Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1467: "·Thunder Means"

Learn to love others, learn to understand love, and learn to be a happy person-this is to learn to respect yourself and to learn the virtues of humanity.

-Macalenko (Soviet educator, writer)

The 29 standing legions, the two royal legions, and the eleven eastern legions, which belong to the Eastern Metropolitan Government, have a total of 42 generals of the rank of commander. None of them has an excessively intimate relationship with Prince Pros. On the contrary, there are a lot of old departments of Prince Pross in the following commanders. Some of them not only accepted the gifts from Prince Pros, but also made a promise.

The contents of the promises they made are fully backed up in Bai Feng’s study table case, except that Bai Feng has no intention of making these things public; otherwise, at least three of the 29 standing legions One-quarter of the division commander will be restless.

Among the generals who came to the Metropolitan Government to be guilty, they were the generals of the rank of chief of the army, then the ranks of generals of the rank of chief of the division; for the chiefs of the army that did little, Bai Feng did not blame them, and occasionally some of the chiefs of the army were affected by their families. Bai Feng will be comforting.

However, for those commanders who really do not speak right, Bai Feng's attitude is not so good. There are several commanders who vowed to be the prosperous Prince of the Pross, and were directly blocked by the guards of the government. Even the gates of the Metropolitan Government cannot enter.

The commanders who can enter the Metropolitan Government do not mean that they can sit back and relax; when Bai Feng receives these commanders one by one, without exception, they will throw the promises they have made to Prince Pross to them. Let them see for themselves.

The heads of divisions who thought they could not escape doom, rarely changed their faces, most of them were scared and trembling with paleness; you know, Bai Feng’s famous name is not just the blood of the enemy, died in The betrayal in his hand is also in the minority.

The current situation of scarcity of available talents forced Bai Feng to beat mainly those commanders who were not firm enough, but could not directly dismiss them as the commander of the division; as for those divisions that could not even enter Long, their end is destined to be extremely miserable.

If there is no severe punishment for betrayal, it is to allow the latecomers to continue to betray; therefore, not long after the four division heads returned, they were arrested by the military department of the Metropolitan Government on the charge of treason in secretly colluding with the orcs. And executed quickly!

As an imperial general, he secretly colluded with the orcs, and also resold some of their military assets. In front of the rushan iron certificate, let alone Bai Feng ordered the execution of them, even if Bai Feng ordered the extermination of them, there was a disagreement there. It is just a war of words.

The White family who originally supported Prince Pross and Prince Pross turned over. This was the most undesirable thing about the Duke of Coulomb who supported Prince William. How could the Imperial Army under his control do what he did to Bai Feng at this time? What about objections?

Allowing Bai Feng to dispose of the old princes of Pross is only the first step of the Duke of Columbine. His second step is to reward Bai Feng for digging up the treason moth hidden in the Imperial Army in the name of the Imperial Army. In order to achieve his alienation purpose.

But where does the relationship between the Bai family represented by Bai Feng and Prince Prosper need the Duke of Columbine to separate? As long as Prince Pross did not finally take the throne, no matter what extraordinary things Bai Feng or the Bai family did, he would choose not to bear.

What's more, this time it was indeed his own first move. Although Bai Feng's counterattack was beyond his imagination, he still had to eat the bad results he planted himself; the commendation of the Imperial Army arrived in the Eastern Metropolitan Governor On the day of the mansion, Prince Prosper's envoy also arrived.

The majestic prince apologized to the princes who had killed his four old ministries and had to apologize. He had to say that the battle for the heir to the imperial empire did have a huge impact on each prince; only the princes in the eyes remained, and all of them soon became The Ninja Turtles are gone, but they are still holding on.

After a few perfunctory sentences, the emissary sent by Prince Prosper was sent away by Bai Feng. There are still many things to be dealt with. Bai Feng did not put Prince Pross in his heart at all. This is the sorrow without strength, even if he The prince cannot change anything.

The generals at the level of the regiment commander and the commander of the division have been sorted out by Bai Feng, and everything that should be cleaned up must be cleaned up, and the beats must also be beaten. Then it is the turn of the restless captains and captains. Betrayal is also unacceptable to Bai Feng.

Prince Pross was not very prestigious in the empire east, and there were not many captains and captains in the army who were attracted by him. If he was full, he would count twenty or thirty; beyond Bai Feng’s expectation, there were actually twenty or thirty of them. Two joint captains and three captains of the Governor’s Guard.

What kind of army is the Dufu Guard? That is Bai Feng's own personal cronies guard. If it weren't for the first big governor of the four great governors, all of them were imperial princes, Bai Feng had no chance to form such an unrestricted guard wholly owned by him.

The crux of the matter is that two of his own line-up guards, two captains and three captains, secretly accepted the prince of Pross; looking at the words of loyalty that the five said to the prince, Bai Feng Annoying can't wait to kill them by hand!

The most sophisticated weapons and equipment, the most generous military pay, and the best treatment. As a result, this kind of traitor was fed. Bai Fengqiang, who was extremely angry and laughed, resisted the urge to kill, giving Aggis the first The commander of the General Administration of the People's Republic of China has ordered the assembly of the whole army.

Half an hour later, all the four regiments of the First General Banner were assembled in a military barracks about thirty miles away from Broyongsong City; Bai Feng, with twelve high-level flame sword saints beside him, was Without saying a word, Zema inspected the four flags one by one.

In the silent barracks of the raven, the only movement was the occasional restlessness of the war horses and the hunting of the military flag in the wind; after patrolling all the four flag groups with a calm face, Bai Feng wearing the armor strode to the middle of the barracks. Hold the stage and face all the soldiers.

"You were once my proudest warriors and my most trusted soldiers, so I will choose you to form my guard, and put the most sophisticated weapons and equipment, the most generous military pay, the best treatment, all Everything I can give you."

What Bai Feng said with his spiritual power resounded in the ears of every soldier, so that each one of them could hear clearly; thought that the Governor General was commending himself to the ordinary soldiers, and they all stood up. The chest, want to prove his elite.

Officers at all levels who clearly heard other meanings felt uneasy. Combined with Bai Feng’s cold face when he toured the various regiments, the senior generals who felt more and more wrong, they already had a little fear on their faces. .

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