Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1430: "·speed up"

Understanding life poetically, understanding everything around us — is the most precious gift we have from childhood.

——Paustovsky (Russian writer)

Since the Tianlong and Eight Banners of Jianzhou Women's Reality have been completely annexed, so many records cannot be produced, then Bai Feng will have to find a way to solve this problem; that night, when other people returned to the camp to rest, Dorgon was alone by Bai Feng Stayed.

"Dorgon, Hercyn and Savage are really moving south, how have they dealt with it recently?"

"Master, there are a total of twelve tribes from Hercynian Jurchen moved south to our camp, with a total population of about 90,000; there are seventeen tribes from Savage Jurchen moved south to our camp, with a total population of nearly one hundred thousand "Dorgon, who had already prepared, immediately reported.

"Which of these Jurchen tribes who have moved to the south are willing to surrender and merge into our heavenly dragon and eight flags?"

"Master and slaves, after several persuasion, there are two leaders from Haixi and nine leaders from the savages tribes willing to return, but their tone is very big and requires a lot of things, and the slaves dare not take the initiative."

"I still dare to speak with a lion under the fence. I really don't know what to do." Bai Feng, who didn't put these small characters in his eyes, directly ordered Dorgon: "Tomorrow you will go back with two yellow flags first, or you will fall unconditionally, or If you die, you can choose them."

"Master, if they choose to surrender, how should we place them?" Dorgon asked cautiously.

No one can really be selfless, and Dorgon is no exception. In the seemingly dull task of placing the tribe, he knows more opportunities than anyone else; his cleverness is that he does not do anything privately. Hands and feet, but first ask Bai Feng's meaning.

Where Bai Feng can't hear the meaning of Dorgon, on the principle that if he wants the horse to run fast, he has to feed the horse, he waved at will: "The returned tribe, after it is composed of cattle, I will Ordered that the leaders of their original tribes should arrange their own staff to serve as Zuoling; for those tribes who do not want to return, you should kill all the people who should be killed. Zuoling should be appointed by you when forming the group."

"Master rest assured that before you return to the camp, the minions must deal with this matter!"

Afraid that Dorgon's hand was too heavy, Bai Feng also said: "Be careful when you do it, don't make it bloody."

"The minions understand!"

Not long after Dorgon left the sweat tent, the head of the grassland of the Secret Guard was brought to the sweat tent by Bai Wu. Bai Feng asked him with the calculator in his hand: "Haixi Jurchen and Savage Jurchen still have How many tribes did not go south?"

"Duke, Hercynian Jurchen and Savage Jurchen are no different than Jianzhou Jurchen. The two have never been unified. The two have always been relatively scattered. Only our secret guard knows the exact location, there are twenty-five Haixi and thirty-nine. The Savage Tribe did not go south."

"If I send an army to destroy these tribes, can your secret guard send someone to help our army?"

"The Lord Duke of these trivial matters only needs to be instructed, and our secret guards are always at your service." His gesture is as humble as ever.

"That's hard work for you." Bai Feng smiled and took out a space ring from Bailing's ring, and handed him to Maxi: "This is my personal heart, even if I give you the grassland secret guard. Compensation for leading the way."

Faced with the reward, he immediately refused: "Adult, it is the honor of our secret guard to serve you, how dare we accept your reward!"

"Give it to you, it's not a good thing, but it's just a souvenir of the Empire East."

"This... that humble job is disrespectful. This space ring humble job will be sent back to you later."

"It's not convenient to have a space ring on the person who is an intelligence. You can keep this space ring yourself."

The preciousness of the space ring is well-known to the world. Whether there are one hundred space rings in the entire Dragon Empire is unknown; therefore, when Bai Feng said that he would give this space ring to him, the shock in the heart of the Secret Guardian Commander could be Imagined.

This time, the leader of the secret guard who refused to consciously moved his lips. After all, he still failed to say the rejection. Anyone has weaknesses, even if the core members of the secret guard are all specially trained people, as long as they still have humanity. There will be weaknesses that belong to people.

A space ring, together with the gold and silver jewelry worth 5 million gold coins in this space ring, is nothing to Bai Feng, who has the Roman city system; but it is difficult for the leader of the secret guard The temptation to refuse.

After donating these things to the Secret Guardian Commander in the name of remuneration, Bai Feng no longer said one more word on this topic; what the two men talked about next was entirely around the grassland situation.

Bai Feng, who has reached an agreement with Genghis Khan Tiemuzhen, will not interfere in the civil war of the Qidan tribe, but he still hopes to slow down the speed of Mongolia's unification of grasslands through some means; only in this way will Tianlong Baqi have enough time to develop and grow. South withdrawal.

In the general situation where the nine surnames of Tiele have been annihilated, the tribes on the grassland can still slightly block the Mongolian Tieqi, leaving only five tribes such as the Huns, Turks, Qidan, Wuhuan, and Uighurs; if these five tribes could no longer To play a role, the grassland really needs to be unified.

For a northern grassland unified by Mongolia, Bai Feng is acceptable, provided that Bai Feng has sufficient strength to cope with the surge in Mongolia; otherwise, the unification of northern grasslands is definitely more harmful for Bai Feng than Profitable.

Bai Feng, who was almost asleep all night, the first thing he got out of the sweatnet early the next morning was to let Daishan, Bayara, Bei and Qi three county kings come forward to regroup the Jianzhou Jurchen cavalry and the people.

In order to eliminate the impact of the Jianzhou Eight Banners as far as possible, the reorganized 220 Jurchen Bull Records are not grouped according to their original flags; for example, in a newly grouped Zhenghuang Banner Bull Record, three Hundred cavalry must come from the original eight flags, and the cavalry of at least one flag cannot be less than thirty, and the cavalry of at most one flag cannot be more than fifty.

The person who serves as the leader of the current yellow flag Niu Lu must be the former leader of the other six flags, not the former two yellow flags. The Niu Lu mixed in this way would like to find the Jianzhou Eight Banners from them. The trace is impossible. This is what Bai Feng wanted.

While urging the three county kings such as Daishan to step up their reorganization, Belle, such as Amin and Mangultai, were sent by Bai Feng to count the population and livestock size of Jianzhou Jurchen; according to their statistical results, Bai Feng A large amount of supplies such as pig iron and table salt were brought to Rome.

The number of strategic supplies filled with 3,000 carts is so terrifying that even Bai Feng, who sent the supplies in person, felt sorry; of course, what he regretted was not that he lost the supplies, but the supplies. Was won by Mongolia.

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