Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1433: "·Starting to move south"

Friendship requires neither slaves nor rulers. Friendship likes equality.

——Gonchalov (Russian writer)

From the day the Black Flag was established, the entire southward movement of the Tianlong Eight Banners was put on the agenda; the total number of Niu Lu's total of 1,025 Tianlong Eight Banners has actually included three Jurchens and became the first The forces that truly united the Jurchen tribe.

It is still a question of whether the Philip prince, who has more than 300,000 cavalry and three million people, who is in charge of the northern capital of the capital, dare to accept it; however, whether the Philip prince will accept the dragon and the eight flags, the emperor will definitely accept it. Eight dragon flags.

Since the establishment of the Tianlong Empire, the northern grassland tribe and the southern barbarian tribe, as well as the orc empire east of the setting sun, have always been the heart of the empire; although the barbarian tribe in the south has ceased, the eastern orc empire has beaten the empire It's bad enough.

In recent years, the empire that has been repeatedly invaded by strong enemies has been showing its decline. At this time, the Jurchen tribe, one of the 13 grassland tribes, is willing to move south to the empire, which is absolutely absolute for the empire. It is a great and exciting victory.

Therefore, even if Prince Philip was unwilling to accept the relocation of the Dragons and Eight Banners south to his northern governor’s palace, it became an unstable factor under his rule, and the emperors of Charles and the emperors of the empire would not allow such a historic opportunity from them. Missed in his hand.

What is the choice of the empire for an opportunity in the history book, the will of an emperor, and what do you think of? The only thing Bai Feng needs to pay attention to is that when sending people to the imperial capital to submit the attached documents to Charles the Great, they must be under the banner of the Jurchen tribe.

In other words, only the unified Jurchen tribes were requested to be attached to the Tianlong empire. The name'Tianlong Baqi' must never appear in the empire; only Charlie the Great changed the Jurchen tribe's name to the Tianlong Baqi. Can really be used.

As for how to make Charlie the Great change the name of the Jurchen tribe to Tianlong and Eight Banners, Bai Feng has already prepared everything; but this matter requires a special person to do it. This person is the person who submits the attached documents on behalf of the Jurchen tribe to the emperor and accepts the imperial seal. .

Choosing who represents the Jurchen tribe to go to the emperor is a significant matter, because whoever will become the Khan in the name of the Jurchen tribe, and accept the enrollment of Charles the Great on behalf of the Jurchen tribe, and become the opposite **** prince of the Dragon Empire.

When countless people stared at this candidate with their eyes red, the Tacha chapter, which was nurturing in their own accounts, was appointed by Bai Feng as the representative; for this appointment by Bai Feng, many jealous people were helpless, but they were not Dare to say more.

In the old age of Tacha, the oldest elder of the Aixinjueluo family, even Nurhachi’s cousin Be and He and King Qi and his brother Bayara had to call him uncle, because He is the brother of Takshi, the father of Nurhaci.

In Bai Feng's view, it is the most appropriate choice for such a person with the highest age of the Aixinjueluo family and the aging body to survive for a long time. It is the most appropriate choice to accept the enrollment of Charles the Emperor on behalf of the Jurchen tribe; except for him, any other Aixinjue People in the Luo family, Bai Feng, are not at ease.

There are two embassies sent by Bai Feng, one embassy headed directly to the Imperial Capital by Tachabangu, and one embassy headed by Bei Heqi to the northern capital of Dudu; after the two embassies set off Soon, the entire Tianlong Eight Banners also embarked on a journey south.

The overall southward movement of the Tianlong and Eight Banners is an extremely vast project. Even if there are hundreds of thousands of war horses to help the people carry various kinds of belongings, the speed of the southward movement is still very slow because there are millions of cattle. The sheep was walking leisurely and slowly.

Bai Feng, who left the camp early, drove to Alsace Province with his entourage and Flame Sword Saint. The governor’s palace in Quintus was rebuilt in the Governor’s Palace in the capital of Alsace, which is also north of the empire. The border province closest to the grasslands.

On the way to the province of Alsace, Bai Feng knew the current situation of the Northern Metropolitan Government almost through the tragic deaths and snares of his men. Now the Northern Metropolitan Government is in a better situation than Prince Philip a few years ago. When I first took over, it was much better.

Among the six provinces under the Northern Metropolitan Government, among the three border provinces connected to the grasslands, the westernmost Metz province is stationed by the three standing legions under the command of the governor Yvli, Mulhouse In the province of Alsace, Quintos led six standing legions.

The three standing legions under Warlord Curtis are stationed in the three provinces of Ronchamp, Saint Die, and Verdun further back; the four standing legions under Warlord Bisharp have become the guards of Prince Philip himself. Perennial guards are near the Metropolitan Government.

Prince Philip, who is not financially strong, has only built five new regiments since he took office as the northern governor. It is the five northern regiments in this area. The weapons and equipment used are the replacements eliminated by the frontline standing regiments.

The 50,000 local army, 70,000 city defense army, and 340,000 standing army, this is the full military strength of the northern metropolitan government. It seems to be okay, but compared with the eight dragon flags that are about to move south to the northern metropolitan government, That's a little bit worse.

After coming to the capital of the province of Alsace, Bai Feng deliberately kept a low profile first disguised into the city, and then with the assistance of Bai Yi and other flaming sword saints, he sneaked into the Warlord's Palace and found a study in the study room inside the Warlord's Palace. Quintus of the battle plan.

"Governor, you are here." As soon as he saw Bai Feng, Quintus immediately put down his hand and stood up from the seat.

"Well, how is the combat plan researched, have you come up with new tactics to deal with Mongolian cavalry attacks?" Bai Feng sat down and asked.

"The Mongolian cavalry’s light cavalry is accurate, and the number of heavy cavalry is huge. Such a cavalry has almost no weaknesses; either by guarding against the city, or by heavy cavalry, the third will not yet be effective. Coping tactics." Quintus's face was helpless.

"The Mongolian cavalry in their peak state is indeed strong, but their strength is based on the premise that all the Mongolian cavalry are elite; really want to go to war, as long as we fight a few more attrition battles with them, fight off the most elite Mongolian cavalry. , They will collapse."

Quintus is thinking about the way to defeat the Mongolian cavalry from a tactical point of view, but Bai Feng is explaining the way to defeat the Mongolian from a strategic point of view. The conclusions drawn by the two people are different from each other.

Both of them also know that the war between Mongolia and the Tianlong Empire has never been possible in the last three to five years, so they only talked about a few sentences and didn’t talk about this topic any more; The two are the most important thing today.

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