Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1442: "·Expansion of the Banner Army"

Anchor is not afraid of burying itself. When people cannot see it, it is when it serves human beings.

——Plekhanov (Russian revolutionary, Marxist theorist)

The barren land, which accounts for nearly one-fifth of the total area of ​​the Tianlong Continent, has been the world of barbarians since ancient times; this aspect shows that the barren land can not attract other races and human civilizations, and on the other hand, it proves the barbarians as a whole Powerful.

At the peak of the Tianlong Empire, several troops were sent south to attack the barbarian tribes in the eastern part of the barren land. As a result, you fought for two hundred years in the war, and the Tianlong Empire, which consumed countless manpower, military force, and financial resources, was also obtained. Only five provinces in the south.

For the five provinces in the south, it is still the artificial definition of the land captured by the barbarian tribes by the Tianlong Empire according to its own administrative division; in fact, the total area of ​​the five provinces in the south is even 50% of the total area of ​​the eastern part of the barren land None of them.

If the lesson of the Tianlong Empire, the first human power, is not painful enough, then the failure experience of the best power of the human race to brighten the Holy See is a textbook lesson, and it is still very shameful.

It is reasonable to start a religious war against the barbaric tribes who believe in polytheism with the mission of clearing heretics; because no matter how barbarous the barbarians are, they are not aliens. They are also part of the human race and need to be taught by the light church. Object.

Nearly 300,000 light knights, led by dozens of paladins and assisted by thousands of light priests, launched an attack of barbarian tribes in the western barbarian land; the result was that they were able to return alive from the western barbarian land , Only three low-level light pastors!

The reason why these three low-level priests can escape from the western part of the barren land is not because of their luck, but because the barbarian deliberately picked out the three of them with the weakest power to the light of the Holy See Bring back the declaration of war from their barbarian tribe.

No matter how arrogant the war declarations of the barbarian tribes, and how deep the light of the Holy See is, this battle has achieved the reputation of the barbarian tribes; even the southern army of the Holy See is not an opponent of the barbarians. Dare to provoke barbarians?

However, it is not accidental that the human race can replace various powerful and talented races and eventually become the only overlord of the Dragon Continent; it is not easy to provoke barbarians, and it does not mean that the country of the human race will not find a way to go to the mysterious barbarian world to understand the barbarians in depth. people.

After in-depth understanding of various ways in various countries, the general situation of the barbaric land and the barbarians has gradually ceased to be a secret; at least, the human country has almost known it. The barbarous land lives there from east to west. The barbarians are getting stronger and stronger.

The barbarians in the eastern part of the barren land are the weakest, the barbarians in the central part are slightly stronger, and the barbarians in the west are the strongest; even the 300,000 light knights led by dozens of paladins can't beat them. The powerful Baifeng can be imagined by himself.

With the current strength of the city of Rome, it is not impossible to wipe out the 300,000 light knights led by dozens of paladins, but the price that needs to be paid may exceed the range acceptable to Bai Feng; therefore, the whole city of Rome The strength is definitely not as good as the barbarians.

The overall strength is not as good as the barbarian. In Bai Feng’s view, it is not a big problem. Anyway, he is not going to fight a barbaric battle with the barbarian people; as long as the war is conducted in the form of consumption, the Roman army with the system as a support must be The last winner!

Take the Third Roman Eagle Flag Legion, which is full of more than 40,000 Roman soldiers, for example. Even if the barbarian's fighting power is more powerful, the one-to-one exchange is definitely more capable than the Third Roman Eagle Flag Legion; a day How many eagle-flag soldiers can be killed by barbarian warriors? Three thousand, or five thousand? Or 20,000? This level of casualties was completely acceptable to the Third Roman Eagle Flag Legion.

When night falls, the barbarian warriors who basically have no night vision ability will inevitably retreat from the battle; then, the third Roman Eagle Flag Corps with heavy casualties does not have to chase, just return to the city of Rome for an overnight reorganization. It is the best state of being fully packed.

In this battle for ten days in a row, not only did the Third Roman Eagle Flag Legion not destroy one soldier and one soldier, but many Roman soldiers would also make great progress; in contrast, the barbarian army, even if they only killed 10,000 soldiers per day, ten days Enough for them to kill 100,000 soldiers in battle.

With a little treasury funds, a Roman Eagle Flag Legion can become more and more powerful, and it can also consume the barbarians' vital forces little by little and expand the sphere of influence of the Roman city to the west. What are the disadvantages of Bai Feng?

Bai Feng, who finally determined the direction of the future expansion of the Roman city, began to prepare for the expansion war immediately; the new Eagle Flag Legion must be recruited, and there are more than one, but before that, he must first Recruited to form several Banner Corps.

The fixed formation of the Banner Corps is: 150 teams of samurai warriors, the recruitment cost of each team is 400 stones; 50 teams of iron cannonmen, the recruitment cost of each team is 350 stones; Twenty teams of saber samurai, each team recruiting costs 600 stones; ten teams of monks and soldiers, each team recruiting cost is 1,000 stones; all counted, the recruitment cost of each Banner Corps is 111,500 stones.

Bai Feng first spent 334,500 stones in one breath, recruiting enough Shoguns to form three Banner Corps; then spent another 10,000 stones, summoned two shogun generals Yushin and Kuroda 10% , To serve as the commander of two of the Banner Corps.

After the formation of the Seventh Banner Corps of Goto Kiji, the Eighth Banner Corps of Muri Yushin, and the Ninth Banner Corps of Kuroda, after completion of the formation of the three Banner Corps, the two generals, Bu Weixin and An Dong Jiazhong, were Bai Feng was hired for the matter prepared by their army.

Although the first Banner Corps of Yububu and the Second Banner Corps of Anton Jiazhong are the same as the standard Banner Corps, they are all 30,000 soldiers of the Shogunate, but the gap in combat strength is still relatively obvious; The two deadliest shortcomings of the two Banner Corps are that their arms structure is too weak, so that their ability to adapt and respond to battlefields is poor.

Bai Feng did not reject the request made by Bu Weixin and An Dong Jiazhong to adjust their respective legions. The shogunate assets were still abundant. The two standard banner legions required three hundred lance warriors and one hundred artillery gunmen. The Forty Swords Samurai Team, the Forty Swords Samurai Team, and the 20 Monk Soldiers seem to be many, but there are not many who actually need Bai Feng to recruit.

The first two hundred captains of warriors, twenty warriors and thirty monks of the First Banner Corps, fifty captive iron soldiers of the Second Banner Corps, and fifty captive iron cannons of the Shogunate The spearmen and one hundred samurai soldiers of the wild sword can be directly incorporated into these two legions.

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