Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1419: "·Future Trade"

The foolish arrogant self-esteem, he complacently, just happens to be the shortcomings of ridicule and ridicule, and often blame the things that should be cited as a shame and humiliation.

——Krelov (Russian writer, world-famous fable, writer)

With an active invitation to the Mongolian cavalry, knowing that his army will be defeated in the battle, Bai Feng undoubtedly agreed; however, with a mind, he insisted that the place for negotiation between the two parties must be between the two armies, otherwise he Refuse to negotiate.

After Zhebe, who can’t make the decision, reported back to Bai Feng’s request, Tiemu really didn’t take Bai Feng’s persistence in his eyes. With a team of timid Xue Jun elite, he came directly to the middle position of the two armies, that was Near the burnt camp wall.

Bai Feng, who has confronted the Mongolian cavalry several times, has never seen Genghis Khan Tiemuzhen from the famous Megatron grassland from beginning to end; but he recognized the middle-aged man with perseverance and glaring eyes at a glance. Genghis Khan Temujin.

Even Genghis Khan's Temujin came out in person. Bai Feng naturally didn't need to hesitate anymore. He took Maxi, Darnell, Bai Yi and others and then drove to Temujin's place.

"Presumably Your Excellency is Duke Baifeng, the Yulin God of War in the Dragon Dragon Empire, and he is indeed a hero!" It has long been known that Bai Feng's young and abnormal Temujin sighed, "I think when Ben Khan was at your age, She is still grazing horses on the grassland."

"The King Khan has praised it. In my opinion, there are not many people in this world who can be regarded as heroes, but the King Khan is definitely one of the best among them; I just don’t know if the King Khan is willing to be the one in history. , What about the first Khan king who unified this vast grassland?"

"How is Ben Khan willing? What if he doesn't want to?" Tiemu Zhen, who is also pictured, said along Bai Feng's words.

"If King Khan is temporarily unwilling, no one will be able to force it; but if King Khan is willing, he can help King Khan." Bai Feng expected Tingmu to actively invite himself to negotiate and must have other plans, so he did not Lower your posture.

"On the grasslands now, except for the six Huns, Qidan, Turks, Wuhuan, Uighurs, and Jurchens, all other ministries were either slaughtered by my Mongolian cavalry, or became part of my Mongolia; I don’t know what General Bai Feng intends to do. Help me?"

Tiemu really had a faint smile on his face, as if he believed what Bai Feng said, and he seemed to be questioning something; the people behind him, such as Torre and Zhebei, looked like they were watching the show. He chuckled and waited for Bai Feng to continue.

"Khan, Mongolia is now the most powerful force on the grassland. This is unquestionable; not to mention that the six parts of the Huns and Khitan have been torn apart, even if they can unite together, they are not on the rise. The opponent of Mongolia in the future."

"However, to be the unique overlord on the grassland, is this your goal?" Bai Feng asked unkindly.

"General Bai Feng, Ben Khan is a contented and happy person. Unifying this grassland has been the most ambitious goal of Ben Khan's life; as for other goals, there should still be some small goals. Five sons."

"Hahahaha!" Tiemuzhen's slightly witty words aroused the laughter of the ministers behind him.

The grassland is no more inland, and in the lifestyle of the grassland people, it is common to make jokes about the succession of the lineage; even if it is Genki Khan who is Genghis Khan, he will not care about such trivial matters, and even he himself likes to open Such a joke.

"Khan, if you really don’t have any other bigger goals, all I can do is to expand with Mongolia within the limits of my ability when the territory of Mongolia expands to the border of my dragon empire. Free trade restricted by any category."

"Free trade not restricted by any category?" Temujin narrowed his smile and asked Bai Feng with an unprecedented serious attitude: "Salt, silk, pig iron, tea, spices, you can also limit our scale with us Free trade?"

"The preservation of table salt, tea, spices, the transportation of pig iron, these are not easy, silk is an expensive luxury; even if I can do free trade with you on any scale, the price of these goods to the grassland is also Will challenge your purchasing power."

After thinking a bit, Tiemuzhen asked: "You can't ask for price, one sheep for five pounds of salt, five sheep for two pounds of spices, three sheep for one pound of tea, and a horse for a silk. It is our limit to change a warhorse for a hundred pounds of pig iron."

Bai Feng, who clearly understood the actual prices of these commodities in the grasslands, refused outspokenly: "Khan, the five things you mentioned are commodities, but they are all strategic resources that countries forbid to sell to the grasslands. Your The price tag is absolutely impossible for us to accept."

"Bai Feng, my father Khan is giving you the opportunity, you don't have to get in the way!" Some Torre, suffocating, chuckled: "If you dare not agree to our conditions, we will immediately launch an offensive and take you under your command The army is wiped out!"

"Then I still promise you first, and then go back and go back again?" Bai Feng asked nonchalantly.

"You!" Torre, who ran away in an instant, was about to draw a knife.

"Torre, retreat!" Tiemuzhen sipped lightly, and Torre could only retreat reluctantly; Tiemuzhen, who didn't put his son's grievances in his heart, asked Bai Feng Shen: "What do you want?"

"Khan, with the power of your Mongolian intelligence system, you, the smugglers of the Tianlong Empire, sell these strategic materials on the grasslands. You should know better than me, don't you?" Bai Feng kicked the ball back to Temu again Really.

"Ben Khan does know the price, but what about that?" Tiemu really smiled and said: "Ben Khan has a relationship with you, Bai Feng, and can let you leave here alone. Your soldiers can't just walk away, you always have to Pay a price for them."

Temujin said so, Bai Feng had to compromise: "The market price of two sheep for a pound of salt, I will give you a sheep for a pound of salt; the market price of ten sheep for a pound of spice, I will give you five Sheep for a pound of spices; market price of fifteen heads of sheep for a pound of inferior tea, I will give you ten heads of sheep for a pound of medium-quality tea; silk and pig iron, according to the market price for the exchange of war horses."

"Bai Feng, you and I know that the so-called market price is just a product of human manipulation. Let's just say a price."

"Change five horses for each silk and ten horses for every 100 kilograms of pig iron." After hesitating, Bai Feng still quoted a high price.

"Change three horses for each silk and five horses for every hundred pounds of pig iron." Waiting for Bai Feng's refusal, Tiemuzhen directly increased the price: "In addition to this, as long as you can really provide unlimited supply of these resources, Benhan Give you a thousand high-quality horses and 10,000 cows."

"Deal!" This time, Bai Feng did not hesitate anymore.

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