Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1449: "·Find Wing Man"

Good health and a high degree of physical training are important conditions for effective mental work.

-Krupskaya (outstanding Soviet educator, proletarian political activist)

Although Douglas had never been to the residence of the Yiren tribe, he was still clear about the general location of the residence of the Yiren tribe; with him leading the way, Bai Feng and his team set off in the early morning and entered the residence of the Yiren tribe in the evening.

Without knowing the specific location, it is not easy to find the residence of the Wing Humans; Bai Feng sent all the German Berserkers under his command and the Thundercloud Knights of the Dark Council, but he still could not find the Wing Humans. Residence.

Seeing that the night is coming, a team of German Berserkers and Thundercloud Knights have returned without success. I wanted to stay in Baifeng, where the Wings lived tonight, and only the German Berserkers and Thundercloud Knights who came back first could hold Tent, set up a temporary camping place on a small mountain bag.

After a simple dinner, Bai Feng was thinking in his tent how to find the residence of the Wing Human Race tomorrow; as everyone knows, a small team of Wing Human Race warriors holding fine iron short spears is hovering in the high moon and dark night Above their campsite.

"Captain, these people are not the orcs of the orc empire at first glance, shall we go back and report the situation here to the elders?" A young wing man leaned over to his captain and asked with a low voice.

"Let's watch it for a while." A few months ago, this captain assisted the orc army to attack the Tianlong Empire. He had seen more things than the young soldiers who had not left his hometown. He felt that it was judged from these supplies. It's not that the orcs are arbitrary.

The technological backwardness of the orc empire is not only known by the Tianlong empire, which is an enemy of the orc empire for generations, but also the winged human races that have lived next to the orc empire for centuries; but the performance of the orc army when attacking the dragon empire In conclusion.

The Orc Empire that plundered a large number of Dragon Dragon craftsmen earlier, under the personal control and command of Prince Sainsbury, created a lot of highly technical siege weapons; Orc Empire can be created even with siege weapons , Can't you make a tent in every area?

I don’t want to say too much about the captain when I’m on a patrol mission. I haven’t explained this to the young fighters under his control, but just let the overpowered young fighters keep investigating by flying at low altitude. The situation in this campsite.

The winged human warriors, light as swallows, thought they were safe to fly around at a height of thirty to fifty meters above the campsite, as if entering a no-man's land; the actual situation is that the flaming swordmaster and darkness in the campsite The Council of Juggernauts has long discovered and locked them.

With just one order from Bai Feng, the ten Flame Juggernauts and the ten Dark Juggernauts who are ready to go can instantly rush into the sky to kill these dozen young winged warriors; that being said, Bai Feng can’t This is true, after all, he came with goodwill and friendship.

In the air more than 30 meters above the ground, the flying advantage of the wingman warrior is very obvious; even if it is a sage class strong who is as strong as the flaming sword saint, it is not easy to catch the wingman warrior at this height, because Catching live is much harder than killing.

Once the flying winged warriors flew around and lowered their flying height below 30 meters, the situation would be different; the reduction in height would weaken the airflow advantage of the winged warriors and enhance the sword saint’s The attack speed makes the difficulty of live catching much smaller.

"Do it!"

When the flying height of the winged warrior fell to less than 30 meters, Bai Feng, who was always ready, immediately issued an order of action; in an instant, ten flaming juggernauts and ten dark juggernauts rose like rockets that were launched, and one person looked for it. A wingman soldier rushed over.

The leisurely wingman warrior can't think of flying in the air and will be attacked; they were caught off guard, and even the fine iron short spear in their hands didn't have time to throw it out, they were caught by the sacred saints who were about to get caught. on the ground.

The moment the whole army of sixteen young winged warriors fell down, the captain who was observing the situation in the sky at a height of two hundred meters decisively gave up meaningless reinforcements and flew directly to the higher sky. The dark swordsmen watched him leave without chasing.

Bai Feng's purpose in capturing 16 young winged warriors alive was to use this to alarm the winged human races so that he could find his residence; therefore, letting go of the high winged warrior was the result of his deliberate efforts, otherwise Hurry back to the wing people to report?

The escaped captain of the Wingren patrol returned to the Wingren tribe’s residence, and immediately reported the emergency to his immediate commander; after layers of reports, the incident was less than ten minutes away. Ordered the transfer of 20,000 winged soldiers to the incident.

The wing elder elder who hurried to the place where the 20,000 winged soldiers rushed was the old acquaintance Wisheim of Baifeng; after he came to the camp of Baifeng and his people, he did not even say anything. Surrounded the camp with a short spear flying down.

Victoria, irritated by Elder Wisheim’s strong posture, will send the Dark Sword Master under her to beat the winged warriors hovering in the air; fortunately, Bai Feng has pulled the violent Victoria, which avoids the **** conflict. break out.

Bai Feng walked to the center of the campsite to light the fire under the guard of ten flaming sword saints, and showed his identity to the irritated Wisheim; learned that it was Bai Feng who came, and his anger was suddenly extinguished. , Immediately landed from the air with a smile.

After explaining the reason for his hands on the Wing Humans patrol to Wisheim, Bai Feng went to the residence of the Wing Humans under the kind invitation of Wisheim; the leader of Bai Feng was sent by him before The wing-man soldiers captured by people.

Wisheim took the army of their wing human races back to their residence one step in advance, because before Bai Feng rushed to the wing human races, he had to ventilate Bai Feng with other elders. Qualification determines such a big thing.

The elders of the Yiren clan who had gathered in the conference room but had not dispersed. When they learned that Bai Feng was coming, they immediately fell into a dispute; some elders were willing to believe that there was a new **** behind Bai Feng, and some elders thought Bai Feng was bluffing and cheating, and the elders felt that the new gods could not shelter the Wings, and no one could persuade anyone to discuss the impasse.

Seeing that Bai Feng and his entourage were coming, the elders were still unable to form a consensus, and the elders who did not have the power to decide on major events were forced to go to the place of the hidden repair of their ethnic group, and the seven who were hidden in it The elders of the previous generation invited them out.

The seven elder elders who have not been out of the mountain for more than 50 years, after listening to Wisheim's narrative, immediately decided to greet Bai Feng from afar with grand etiquette; as for the follow-up belief issues, it depends on Bai Feng himself, Or there is no **** behind Bai Feng.

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