Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1460: "·Collection of Gods"

The prestige of teachers is first built on responsibility.

-Macalenko (Soviet educator, writer)

Along the passage deep in the sunset mountains, Bai Feng and his party left the orc empire and returned to the territory of the dragon empire; before parting ways, Victoria told the specific location of the dark parliament in the four reserve headquarters of the sunset mountains and the holy light mountains. Bai Feng.

The reason why Victoria knows the specific location of these four reserve headquarters is because the Dark Council Tianlong headquarters where she is located is the only permanent headquarters of the Dark Council in the territory of the Dragon Empire, and has been in close contact with the four reserve headquarters frequently.

The positions of the other six permanent headquarters and three backup headquarters of the Dark Council, not to mention that Victoria is only the virgin of the Tianlong headquarters, even if she is the elder of the Tianlong headquarters, it is unlikely to know unless she becomes the speaker of the Tianlong headquarters. Headquarters contact.

In the power system of the Dark Council, whether it is a permanent headquarters with a large number of elders or a reserve headquarters with a small number of elders, there will be an elder who actually controls the power of the headquarters. This elder is the speaker of the headquarters and is the real dark council. High-rise.

The core of power of the dark council is the joint council composed of a large speaker and fourteen speakers; that is to say, only those who can participate in this joint council are the core members of the dark council and have the right to know all about the dark council Things.

As one of the seven permanent headquarters of the Dark Council, Tianlong’s headquarters is indeed powerful and unusual. Otherwise, Victoria will not be able to bring ten guardians in one action; even if Bai Feng has been mentally prepared, he is still scared by the strength of Tianlong’s headquarters A jump.

According to Victoria, there are currently nine elders, 22 guardians, and thundercloud knights who ride six thousand five hundred at the current Dragon Headquarters; there are two sons and virgins of the same status as hers, not only all of them are Saint-level strong, and stronger than her.

A permanent headquarters of the Dark Council contains 6,500 Thundercloud knights and 36 Holy-level strongmen, which makes Bai Feng look at the overall strength of the Dark Council; extending from this is his fear of the light of the Holy See The heart is even worse.

The strength is so impressive, even the mighty dark parliament, the East Tibet, suppressed by the light of the Holy See, dare not hide in front of people. Is this not enough to prove how strong the Holy See is? Bai Feng couldn't help feeling, the strongest human race, really deserved reputation!

On the occasion of parting, Bai Feng, as his "God Envoy", ordered the nine Dark Sword Saints who were guardians of the Tianlong Headquarters to let them obey all arrangements made by Victoria; the orders given to the God Envoy personally saw the Divine Sword of Shenwei The saints dare not question it.

After sending away Victoria and the nine Dark Sword Saints, they returned to Baifeng in the Metropolitan Government, and let the first and second flag regiments of the Dufu Guard, which had already formed combat power, conduct a net search in the four eastern provinces to find Shrines of all sizes collect various statues and objects.

Scrambling these things for no reason will inevitably attract the attention of some interested people. In order to avoid the attention of the interested people, Bai Feng asked the two regiments of the Dufu Guard to carry the flag of surveying the maps of the eastern provinces, and secretly executed this while mapping the map. task.

Steve’s First Banner Corps and the Milken Brothers’ Second Banner Corps. The 50,000 soldiers of the two flag regiments performed this task at the same time, and their efficiency was naturally not slow; many ruined temples hidden in the old forest of the deep mountain All are found out, and then the gods and gods inside will be levied.

Because the beliefs in the eastern provinces are more complicated, people who trust the **** of light say more or less, and they account for about one-fifth of the total population of the eastern provinces; four-fifths of the other people believe in something Yes, there are many people even enshrining the image of the dark god.

Except for the light temple belonging to the Holy See, the government guards did not move, all the idols and artifacts discovered by the government guards were collected by them; Bai Feng paid about three million gold coins for this. Compensation.

The collection principle of the Dufu Guard is this: As long as they find the idols and artifacts, they will be expropriated, and then they will send back the same idols and artifacts made of pure silver or gold to block them. The mouths of those who do not want the images of gods and gods to be taken.

Pure gold idols for gold-plated idols and sterling silver idols, pure silver idols for silver-plated idols and wooden idols, where can I find such a bargain sale? Occasionally, there are a few devouts who are unwilling to cooperate, and the governor guards will always have other simpler and more direct methods.

In less than two months, the house dedicated to the storage of idols and artifacts in the Metropolitan Government was filled with four rooms; all the idols and artifacts that could be expropriated were almost here in the entire eastern provinces. Four rooms are in, and the rest is the Holy See.

These piles of mountains of gods and gods seem to be extremely large in number, but their actual value is not as big as Bai Feng imagined; Bing Lan's evaluation of the four houses of gods and gods is that they contain the most power of faith. Equivalent to thirty barbarians.

Reality once again proved to Bai Feng one thing, unless he can push the sun **** Apollo to the stage in the empire, otherwise, no matter how he collects idols and gods, he cannot meet his demand for the power of faith. This is the cruelty of reality!

If the eastern provinces brought Baifeng full of disappointment, then the barbarians in the eastern region brought him unexpected surprises; a few years ago, Baifeng replaced the silver idols in the towns directly under the Roman city. I can sacrifice again!

Although the power of faith contained in each idol is not very much, there are four idols in each town, and forty-five direct towns combined add up to 180 idols; I personally came forward to recover the idol.

There is already a complete system of government affairs in Rome. Only one order is required from the government-appointed Vipsani. 180 new sterling silver gilded idols were quickly made and then sent to each direct town to replace their original Some gods.

Bing Lan's evaluation of the 180-replaced idols is approximately equivalent to the forty original barbarian idols; plus the stocked idols, the total number of idols in Bai Feng's hands is equivalent to 170 There are eighty seats away from the number requested by Apollo.

Eighty idols don't sound like many, but where can Bai Feng get these eighty idols? Bai Feng, unable to get started, after pondering in his ruling mansion for several days without fruit, turned his gaze to the central region of the barbaric land and the dark council!

Barbarian tribes in the central part of the barren land, the secret temple of the Dark Council, these two places will inevitably have a large number of artifacts containing the power of faith; on the premise of not being able to start with the behemoth, the Holy See, Bai Feng can only pick these two relatives The softer persimmons are pinched.

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