Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1428: "·The overall situation is final"

If you do not use psychological techniques, even if you rely on inspiration to get instant natural acting, but the rest of the time will make the performance lifeless.

-Stanislavsky (a famous Russian theorist of drama and performance)

"You don't know, Fei Yingdong, the owner of the white flag, has been secretly surrendered to the slaves during the battle for the position of the flag. Although Anfeiyangu, the owner of the white flag, is not a slave, but he has also fought side by side with the slaves for ten years. Friendship and persuasion to surrender their minions is still certain."

Dai Shan's posture is very low, not at all like a high-weight Jianzhou Jurchen Baylor's surrender, because he has no idea of ​​retaining his last dignity; this is precisely where Bai Feng values ​​Dai Shan.

A wise man who knows the current affairs, knows how to advance and retreat, is far more worthy of believing than the bottomless grass like He Heli; in other words, what Bai Feng needs to believe is not his generation, but his own strength. Wise men who will never betray the stronger.

"My Heavenly Dragon and Eight Banners are divided into four ranks. At present, there are only two highest-ranking princes. One is Shifeng, the prince of Bayala, and the other is the prince of princes, Beibei and Qi. You are the third monarch of my Tianlong Baqi, Shifeng monarch!"

"The minions must do their best, be loyal to the Master, and serve the Dragon and Eight Banners!" Dai Shan respectfully prostrate on the ground.

"Yue Tuo, you are both the eldest son of Daishan and the flag owner of the Jianzhou Jurchen with red flags. I will also give you a chance; if you can assist you to persuade the two white flags, I will name you as the Dragon of Eight Banners Bayer. It’s a cattle record, otherwise you can only make shellfish."

"The servant thanked Master Longen!" Yue Tuo also knelt to the ground with respectful face.

The surrendered father and son, before going to complete their mission to persuade the two white flags, the first thing they did for the Dragons and Eight Banners was to persuade the Jianzhou cavalry who stubbornly resisted to put down their weapons, and then they began to come to appease those who were surrendered. The captured Jianzhou cavalry.

In a word, the feelings of Daishan father and son to Bai Feng are that they are doing their best to do things for themselves; it turns out that the secret guards and Dorgon's assessment of Daishan father and son is still very accurate, and their father and son are indeed the Aixinjueluo family The most current person in the world.

With the assistance of the good father and son and the deterrence of the Mongolian cavalry, the Roman legionary cavalry successfully captured nearly 50,000 Jianzhou cavalry; this data shows that there are not many cavalrymen in Jianzhou Jurchen who really die of the loyal Emperor Taiji. Tianlong Baqi wants to annex Jianzhou Jurchen is not difficult.

That night, except for the First Infantry and Cavalry Wings of the Three Roman Eagle Flag Legions, all other troops were sent back to Rome by Bai Feng; they served as commanders of the three Infantry Wings and the three Cavalry Wings. It is Hirschberg who Baifeng deliberately left behind.

Although this Hirschberger was only a lieutenant general of the system standard, but his demonstrated ability and potential were very satisfying to Bai Feng; so, he was planning to try whether he could train the lieutenant general of the system to be a general of the system. Hirschberg stayed with him.

It is not a simple task to command the three first-infantry wing and three cavalry wing to hold 50,000 Jianzhou prisoners of war; because Shischberg has only 8,000 cavalry and 10,000 infantry on horses, and he needs The prisoners of war are as large as fifty thousand!

If you are a little careless, 50,000 prisoners of war may be rioted, especially when the army is about to reach the Jianzhou Jurchen camp, the emotions of the prisoners of war will be extremely fluctuating; then, how to control these prisoners of war is Bai Feng to Greece Schberger's first test.

The Mongolian cavalry under Bolhu, only one or two hundred light and heavy cavalry were killed on the battlefield, and the loss was almost negligible; but Bai Feng still handed over all the grain and materials in the Jianzhou cavalry camp to Borhu to compensate him The loss of cavalry under his command.

This extremely rich supplement made Bor suddenly feel good about Bai Feng. Even the Mongolian cavalry with him changed their previous indifference and began to give their roasted whole sheep and horse milk to symbolize their true friendship to Bai Feng. Roman cavalry.

The roasted whole sheep on the grassland is not the fictional crispy and crispy thing in the TV series. It is a genuine gadget from the outside; therefore, Bai Feng never likes to eat roasted whole sheep. May be nausea.

However, for the roasted whole sheep that Bolden personally delivered, Bai Feng still accepted with a smile on his face; not only that, he also took out the top wine in the Bailing ring to entertain Bolden and accompany him. Is a good father and son.

For the next three days, the army had been marching unhurriedly. When night came, Bai Feng always met Bolhu and his father and son to drink a few glasses to cultivate their mutual feelings; although Bai Feng knew this The seed medium was useless, but he did.

The two white flags stationed at the Jianzhou Jurchen camp only had a total of 60 cattle recording 18,000 cavalry, and surrounded by them were the two yellow, two red and two blue six flags among the eight dragon flags; the two red flags and the two blue flags remained There are not many troops, but the two yellow flags are in full condition.

If it weren’t for Bai Feng to let Adrien send the ghosts of the battlefield to inform Dorgon and others in advance, don’t attack the Jianzhou Nuzhen camp for the time being. The two white flags of Jianzhou Nuzhen had already been destroyed together with the camp they tried to die for. 's arrival

The day the army arrived at the Jianzhou Jurchen camp was actually the last day Bai Feng borrowed 20,000 Mongolian cavalry; this also meant that Bai Feng must capture the Jianzhou Jurchen camp within today, otherwise Bol would have no way Tiemu really had a mess.

As for whether the army can attack the Jianzhou Jurchen camp without any blood before sunset, it is necessary to act on behalf of the good father and son; when everyone comes to the camp, he will take the initiative to ask the camp to lower the security fee. Yang Gu and Fei Yingdong, Bai Feng naturally agreed.

Dai Shan took his eldest son Yue Tuo, and they drove towards the closed gate of the camp one by one; after seeing the faces of the two of them clearly, the general Zheng Baiqi, who was guarding the camp gate, opened the camp door slightly The two of them were put in.

From noon to three noon, I saw that the father and son had been in the camp for an hour, and there was still no movement in the camp; some anxious Dorgon and Azige took all their deputies under their command. On Bai Feng, he asked if he would attack the camp.

Bai Feng, who was chatting with Bol suddenly, asked them to wait another quarter of an hour. If there was still no movement in the camp after one quarter of an hour, then the yellow flag would be the first to launch an attack on the camp; Azig and Dorgon of Deling, hurry up Go down and prepare to attack.

Time passed by one minute and one second, just before the last quarter of the hour passed, the originally confined camp door of the Jianzhou Jurchen camp suddenly opened little by little; the four people who walked out of the camp door were the good father and son and An Fei Yanggu and Fei Yingdong are the two flag-bearers.

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