Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1426: "·End Jurchen·End"

There is no breakthrough every day. The inherent way of performing gives the performer and the author a sense of separation, so improvisation is needed.

-Stanislavsky (a famous Russian theorist of drama and performance)

After a long time passed, a camp wall composed of wooden piles and Tribulus terrestris appeared outside the abandoned camp of the Tong Luo tribe; this new camp wall and the old burned camp wall Between, it is separated by about 300 meters.

The distance of three hundred meters is not far, but a ring of three hundred meters wide is not small. The 100,000 iron tribulus purchased by Bai Feng from the big market overnight, just barely scattered the area, density The aspect does not satisfy Bai Feng.

But because there is a glimmer of light in the eastern sky, Bai Feng, who has been too late to do anything, can only give up his idea of ​​buying another 100,000 iron tribulus; he has also deployed to Lukurus and Harold After a good combat command, he left the camp.

At about 8 a.m., Huang Taiji dispatched six thousand Zhenghuangqi cavalry and three thousand Zhenglanqi cavalry. He Heli, who was commanded by Zhenghuangqi, launched an attack on the camp; the nine thousand Jianzhou cavalry who roared out in front of the Mongolian cavalry In front of the enemy camp.

Huang Taiji, who has always been deeply wary of the Mongolian cavalry, the first shot was the most elite Zhengqi and cavalry under his command, because he wanted to use a magnificent attack to prove that he was built in front of the Mongolian cavalry. State woman really strength.

Bolhu, who completely obeyed Bai Feng's orders, just watched the Jianzhou cavalry attacking this camp on his own. There was no plan to participate in the war to assist their nominal allies, nor did they evacuate here.

The charge of the nine thousand Jianzhou elite cavalry, rolling up the billowing smoke, looked amazing, but it was not ignored by Bol. As one of the four generals of Mongolia, he used the more powerful fighting force. How can the Mongolian cavalry depend on the performance of the Jianzhou cavalry.

When the Jianzhou Jingqi, which was rushing faster and faster, rushed into the place just 300 meters away from the camp wall, the longbowmen who were ready to shoot inside the camp immediately shot their arrows; the formation was relatively loose Jianzhou cavalry, still falling down piece by piece under the dense arrow rain.

There is a dense arrow rain as a cover. In addition to the Jianzhou cavalry who actually rushed into this area, the Jianzhou cavalry who rushed forward behind did not know that this area was actually covered with pit cavalry iron tribulus!

The Jianzhou cavalry who found the tribulus terrestris often fell under the horse, and even had no chance of shouting, they would be shot by the intensive arrow rain or trampled to death by the cavalry who rushed up afterwards; so tragic, continued forever It took more than ten minutes to finish.

The reason why the subsequent Jianzhou cavalry did not continue to charge forward was not because they found the tribulus terrestris everywhere, but because they were blocking the new camp wall in front of them, hanging hundreds of reckless cavalry and war horses .

The screams of these cavalrymen and the painful roar of the war horses made He Heli discover the horror of this new camp wall. After he personally ordered, the Jianzhou cavalrymen stopped their charge like suicide and retreated temporarily. go back.

The first wave of Jianzhou cavalry's offensive was over, and the emperor Tai Chi, who felt ashamed of himself, did not blame He Heli for his embarrassment; after an hour of reorganization, ten thousand Jianzhou cavalry armed with torches Attacked again.

In the morning, Huang Taiji launched a four-wave attack on the camp defenders, and a total of 60,000 cavalry troops were dispatched. As a result, all four waves of the Jianzhou Cavalry were repelled, and they even paid five or six thousand cavalry for this. The heavy cost of death.

The Jianzhou cavalry who failed to break into the camp at all, at the cost of five or six thousand cavalry, achieved a rigid breakthrough of a section of the camp wall of about 800 meters; when the gap opened, Jianzhou cavalry The camp's offense is much more convenient.

After an hour and a half of lunch break at lunch, the fighting started again in the afternoon; there were as many as 20,000 Jianzhou cavalrymen in the fifth wave of attack, and there were less than 40,000 Jianzhou cavalrymen still around Huang Taiji.

Bai Feng, who was hiding in the dark and observing the battle, finally felt the time had come; he sent the three cavalry squadrons full of troops in a teleportation array only five miles from the camp, and then directly ordered the three cavalry The wing charged the Jianzhou cavalry!

The cavalry of nearly 10,000 legions charged at the same time, and the movements caused by it were naturally quite different. Even in the battlefield where the shouts were screaming, the huge rumbling still attracted everyone's attention.

As the cavalry charge of the Roman legion unfolded, Lucurus finally no longer concealed his strength. The five battle groups he had already prepared, as if the tigers descended from the camp, rushed from all sides of the camp to the Jianzhou cavalry who was attacking the camp.

The Jianzhou Cavalry, who was caught off guard, had no chance of responding, and was caught in the encirclement of the Roman heavy infantry and the elite Roman infantry; the first reaction of the emperor Tai Chi was to send two red flags and inlays for the good father and son. Lan Qi fought against the cavalry who rushed over.

He himself was the leader of more than 20,000 cavalry soldiers who did not move at the same place. It seemed to be guarding or the Mongolian cavalry who was still. It was like he was preparing to retreat and escape at any time. It is so plausible confrontation.

The two red flag cavalry with low morale, and the blue flag cavalry can still fight in the front, but where is the blue flag cavalry who is the opponent of the Roman legionary cavalry? The blue-flag cavalry cluster was just washed down by the Roman legionary cavalry cluster, and the two red flag cavalry clusters immediately collapsed. It basically did not hinder the roaring cavalry cluster.

Seeing that the cavalry clusters with blue flags and two red flags were defeated successively, the emperor Taiji, who knew that his 20,000 cavalry rushed up and could not play a big role, resolutely chose to retreat; but when he led the army to turn around and retreat , Bolhu's Mongolian cavalry acted.

Five thousand Mongolian Jingqi rushed straight to the position where the Huang Taiji was located, and another 15,000 Mongolian cavalry swooped towards the front and rear ends of the Jianzhou Cavalry in two ways; such a change made the Huang Taiji suddenly discolored, but he was a pity It's too late to understand this time.

Being divided into three Jianzhou cavalry, a large army was surrounded by regiments, a large army has been defeated and collapsed, and only the last 20,000 cavalry can reverse the situation? The emperor Tai Chi, who was hard at heart, let Ao Bai take a group of capable guards to protect him from rushing toward the south.

Bolhu’s task was only to defeat the Jianzhou cavalry beside Huang Taiji, so he was glad to escape Huang Taiji, because it would speed up his task; but the Roman legionary cavalry who was rushing in, Won't let go of the emperor Taiji.

Ao Bai is a saint-level strong man, and the guards around Huang Taiji are indeed strong, but they only have dozens of people. Are they opponents of nearly 10,000 Roman legionary cavalry? Under the siege of the Roman legionary cavalry, the guards fell one after another, and even the worship was not spared; in the end, Huang Taiji, who had nowhere to go, finally fell into the pool of blood and took his ambitions to another possible world. .

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