Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1437: "·Zoiross"

Money is an abominable thing, and it can be used to do good or bad things.

——Gonchalov (Russian writer)

Tachabangu insisted on obtaining the three northern provinces as habitats for the Jurchen tribes, but the special envoy of Charlie the Emperor’s megaphone did not agree with life and death; just when the negotiations reached an impasse, Prince Philip, who learned of the matter, made a new proposal .

Prince Philip’s suggestion was simple. It was to temporarily assign Metzhang, one of the three northern provinces, to the Jurchen tribe as a habitat; the prerequisite was that the city’s defense forces in the counties of Metzhang would continue to be retained.

The significance of retaining the city defense forces belonging to the Northern Metropolitan Government in the counties in the province of Metz is that the Jurchen tribe does not acquire the ownership of the province of Metz, but only the temporary residency; all large and small cities in the province of Metz are also They are still in the hands of the Imperial City Defense Army.

However, this is not the essence of this proposal. The real cleverness of this proposal is that if the Jurchen tribes really only want a habitat that is sufficient for their survival, they will agree to this proposal, because the grassland people live Not used to town.

If the Jurchen tribe does not agree with this suggestion, it is enough to prove that the Jurchen tribe’s southward migration is not just for survival, they also have unspeakable ambitions; for the Jurchen tribe who hides the misfortune, Charlie the Great will not be merciless.

Such a clever suggestion was made by his most disliked son, and Charlemagne had to look at his original least favorite son with another look; however, a single proposal is not enough to change Charlie the Great's opinion of him.

With the tacit consent of Charles the Great, the Special Envoy formally proposed this highly tentative suggestion to Tacha Pangu; according to his guess, even if the Jurchen tribe were really just for survival, they would still bargain symbolically, so that Fight for greater benefits.

Unexpectedly, as soon as his suggestion was made, Tacha Pangu did not hesitate to accept it; some unexpected envoys took a long time to react, and then he took the news that he did not know as good news. Reported to Charlie the Great.

The situation in the north of the troubled empire was almost out of control, and it ended so quietly; on the day when the Jurchen tribe moved to the province of Metz, Yvli took his three standing army with heavy losses, Withdrew south to Langham Province.

After the dust settled, Bai Feng went to Metzhang province for two days. On the one hand, he arranged for the Tianlong and Eight Banners to settle down in Metzhang province. Explain some things and let them live in peace.

Following the southward withdrawal of Yvli and his army, the command of the Messi Provincial City Defence Force was also handed over by Prince Philip to Quintus, who was still stationed in the border province; once he received the command, Quintus Immediately and rightly began the expansion of the City Defense Army.

The six cities of the northern metropolitan government that belonged to the provincial defense army were originally built by Bai Feng. Even though Bai Feng was not in the north of the empire in these years, the people who served as officers at all levels of the city defense army in various provinces and counties were still promoted and appointed by Bai Feng. of.

This is the case, but not everyone can maintain their loyalty to Bai Feng; among the 70,000 city defense troops belonging to the Northern Metropolitan Government, it is good that Bai Feng’s life is to be one-fifth of the capable military function. Now, the rest is Prince Philip's.

The month that Quintus was in charge of the three provinces' city defense forces, with the full support of Prince Philip, began a massive expansion of the three provinces' city defense forces; after the expansion of the three provinces' city defense forces, the number of city defense forces per county increased from 2,000 to 5,000. The number of capital city defense forces increased from five thousand to ten thousand, especially in the capital of Alsace province, there is also a 15,000 riding urban defense force mobile unit on the periphery.

The reason why Prince Philip, who was not strong, was able to support Quintus to expand the three provincial border defense forces to a scale of 100,000, was mainly because he received assistance from the imperial capital.

Perhaps it was his brilliant suggestion that came into play. In only half a month, the Imperial Army sent 40,000 well-equipped recruits, and then the Imperial Ministry of Finance specially approved a development fund to the north. Metropolitan Government; Finally, even the Ministry of the Interior of the Empire has transferred a considerable amount of grain and grass supplies from the central provinces to the Northern Metropolitan Government!

It is estimated that Prince Philip's mother gave birth to such a special treatment, which made him rejoicing and realized the value of a person; this person is Zoe Ross who actively proposed that proposal to Prince Philip.

When the four great governors were initially built, the first thing after Prince Philip, who had the least power behind and the weakest overall strength, became the northern governor of the north, the first thing to do was to post posters in six northern provinces in an attempt to recruit private talents. What he used.

But in the aristocratic world, how many talents exist among the civilians who have almost no learning opportunities; even if there are some talents from poor families, as long as they turn to Prince Philip, they will soon be suppressed by the family dignitaries around the prince Get started.

Zoe Ross is a typical example of this. He has been one of the small people in the Metropolitan Government who has not been in the first place for many years; until this time when the three provinces of the border were in chaos, he had the opportunity to send a person to the back garden. Tempered Prince Philip offered advice.

In the view of Prince Philip, a person who has been bullied by himself for several years and has not betrayed himself, his loyalty must be undoubted; and the change of his father’s attitude towards himself just proved that this person is also true A capable player.

With loyalty and ability, where can such loyal officials be found? Feeling that he had picked up the treasure, Prince Philip, the first thing he did when he was overjoyed was to personally take someone to the country town and bring the family of Zoe Ross to the capital.

Taking the crown of the prince personally to pick up the family of a small government official who is not even an official, this kind of kindness immediately caused everyone to envy and envy Zoe Rose; however, it was only the beginning.

On the day of personally picking up the family of Zoe Ross, Prince Philippe, in the face of the town's people, sealed Zoe Ross as a vassal of the Empire! Only this one thing is enough to make the Zoe Ross family become the envy of the people in the town and even the people in the county.

After returning to the Metropolitan Government, Prince Philip first gave a mansion that originally belonged to an earl to the newly-born Viscount Zoe Ross, and then appointed him as the interior governor of the Metropolitan Government.

From a civilian to a vassal, he became the viscount of the empire and the governor of the interior of the Metropolitan Government. The name'Zoe Rose' is destined to become the hottest topic in the north of the empire; even some good civilians will also suddenly occupy the high position of Zoe Rose, Be side by side with the iron-blooded Duke Ronderstad, who is also a civilian, and call them outstanding representatives of the nobles of civilian origin.

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