Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1415: "·Fighting again·End"

The best among friends is like good tea, light but not astringent, fragrant but not pungent, slowly floating, flowing in a long stream.

——Krelov (Russian writer, world-famous fable, writer)

In the face of the camp's textbook-style defensive counterattack, the heavy-loss Tiele cavalry was almost expelled from the camp; but because of the burning of the camp wall, the defender could only defend on the spot, and did not deal with the nearly collapsed Tiele The cavalry pursued.

The number of cavalry killed by the Tiele cavalry has been no less than 150,000, which is close to one-third of their total cavalry. To such a degree of war damage, if the subsequent cavalry can continue to maintain their offensive strength, then That's the hell.

The Mongolian cavalry can use the method of slaughtering a Tiele clan overnight to force the nine surnames of Tiele to send all the young and strong to participate in the attack on the army of Baifeng, but they cannot guarantee that everyone in the Tiele cavalry can do it. Undaunted.

After several defeats failed, the Tiele cavalry's offensive strength began to decline. The Tiele cavalry who had originally attempted to overwhelm the defenders with a fierce attack, gave up their frontal attacks and used the arrows in their hands to slowly consume Passively defending defenders.

In the face of the slightly messy arrows shot by the Thule cavalry, the loss of long-armed warriors without effective armor is not small; there are constantly long-gun warriors who are shot and lose their fighting power, and occasionally they are killed on the spot.

This kind of purely costly battle, the longer the duration is, the more unfavorable it is for the Roman army. Even if the Roman army can use its own arms to match the advantages and strength of the army to defeat the Thunder cavalry, the ultimate fishermen benefit from it. Mongolian tribe.

Under the circumstances that the longbowman's right arm was swollen and the range of the iron artillery was not enough, it was impossible to rely on a Longbow Wing and a Crossbow Wing of the Governor's Guard to change the disadvantage of the Roman army; Bai Feng wanted to save the battle , It is necessary to send more combat troops over.

Of the remaining armies in the city of Rome, neither the Banner Corps nor the Four Roman Corps had the ability to solve the current plight of the Roman army; Nelson’s Thunder Wolf Corps was only a light cavalry regiment, and it was not as powerful as Bashirek already in the camp. Department of the Hammer Army.

There is really no better choice for Bai Feng. The Cavalry Wing of the Second Roman Eagle Flag Regiment in Vimina, the three teams of Pattia Arch Cavalry, ten teams of Royal Macedonian cavalry, four teams of armored cavalry, two teams The sickle chariot was temporarily transferred to the front.

When Bai Feng returned to the camp, on the one hand, he transferred all the cavalry that had been temporarily transferred to the northwest corner of the camp. On the other hand, he transferred the cavalry wing of the First Roman Eagle Flag Legion, the Hammer Legion, other barbarian legions, and the Roman legion. Cavalry, all drawn out.

Defensive to the northwest of the camp is the 6th Banner Army of Sase. At the command of Bai Feng, the warrior of the 6th Banner Army guarded by the dead guard took the initiative to give up a gap of about 100 meters for them to gather behind them. The cavalry cluster launched a counterattack.

The Tyler cavalry, who mistakenly thought that the defenders were reapplying their old skills, did not have the idea of ​​rushing into the camp along this gap. They just continued their shooting step by step, completely ignoring this gap.

As soon as the counterattack gap opened, the two teams of Scythe chariots rushed out first, followed by four teams of armored cavalry and ten teams of Royal Macedonian cavalry; the reason why the Scythe chariot is called the Scythe chariot is because of their fighting There are two scythes on both sides of the car with amazing damage.

From the inside to the fan-shaped roll sickle chariot, as soon as they rushed into the Tiele cavalry cluster, many Tiele cavalry were cut off by the scythe on both sides of the fast sickle chariot. The Tiele cavalry had not responded, and the armored cavalry rushed in.

The armored cavalry wearing silver heavy armor on the horses under the seat are genuine armoured cavalry. In the Roman world, they can even crush the Macedonian phalanx of Spartan heavy infantry. The terror of their impact can be seen in general!

Standing side by side with the armored cavalry is the former Cavalry Cavalry, the most trusted companion of Alexander the Great; although the royal cavalry is not as powerful as the armored cavalry, its brilliant armor is enough to make it the most popular on the battlefield. The focus of attention.

The armored cavalry and partner cavalry followed the chariot of the sickle, and harvested the life of the Tiele cavalry with their lances; further back, they were the six thousand heavy cavalry of the Hammer Legion, which were formed based on the barbarian cavalry. The heavy cavalry is not comparable to ordinary light cavalry.

Assaulted at the same time as the Hammer Legion, there were two cavalry wings of the Roman Eagle Flag Legion, six thousand heavy cavalry and the same number of Roman cavalry assaults, not to mention that they have been attacked by sickle chariots, armored cavalry, Macedonia It is impossible for the Royal Cavalry to disrupt the formation of the Tyler Cavalry, even the intact formation of the Tyler Cavalry.

The heavy losses of the Tiele cavalry crushed by the heavy cavalry cluster can be seen from the battlefield with corpses and blood on the ground; even if some good luck cavalry cavalry escaped the heavy cavalry charge , Can not escape the subsequent harvest of the light cavalry.

The light cavalry cluster, which is mainly composed of the 8000 light cavalry of the Swift Wolf Corps, includes both the general guard of the barbarian army and the cavalry wing of the barbarian phalanx army, as well as the Roman light cavalry and Roman auxiliary cavalry belonging to the various Roman legions. The number is unusually large.

At the end, even after the two red flags and the two blue flags, which had suffered heavy losses yesterday, followed the cavalry of the charge, they launched a counterattack against the Tiele cavalry; more than 50,000 cavalry who killed the camp, like a dragon with claws and claws To the rear of the Tiele cavalry.

The Tiele cavalry still occupying an absolute quantitative advantage has a quantitative advantage, but because these cavalry belong to different tribes and lack a unified command; coupled with the Roman army, the charge is also the invincible heavy cavalry. In the cluster, the Tiele cavalry fighting each other did not persist for ten minutes, and they were split by the actively defending cavalry cluster.

The middle-strength Gulunwu cavalry cavalry among the nine surnames of Tiele was the first slain Tiele cavalry. With their scattered collapse, the weaker Huihe and Tongluo cavalry quickly followed them. Followers.

When the collapsed cavalry fled, they disturbed the cavalry of other tribes who insisted on fighting, further expanded their internal chaos, and triggered a larger defeat; the Roman cavalry cluster that seized the fighters, aimed at this In the circumstances, separate heavy cavalry and continue to attack the yet-to-be-collapsed Tiele cavalry, and then use light cavalry to chase down the defeated Tiele cavalry.

The Tiele cavalry with a total cavalry of more than 300,000 was completely defeated by a counterattack cluster of more than 50,000 light and heavy cavalry; this at the same time lifted the crisis of the Roman army camp, it also attracted the Mongolian cavalry. Play in person!

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