has just entered the battle, may also be the last straw to overwhelm the camel, so he decided to try again. .

After defeating the Tiele cavalry, Bai Feng first repaired the heavy loss of the 4th Roman Legion and the Tigers. The four legions including the Lions with little casualties also regrouped on the spot; then, he let the battlefield ghost And the shadow killer targeted the Mongolian cavalry.

About 3,000 Mongolian cavalry who are fighting with Zhenghongqi, Zhenglanqi, Second Roman Legion, First Roman Eagle Flag Legion, and First Auxiliary Legion are still active on the battlefield; these three thousand Mongolian cavalry Is the new target of ghosts and shadow killers on the battlefield.

When the target of the attack was changed from an intermediate officer of the centurion or centurion level to an ordinary Mongolian cavalry, the efficiency of the battlefield ghost and shadow killer was more than doubled immediately; every minute and every second, there was an unprepared Mongolian cavalry Down under their attack.

The three thousand Mongolian cavalry did not hold on for twenty minutes, and all became the ghosts of battlefield ghosts and shadow killers; the excessively large number of Tiele cavalry clusters provided natural resources for the battlefield ghost and shadow killer attacks. This is the main reason why they slaughtered up to three thousand Mongolian cavalry in just 20 minutes.

The complete death of the Mongolian cavalry did not immediately cause the defeat of the Tiele cavalry, but the combat power displayed by the Tiele cavalry did indeed drop a lot compared to the previous one; after aware of this phenomenon, Bai Feng immediately grasped the key to defeat the Tiele cavalry !

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