Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1424: "·End Jurchen·Middle"

Fear of criticism will kill my remaining self-confidence.

-Stanislavsky (a famous Russian theorist of drama and performance)

Maxi took the Roman cavalry and found the Mongolian cavalry camp thirty miles north of Baifeng’s army camp. At this time, there was just a hint of white in the eastern sky, and these Mongolian cavalrymen had already packed their bags in the camp. Left the camp.

Just after catching up with Maxi, after being identified, he was brought to Genghis Khan’s real account by a team of extremely well-equipped Mongolian cavalry; although Maxi did not know that the Mongolian cavalry was a timid Xue Jun, he still couldn’t help it. Looked at them a few more times.

As soon as he saw Genghis Khan Temujin, Maxi directly gave his governor's letter and a space ring to the bodyguards who served in the large tent; after seeing the contents of the letter, Temujin picked up the space ring again. At first glance, he said indifferently:

"With this order of salt and weapons, I want to change the right to use Ben Khan's 10,000 Mongolian cavalry for five days. It would be too cheap."

Under Tiemu's undaunted gaze, Maxi replied, "Hwang, my governor said, as long as you agree to borrow troops, the materials in the space ring are only deposits; after the event, there will be the same amount Your table salt and weapons will be handed over to your army."

"Two batches of table salt and weapons and equipment can only be exchanged for the three-day use rights of the Khan's five thousand cavalry." Tiemu narrowed his eyes and made a clear statement to Maxi: "Bai Feng wants to borrow ten thousand cavalry for five days. You have to offer a higher price tag, Ben Khan can wait for you here."

Hearing such an obvious drop-off, Maxi left without turning around, and he pulled out a letter from his space ring, and while handing it to the side guards, explained: "Khan, this is what my governor gave Your letter may contain what you want."

"I want to impress Ben Khan in a letter?" I don't believe Maxi's Temujin. His face suddenly changed after he opened the letter; he didn't answer Maxi immediately, but thought about it with his own self. Is thinking about what is written in Bai Feng's letter.

After a while, Tiemu Zhen said to Maxi: "Go back and tell Bai Feng that Ben Khan will send 20,000 cavalry for his use; but the casualties of these 20,000 cavalry must not exceed one-tenth. Half the gain!"

"Khan's request, I will take it back, but I don't know when your cavalry can leave?"

"Bol suddenly, you will immediately adjust the five thousand fine horses and fifteen thousand cavalry, and then go south with him; after arriving under Bai Feng, within five days, follow Bai Feng's command, you don't have to deal with casualties, post-war sweat Will personally communicate with Bai Feng."

"Follow the orders, King Khan!" Bol suddenly led his order out to dispatch cavalry.

The assembly of the Mongolian cavalry is very fast, and the speed of going south is faster. The cavalry of the two red flags and the two blue flags have not dismantled the camp. The mighty 20,000 Mongolian cavalry came to the edge of the camp.

For the new request made by Tiemuzhen, Bai Feng was impossible to refuse even if he wanted to refuse it. Bolhu had already led 20,000 Mongolian cavalry, but could he still drive people away? The crux of the matter is that Tiemu's real asking price is not exaggerated, and Bai Feng is still acceptable.

The so-called harvest is actually the population of Jianzhou Jurchen and the cattle and sheep war horses captured by Bai Feng after the destruction of Jianzhou Jurchen; Temujin who is not going to expand further south for the time being. For these fundamental purposes, he still exchanges salt with Bai Feng after all. Strategic supplies only.

Bai Feng, who has the Roman city system as a reliance, can use all kinds of materials taken from the Roman city in exchange for all kinds of materials taken from the Roman city to really destroy the Jianzhou woman. What is unacceptable to him?

After the cavalry of the two red flags and the two blue flags completely dismantled the camp, Bai Feng led the Roman cavalry of the two cavalry wings together with the 20,000 Mongolian cavalry, and the cavalry of the two red flags and the two blue flags started from The other direction directly rushed to the Jianzhou Nuzhen camp.

There are eight flags in the Jianzhou Jurchen, and now the six flags are carried northward by the Huang Taiji. Only the camps left by the two flags are naturally empty. The remnants of the two red flags and the two blue flags cooperate with the two yellow flag troops in the north. The state camp of Nvzhen is bound to fall.

As for the main force under Emperor Taiji, after the battle losses of the previous two days, there are still about 260 cavalry soldiers with about 80,000 cows; the strength of World War I is definitely there, but if it is People should attack once inside and outside, then it will not be guaranteed.

In the process of going south, Bai Feng had been talking with Boer about the battle plan for annihilating the main force of the Emperor Taiji. The original idea was quite simple. After continuous filling by the two, it finally became a seamless plan for destroying the enemy.

The army marched to a distance of twenty miles away from the abandoned camp of the Tong Luo tribe. Bor suddenly took 20,000 Mongolian cavalry under his command and began to accelerate. Bai Feng led his army to slow down the march and intentionally opened the Mongolian cavalry. the distance.

Five thousand Mongolian Jingqi and 15,000 Mongolian cavalry, under the command of Borhu, went south in a fighting stance, and finally came to the vicinity of the abandoned Tongluo camp before sunset; Jianzhou, which had been surrounded by this camp The cavalry found them the first time.

The Mongolian cavalry is a sharp blade hanging over the heads of all the tribes on the grassland, and it is also a new ally of the Jianzhou Jurchen who has just formed an alliance; except for the position of the word "ally" in the heart of Huang Taiji, it is a matter of opinion. .

As soon as the traces of the Mongolian cavalry were found, the Jianzhou cavalry, who was facing the enemy, withdrew the siege from the camp under the orders of Huang Taiji, and listed the battle array in a fighting stance; this is also impossible, after all, Mongolia The name of the cavalry is not blown out.

Huang Taiji, who always felt that the Mongolian cavalry was not good, sent a deputy with a red flag to negotiate with the Mongolian cavalry in order to test the origin of the Mongolian cavalry; as a result, Boer just met the pair coldly. All of them are unified and let another person handle the matter.

Seler, the son of Bei and Qi, was the key person Bai Feng sent to Bol to suddenly deceive the trust of Huang Taiji; because of the battle situation spoken in the mouth of Bol, Huang Taiji must not believe it, so Bai Feng was sent here and has already returned For his Seler.

After returning to the Jianzhou cavalry camp together with the deputy capital of Zhanghongqi, he reported the fierce battles of the Baifeng army and the Mongolian cavalry to the Huang Taiji; especially the nearly 800,000 Tiele cavalry destroyed in two days. He emphasized it.

Huang Taiji was not surprised by the powerful combat effectiveness demonstrated by Bai Feng’s army and his ability to continuously transform reinforcements out of thin air. The Mongolian cavalry was able to suppress Bai Feng’s elite army, which made him a little surprised.

His original idea was to let the Bai Feng army and the Mongolian cavalry fight for both defeats to protect his Jianzhou Jurchen; he did not expect that the combat strength of the Mongolian cavalry was so strong that even the elite Bai Feng was not an opponent. The Huang Taiji suddenly felt that he wanted it again. I have a headache.

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