Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1447: "·Reasonable explanation"

No one can put the sun in his pocket, and no one can occupy the truth.

——Plekhanov (Russian revolutionary, Marxist theorist)

The group of people slowed down and re-examined everything in front of them with surprise eyes. Suddenly, Victoria came to Bai Feng and asked him softly, "Bai Feng, did you know Are these?"

"I said no, do you believe it?" Bai Feng, who doesn't think anyone else is a fool, asked rhetorically.

"What do you think?" Victoria gave Bai Feng a charming and charming look, and angrily said: "I believe you are a ghost!"

"Before working with me, you dark council must have worked hard to understand me and my family. Don't you know that I once bought a batch of orc slaves from the Westminster Chamber of Commerce?"

After truly entering the orc empire, the identity of the wild beast sword Saint Douglas must be concealed, because he will go to the stage to act as a medium for direct dialogue between Bai Feng and the high level of the orc empire; therefore, Bai Feng does not care to push Douglas to the stage now. Come here.

"You mean, the orc slave you bought told you the situation of the orc empire?!" Victoria, who was staring at the eyes, was as shocked as she discovered the New World, as if she couldn't believe what Bai Feng said.

It’s unbelievable about Victoria, Bai Feng is understandable. After all, it’s well known how hard the orc’s bones are. There hasn’t been any country or family in the world that allows captured orcs to speak. This is about to become common sense on the mainland. .

"Our human race used to think that the orc empire lived in a barren and bitter cold place. Now you can see for yourself that their living environment is not worse than our human race." Bai Feng seems to have a deep meaning: "Common sense may also be passed down from generation to generation." Wrong cognition."

Perhaps, there were too many things that subverted my world view on this day, and Victoria’s expression gradually became dignified; Bai Feng turned back and greeted Douglas, who was wearing a cape hat behind him: "Douglas, put the cape hat away. ."

Looking at Douglas, who was showing his true colors, a juggernaut beside Victoria exclaimed, "Crazy Beast Juggernaut?!"

"Do you know me?" Douglas's sharp eyes shot directly at the heart of the Juggernaut's heart, frightening the other person to shrink back suddenly.

"The name of the wild beast swordsman, how could our dark council not know?" Victoria, who took the initiative to ignore the words, ignored the natural gas emitted from Douglas and asked with a smile: "The little girl is just curious and was seriously injured in the past. How did the beast of the wild beast Juggernaut not only restore his own strength in a few years, but also to a higher level."

Victoria's words seem to be said to Douglas, but in fact her eyes are looking at Bai Feng; Douglas, who has the typical orc character, is not as careful as Victoria. He glared at Victoria with a bad tone:

"Since you know that my strength is stronger than before, then you should know that it is not difficult for me to find the person who attacked me that year; two of you in the dark council of this waste have once worked against me, you Let them best pray not to be met again by me."

Said that, Douglas, the eighth-order swordsman, slashed a sword gas into the river on the side of the road; the river with the rapid water flow was cut into a channel by the sword gas, and after a while, the sword gas was powerful. After a slight decrease, the river resumed its flow.

Victoria, who barely glared out her eyes, dared not say anything to Douglas, but could only ask Bai Feng, who was all smiles, "Do you give this guy what kind of potion dug from the ancient **** tomb? Otherwise, how could he be so strong?!"

"Every eighth-order swordsman, does it make you this majesty of the dark council's majesty?" Knowing that the dark council is unlikely to have too many high-level swordsman Bai Feng, deliberately ridiculed to Victoria.

"The eighth-order sword saint returns, you Baifeng's people are not too bad breath." After Bai Bai's glance, Victoria asked Bai Feng in a slightly coquettish tone: "Bai Feng, this can make Douglas strength. Do you still have the magic medicine to recover stronger?"

"Do you really think there is any magic medicine that can restore the strength of an exhausted swordmaster to a higher level?" Bai Feng suddenly lost his smile and said: "I want such a magic medicine, and I can wait for you to come to me Do you? I'm sure I made a batch of sword saints to stay with."

"Don't you just have a group of extremely powerful Juggernauts? Are they made of magic medicine?" Victoria asked himself, "I'm sure it's like this, otherwise it's your Bai family's Inside, where are there so many saints."

Looking at Victoria with a certain face, Bai Feng suddenly found a very serious problem, that is, the origin of the flaming swordsman around him, there seems to be no reasonable explanation; in other words, Victoria’s nonsense guess is indeed Is an explanation.

A long time ago, when Bai Feng explained his experience to the Bai family, the Bai family defined a concept of'God Selector' for Bai Feng; for this concept, Bai Feng, who could not think of a better explanation, was still acceptable.

The so-called gods are the agents of faith spread by the gods in the world. The first pope of the Holy See is the gods chosen by the **** of light. The first speaker of the dark council is also the gods chosen by the **** of darkness. By.

Bai Feng thought about his relationship with Apollo, and found that he should be the chosen person of the sun **** Apollo. As for whether there is a **** named'Sun God' in this world, that's another worthy study. Difficulty.

Instantly conceived a reasonable explanation of Bai Feng, and asked Victoria with an unprecedented seriousness: "Victoria, I know that the first speaker of your dark council is the **** of the dark god, then you dark council can choose the **** Any research?"

"Bai Feng, do you know what a **** chooser is? The **** chooser, that is the gods above us, the messenger chosen in our world, is the embodiment of the will of God, is it that I and other mortals can touch?" Bai Feng expected that Victoria was still a devout believer.

"If I say that I am a chosen person chosen by a powerful god, do you believe it?" Bai Feng's eyes stared at Victoria with a searing look.

Victoria's eyes lit up, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "Then I guess this powerful **** should be a fire god."

Bai Feng neither confessed nor denied Victoria's guess, which made Victoria's heart suddenly understand something; then she couldn't restrain herself from excitement, because she was born in the dark council, and she knew the gods better than ordinary people. Terrible!

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