Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1462: "·Assault Battle·Go On"

Any kind of behavior that is not intended for collective benefit is suicidal behavior, which is harmful to society.

-Macalenko (Soviet educator, writer)

In accordance with the principle of giving for nothing, Bai Feng took some from the gods and gods he had searched for, and went to the Apollo Great Temple to sacrifice six flaming sword saints back; in this way, his men The number of flaming swordsmen reached as many as thirty.

Among them, there are a total of twelve people who have reached the level of high-level sword saints, namely white one, white two, white three, white four, white five, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, Seventeen, although the other eighteen are middle-level flame saints, the actual combat strength is not weak.

Compared with ordinary swordsmen, the flaming swordsmen can stabilize their ordinary powers at a higher level than their ordinary swordsmen. Even if they are religious swordsmen with spiritual power and attributes like the dark swordsmen, they have the same level of combat power. Far less than the flaming sword saint, the difference in combat power between the two sides is extremely wide.

Twelve high-level flame swordsmen, eighteen medium-level flame swordsmen, seven winged human elder elders, four teams of 192 German mad warriors, one hundred Roman heavy cavalry of his own guard, Bai Feng Gathered a lot of high-end fighting power in his own metropolitan government.

With the passage of time, Bai Feng's realm is getting closer and closer to Jiansheng. His general guard who originally stayed in Baifu, the imperial capital, is only one step away from the Paladin; it can be expected that with the steady increase of Baifeng's strength , He will lead the 100 Roman heavy cavalry of the guard, and soon will be promoted to a paladin. One hundred Paladin guards, such scenes are exciting to think about.

Thirty-seven saint-level strongmen and 292 top-level swordsmen and knights one step away from the saint-level, this is already a force that is so frightening; and Bai Feng assembled their purpose, It was used to execute an attack plan that he had long thought about.

The two reserve headquarters hidden by the Dark Council in the sunset mountains and the two reserve headquarters hidden in the Holy Light Mountains. The specific location of Victoria has informed Bai Feng. In order to eliminate hidden dangers and help Victoria strengthen its strength, Bai Feng decided to pull out these four. Points.

After being fully prepared, Bai Feng stepped through the special channels of the Dark Council step by step and called Victoria to his own metropolitan government. Then he informed Victoria of his attack plan, and she raised objections on the spot. .

The reason for Victoria’s objection is that every headquarters of the Dark Council, whether it is a slightly stronger permanent headquarters or a weaker backup headquarters, has its own complete system; if Bai Feng’s attack cannot be eradicated, then the consequences will be affected. endless.

Bai Feng was not unconcerned about Victoria’s worries, which is why he assembled so many high-end combat powers; seeing Bai Feng ignored his objections, as a vassal of Victoria, he could only do his best Go with Bai Feng.

The addition of Victoria and the four Dark Swordmasters increased the number of Saint-level strongmen in Bai Feng’s hands to 42; while the elders and guards of a reserve headquarters combined, no more than fifteen people, Bai Feng I am confident in my attack plan.

At midnight on the day when the attack plan was officially implemented, all the people gathered on the edge of the sunset mountains were replaced by the special light armor and special black clothes that Bai Feng bought from the Roman city market. All things that could represent their identity were Bai Feng put away.

"This place is about ten miles away from the reserve headquarters of the Dark Council. Next, we may meet the people of the Dark Council anytime, anywhere. All you have to do is to kill you as much as possible without being noticed. Everyone who arrives!"

"Nuo!" After receiving the order, everyone immediately began to attack in groups.

Thirty-five groups of German Berserkers and Roman heavy cavalry, they ran towards the target at a very fast speed in the jungle; holy class powerhouses shuttled through the canopy, while covering the German Berserker and Roman heavy cavalry below While searching for enemies.

A small team of Thundercloud knights in the Dark Council was patrolling nearby, and first discovered their two flaming swordsmen, slashing several sword energies to each other at the same time from left to right; Liuqilian and Leopard were torn apart.

"Enemy..." "Poof!" "Bang!"

The other Thundercloud knights who were suddenly surprised, just wanted to yell, were cut off their heads by the axe of the German Berserker who rushed forward; less than thirty seconds before and after, all 12 Thundercloud knights were killed. In addition to the strong **** smell, there are no other traces.

The people of the Dark Council seem to be very good at dealing with corpses. A dark swordsman just sprinkled something casually. The bodies of the twelve thundercloud knights and their mounts thundercloud leopard were corroded and clean, It's as if it never existed.

One team after another, the Thundercloud Knights patrol, was destroyed by the attack of the Flame Juggernaut and the German Berserker; the Dark Juggernaut, with few phone meetings, became a scavenger to clean up the battle scene, and the hidden elders of the Wings It is flying at low altitude to detect enemy situations.

By the time Bai Feng and his team killed near the reserve headquarters base, the Thundercloud Knights who had been killed along the way had reached as many as four or five hundred rides; however, at this time, it was impossible to continue the attack. Because it is the Dark Swordmaster who is guarding the basic entrance.

The Saint-level strongman is the Saint-level strongman, and it is not so easy to be killed, not to mention the two dark swordsmen under the protection of the two hundred Thundercloud Knights; the attack is not feasible, Bai Feng decisively decided to attack, just before he was about to issue When he stormed the order, Victoria stopped him.

"I am not only the virgin of the Dragon Headquarters, but also the virgin of the entire dark council, let me come." Victoria did not give Bai Feng the opportunity to oppose, and walked out with the four dark sword saints behind her, Bai Feng Can only helplessly stay in place.

After Victoria went out with four dark swordsmen, they were surrounded by thundercloud knights who found them; after about three minutes of communication, the two dark swordsmen in the reserve headquarters took Victoria and others directly Go to their base.

When the heavy gate of the base was closed again, Bai Feng immediately issued an order to attack; the elders of the winged human clan who descended from the sky and the flaming sword saint rushed out, slashing the sword with great lethal power into the dense thunder cloud. knight.

At the same time, the German Berserkers who rushed up, like the invincible savage beasts, killed the Quartet in the chaotic thundercloud knight cluster; the Roman heavy cavalry who cooperated with the German Berserkers mainly acted on the periphery, responsible for the interception Thundercloud Knight trying to escape.

Two hundred powerful Thundercloud knights turned into corpses in less than five minutes; Bai Feng, who knows that this reserve headquarters has another trail back door, sent Roman heavy cavalry and hidden elders to block the trail Only then did he lead people towards the main entrance and rush in.

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