Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1406: "·Confluence of the Army"

Real friends do not hang friendship on their lips. They do not ask each other for friendship, but do everything they can for each other.

-Belinsky (Russian democrat, philosopher, literary critic)

After the attempts of the Tyler cavalry to prevent the instrument wing from failing, the ballistic artillery, scorpion cross, and stone crossbow of the instrument wing continued to attack, and the crossbow arrows and stone bombs projected continuously hit the already fragile nerves of the tyler cavalry.

By the time the reinforcement battle group with the First Roman Eagle Flag Corps and its auxiliary regiments rushed to the battlefield, the morale of the Tyler cavalry had been reduced to a step away from the collapse; the reinforcement battle group, once again overwhelmed them The last straw.

The defeat of the Tiele cavalry does not mean that Bai Feng has survived this crisis, but it is enough to prove that the nine surnames of Tiele are definitely not the mastermind behind them; Bai Feng has a feeling that it starts when his army defeats the Tiele cavalry. The real conspiracy has just begun.

Bai Feng's defeat of the three Tiele cavalry at the cost of both defeats and injuries is not worth the reward, but he has no chance at all, because the initiative of war has always been in the hands of others, an enemy hidden in the dark.

After the battle with the Tiele cavalry, Bai Feng did not rush to send troops to reinforce, it is likely that the three barbarian phalanx corps still fighting with the Tiele cavalry, but first sent several corps with heavy casualties to the formation. Return to Rome.

The first, second, third, and fourth Roman legions and the LTTE, these five legions were basically disabled, especially the First Roman legion and the LTTE. These two legions, while playing a huge role, also suffered extreme Heavy casualties.

Similar to the Roman Legion such as the First Roman Legion, the Roman light infantry, Roman youth army, Roman heavy infantry and other system arms in the compilation sequence, as long as one of the soldiers in a team is still alive, it can be restored overnight through the system's reorganization Full edition.

Although this rapid reorganization was achieved at the expense of the combat effectiveness of the entire team of soldiers, its strategic significance is still significant and far-reaching; this is also the main reason for Bai Feng to put four Roman legions into the war of attrition with the Tyler cavalry at one time.

What is beyond Bai Feng's expectation now is that the four Roman legions that entered the battle, each Roman legion has a large number of Roman system soldiers killed in teams; the first Roman legion with the most casualties, its team soldiers killed are even more There are as many as 14 teams!

This means that even with a strategically significant system integration, the first Roman legion lost one quarter of its system strength; if it is counted again for those system soldiers in urgent need of integration, the post-integration combat strength Decline, this battle has caused considerable losses to the overall military strength of the city of Rome.

Bai Feng first used the teleportation array to send the five heavy casualties to the city of Rome, and then sent the Fifth Banner Army of Kuroda and the Sixth Banner Army of Sase to the front line; in this way, he under his command The usable strength of the army has not decreased but increased.

At ten o'clock, the third banner army, the fourth banner army at Takano, the fifth banner army at Kuroda Rigao, and the sixth banner army at Sase, the four full-length banner troops added up. There are 120,000 Shoguns who are not weak.

Although the four corps of Eagles, Lions, Tamrons, and Iron Eagles have different levels of casualties, the overall combat strength of each corps is still intact. The four corps can be a warrior plus a warrior. There are also 50,000 people.

The First Roman Eagle Flag Corps, which was built by all the troops directly under it, together with its auxiliary legion, has a total strength of nearly 70,000, and is still the most powerful presence among all the troops.

Two red flags and two blue flags with the most casualties, and the mighty 100,000 cavalry who went north, now there are less than 40,000 residual soldiers, of which there are more casualties than intact cavalry; as for the Jianzhou cavalry, which collapsed on the battlefield , That even a thousand cavalry could not be left.

At the end of the battle, there were only Ashbutaiji and Bakjitaiji and more than 300 Jianzhou cavalry around Bei and Qibeile. The other Jianzhou cavalry either died in the battlefield or escaped. In the next battle situation Meaningless.

Just as Bai Feng could feel that the conspiracy that enveloped his head had not dispersed, Bay and Zibel could also perceive that the matter could not end so simply; but, with no soldiers in his hands, he could not fight the next battle at any time. No effect.

Yebushutaiji and Seletaiji, who were rescued by the collapse of the Mongolian cavalry, had many bleeding wounds on their bodies. They suffered serious injuries and they had been in a comatose state. It's a drag rather than a boost by Bay and Ziber.

As night fell, the soldiers of the Fifth Banner Army and the Sixth Banner Army were still sweeping the battlefield. The three barbarian phalanx corps, Cheetah, Flying Leopard, and Sparta, appeared on the edge of the battlefield against the afterglow of the setting sun. position.

From the blood stains on the soldiers of the three legions, Bai Feng can understand how cruel the battle they had just experienced not long ago; however, their presence here and now is enough to show that they are the winners of the battle. !

The three barbarian phalanx regiments, and 33,000 barbarian fighters, with their own strength alone, blocked the attack of the 100,000 Tiele cavalry. It must be said that the three functions formed by Bai Feng at that time had some single Macedonian phalanx, Once again embodies his value in the war.

The three phalanx regiments, full of 33,000 soldiers, were able to come to Baifeng alive and there were about 19,000 soldiers.

According to statistics, during this day's battle, the army under Bai Feng killed a total of 27,000 Mongolian cavalry and about 250,000 Tiele cavalry; and the price they paid for this was nearly 150,000 soldiers. Killed in action.

In addition to the 20,000 Jianzhou cavalry who did not care about him, Bai Feng lost 60,000 soldiers, and 60,000 were cavalry of the Dragons and Eight Banners. What most distressed Bai Feng was the 70,000 soldiers lost by the various legions in Rome. .

After the night fell, Bai Feng once again began to send reinforcements from the city of Rome to his temporary camp; the fifth Roman legion of Oldington, the sixth Roman legion of Marcus, and the weight of Bashirek Legion, three of the remaining legions in Rome were taken away from Rome by Bai Feng to deal with the crisis he is facing now.

After being strengthened by these three legions, Bai Feng’s available military strength reached 340,000, and there are various arms, and self-preservation is certainly no problem; but Bai Feng wants more than self-preservation, He wants to do everything possible to find out the design to deal with his behind-the-scenes hands, and then let the other party pay a very painful price for his actions!

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