Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1417: "·Return to the Battalion"

People who work hard are often not talkative, their earth-shattering great cause shows their greatness, but they are silent when planning their biggest career.

——Krelov (Russian writer, world-famous fable, writer)

After Nelson was killed, the headless group of Roman light cavalry, basically fighting in their respective units; but because their enemies are Mongolian light cavalry proficient in shooting and fierce Mongolian heavy cavalry, their casualties are also quite heavy.

Bashirek, who was chasing the Tiele cavalry, led him to stop the chasing of the light cavalry cluster behind him, he immediately stopped the heavy cavalry group to chase the hail cavalry, and turned around to support the heavy cavalry group. .

The heavy cavalry cluster turned around, and the heavy cavalry of the Hammer Legion is still at the forefront, and then the two cavalry of the Roman legion; the armored cavalry and the Royal Macedonian cavalry have not kept up, their mission is Clean up the stubborn Tiele cavalry.

Bashirek’s heavy cavalry cluster has not rushed back to the battlefield, and the Mongolian heavy cavalry withdrew from the battlefield under the command of Zhebei; the Mongolian light cavalry who rushed back to the battlefield again began to use their classic tactics to deal with the battlefield. The Roman light and heavy cavalry cluster.

The barbarian light cavalry of the Swift Wolf Corps and the Barbarian Corps, the heavy cavalry of the Hammer Corps, the Roman Cavalry Cavalry of the Roman Eagle Flag Corps, and the Roman Cavalry Cavalry of the Roman Legion are all typical combat cavalry. Not to mention the defense against the Mongolian light cavalry.

The cavalry of the two red flags and the two blue flags can actually shoot, but the accuracy of their cavalry is far from the Mongolian light cavalry; plus the number of Mongolian light cavalry is far more than the two red flags and the two blue flags. The limited counterattacks of the Red Flag and the Two Blue Flags could not change much at all.

Fortunately, the heavy cavalry of the Hammer Legion and the horses under their seats are all heavily armored, which can effectively block the arrows shot by the Mongolian light cavalry; the Roman legionary cavalry has a light diamond-shaped shield in hand, and can also be used in the Mongolian light cavalry. The arrows form an effective defense under the rain.

Against the bursts of arrow fired by the Mongolian light cavalry, Bashirek’s heavy cavalry cluster successfully expelled the retreating Mongolian light cavalry from the battlefield; the light cavalry who had a breathing opportunity followed the heavy cavalry cluster Behind the road, all the way south to the direction of the camp.

First, the heavy cavalry cluster and the light cavalry cluster withdrew the main camp, then the heavy cavalry and the light cavalry separated from the large troops were withdrawn to the camp in turn, and finally the camp was the armored cavalry and the Royal Macedonian cavalry who guarded the sickle chariot.

After all the cavalry belonging to the Roman army had withdrawn to the camp, they completely controlled Zhebei on the battlefield, and encircled a large circle with more than 30,000 Mongolian light cavalry at a distance of 300 meters from the camp.

More than 20,000 Mongolian heavy cavalry were all assembled in the area directly in front of the camp, posing as a ready to attack.

The Roman army, which could only passively defend against the fifty or sixty thousand Mongolian cavalry, could only passively defend. There was no other response except for strengthening the defense line; Bai Feng used his own heavy cavalry advantage to defeat the Tyler cavalry, but could not Defeating the stronger Mongolian cavalry.

The brief confrontation lasted only ten minutes, and then the Mongolian light cavalry surrounding the camp began to advance slowly; watching the Mongolian cavalry's encirclement circle advance to the burnt camp wall, Bai Feng decisively ordered Hirschberg Attack immediately.

The equipment wing of the Second Roman Eagle Flag Corps, which was just transferred from Rome by Bai Feng, plus the equipment wing of the First Roman Eagle Flag Corps, there are twenty ballistas in the long-range troops under Hirschberg , Twenty scorpion crossbows, twenty stone crossbows.

Twenty rounds of artillery fired from the twenty ballistas screamed at the slowly advancing Mongolian light cavalry. After the sharp shells hit the Mongolian light cavalry cluster, there were dozens of Mongolian light cavalry in an instant Was killed and injured.

Compared with the artillery cover attack, the 20 crossbow arrows continuously fired by the scorpion crossbow quickly formed a curtain of arrows on the front of the camp; the advantage of the crossbow is clearly reflected here. All the Mongolian light cavalry in this area, Successive pieces fell under the arrow curtain.

The real offensive is the stone crossbows at the bottom of the 20 pressure boxes. The surface is covered with a layer of flaming stone bullets. After being ignited, it is projected towards the Mongolian heavy cavalry cluster farther away; the relatively dense Mongolian heavy cavalry formations are The blazing stone bomb hit the screams again and again.

After each round flaming stone bomb hits the Mongolian heavy cavalry cluster, it can not only kill a large number of Mongolian cavalry on the spot, but also crush more Mongolian cavalry to death in the process of rolling.

The twenty flaming stone shells projected by the twenty-door stone crossbow at one time may not be many in number, but the effect produced is extremely amazing; the aggressive attack of the Mongolian heavy cavalry cluster is directly affected by this wave of flames The stone bomb hit the nine clouds.

Even the Mongolian light cavalry who were advancing slowly in front of their horses were frightened to stop their footsteps by the blazing stone bullets across the sky; taking advantage of the opportunity of the Mongolian cavalry cluster being smashed, seize the time to fill the ammunition stone crossbow The soldiers projected a second wave of flaming stone bombs.

Hundreds of Mongolian heavy cavalry fell under the flaming stone bombs. You must know that these Mongolian heavy cavalry are not ordinary Mongolian cavalry. Most of them are fine rides of Mongolian tribes; thousands of Mongolian fine rides are lost at once. Don't feel your heart bleeding.

But Zhebei is Zhebei. As the head of Mongolia’s four pioneers, a few casualties will not make him shrink back; under his command, two Mongolian cavalry horns sounded. With the sound of a deep horn, other The sound of horns rang quickly everywhere.

Bai Feng, who had fought several times with the Mongolian cavalry, heard the continuous trumpet sound of the trumpet, and knew that the Mongolian cavalry's endless death charge was about to start; he felt that it was difficult for him to stop by the lance warrior, and he quickly strengthened the remaining lancemen In the line of defense.

The three barbarian phalanx regiments, who had lost too many elite veterans from the struggle of the lone army yesterday to today’s **** battle, are consuming their bone blood little by little; it can be expected that after this battle, the three barbarian phalanx regiments Combat power will inevitably decrease significantly.

The distance between the Mongolian light and heavy cavalry who started to accelerate and the long-lance warriors who were waiting for the battle was being shortened rapidly; two hundred meters, one hundred and fifty meters, and one hundred meters, watching the Mongolian cavalry rush into the array of long-lance warriors, their A horn sounded from behind.

Bai Feng, who was no longer in height, did not know what happened to the rear of the Mongolian cavalry, so that their rear would sound the retreating horn; but the Mongolian cavalry, which was prohibited by the order, stopped their charge after hearing the horn. pace.

The Mongolian cavalry who failed to stop at the spot due to inertia rushed to the position of only 40 meters away from the lance warrior and then really stopped; the iron artillery soldier who almost pulled the trigger was intercepted by Hirschberg in time. Did not pull their trigger.

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