Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1439: "·Zoiross"

Scientists do not create anything, but reveal hidden truths that are readily available in nature, and artists create real analogs.

——Gonchalov (Russian writer)

The Jurchen tribe is a typical grassland tribe. Their tribe's various valuable hides and huge numbers of war horses are worth a lot of gold in the empire; the inferior inferior tea and salt iron in the empire are also valuable in the Jurchen tribe.

Therefore, this kind of large-scale trade is almost synonymous with profit, and it is a huge profit!

In the past, when the Jurchen tribe did not move south to the empire, the merchants in the northern part of the empire took great risks to smuggle with the grassland tribes. Now that the bright and fair trade opportunities are coming, how can the merchants with money eyes open miss such a fortune. Great time!

Zoe Ross only took out fifty years of exclusive trade rights with the Jurchen tribe, and two returned to the wealthy Westminster Chamber of Commerce and Sofia Chamber of Commerce directly with gold coins; the remaining 48 places, naturally It caused a mad robbery by the northern merchants.

Big merchants with strong financial resources can use the gold coins to smash a quota, while small and medium-sized merchants with limited financial resources can only form small and medium-sized groups on the spot to jointly fund the quota; less than an hour, all the quotas will be like these gluttonous merchants Carve out.

These fifty significant trade rights quotas brought a total of more than 36 million gold coins to Prince Philip’s Northern Metropolitan Government; Zoe Ross, who received this huge sum of money, did not return the gold coins at all. Metropolitan Government, the gold coins were returned to these merchants on the spot.

The merchants who took out the gold coins from the left pocket and put the gold coins from the right pocket received ten years of exclusive trade rights with the Jurchen tribe, and paid for various materials in their respective chambers of commerce; in order to speed up the settlement efficiency, the Ministry of the Interior The officials are with the extremely active businessmen every day, and the people everywhere are no less motivated than the businessmen. The whole north is dedicating its strength to the settlement.

The lively scene in the north of the empire was clearly seen by the secret guards. Once again, Charlemagne, who was impressed by his original least-proficient son, did not let the imperial Ministry of Finance of his own indefinitely grant funds to the northern governor’s government. The royal library allocated one million gold coins to his son, who has performed quite well recently.

The Ministry of Finance of the Empire allocated funds to the Northern Metropolitan Government, and the Royal Family Library gave Prince Philip the same money, but the nature was completely different; the day when he received the one million gold coins from the Royal Family Library, Prince Philip was excited all night without falling asleep. feel!

On this night, the only people who could be with him by Prince Philip and shared his joy with him were Fitch, the black guard, and Zoe Ross, the interior governor of the Metropolitan Government; the status of Zoe Ross in Prince Philip's mind can be seen in general.

In the early morning of the next day, Fitch, who was again responsible for the expansion of the black guard, went to the barracks outside the city, leaving only Zoe Ross alone to continue to be with Prince Philip; seeing only Zoe Ross left in the study, Prince Philip Take him with him to the back garden where the flowers bloom.

"Zoe, this hall gave those greedy businessmen a full ten years of trading rights, but they only received a few gold coins from them, wouldn't it be too cheap for them?" Prince Philip, who spent the night before coming out of excitement, was calling Zoe Ross used a nickname between friends.

To the short sight of Prince Philip, Zoe Rose just shook his head secretly in his heart, and his face was still a respectful look: "His Royal Highness, you have exchanged these 50 places for more than 36 million gold coins. There is also a steady stream of income."

"Zoe, you don't know the tax rate of the empire, even if they make a million gold coins a year in a chamber of commerce, the gold coins that can be paid to the main hall will not exceed 100,000; in ten years, the tax revenue collected by the capital of the main capital of the main hall , I am afraid there is not even 50 million gold coins."

"His Royal Highness, why do we collect gold coins as taxes?" Zoe Ross opened a window for Prince Philip: "Our northern governor's office has the military and political power of the six northern provinces. Although we can't increase the imperial tax rate at will, we can slightly Make adjustments."

"How to adjust?" Prince Philip seemed to grasp something, but he couldn't tell, and could only ask Zoe Ross.

"His Highness, we take the Westminster Chamber of Commerce as an example; the Westminster Chamber of Commerce shipped a batch of tea and salt worth 100,000 gold coins to trade with the Jurchen tribe. Taxation of 10,000 gold coins."

"Well, where can I receive a tax of 10,000 gold coins!" Prince Philip, who was angry at the Westminster Chamber of Commerce, said in a bad tone: "He was clearly worth 100,000 gold coins but was only worth five. 60,000 gold coins, only five or six thousand gold coins for tax payment!"

He was interrupted by Prince Philip before he had finished speaking, and Zoe Rose did not care. He continued with a smile: "So, in the future, we will not collect gold coins according to the value of the goods, and directly collect one-tenth of their goods as tax. All right."

"Receive their goods directly as taxes?" After a moment's stun, Prince Philip responded: "You want to take their goods as taxes, and then use the goods to trade with Jurchens and make profits from them?"

"Your Highness is wise!" Zoe Rose smiled and sent a fart.

"Zoe, what a good solution for you! In this way, not only can they no longer evade paying taxes, but the main hall can also make a fortune from it. It is really a good strategy for two birds with one stone!" Prince Philip, who had just calmed down for a long time , Excited again.

"His Royal Highness, we are going to collect taxes, but not only the merchants in our metropolitan government, we are also going to send people to collect taxes from the Jurchens." Zoe Ross reminded, "After all, They are now part of our empire."

"Good! Good! Good!" Prince Philip, who became more and more excited, seemed to have seen the bright future of his annual income of tens of millions of gold coins; and all of this is the talented person who is loyal to himself, I planned it step by step for myself.

"Zuo, the main hall has a manor on the outskirts of the city. There are dozens of servants and three hundred slaves and thousands of acres of land. This manor is yours from today!" Prince Philip, who has been leaning on himself as a confidant, has always been Don't skimp on rewards.

"Your Royal Highness Xie rewards." Zoe Ross bowed down.

With the help of Zoe Ross, Prince Philip’s Northern Metropolitan Government is growing at a very rapid rate; this makes Charles the more important to Prince Philip, while also making the other three princes more alert to Prince Philip. stand up.

No one had imagined that the five-prince Philip, who had the least chance of superiority, would perform so dazzlingly after a few years of silence; on the contrary, the eighth prince Pros, who once crushed the princes, became the first to lose himself. The prince of the Metropolitan Government.

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