Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1477: "·begin"

The most basic way of human education is belief, and only belief can affect belief.

——Ushinsky (founder of Russian Educational Psychology)

When Bai Feng sat in the Metropolitan Government through the special channel of the secret guard and remotely commanded the spies, spies, and ninjas of the provinces, the four teams of Roman youths affiliated with the guard battalion took the hundred corps of Roman heavy infantry of the Roman battalion and set foot on Bai Feng arranged the journey for them.

In the jungle zone outside the sunset mountains, the number of Warcraft at all levels is extremely large, and the level is generally not very high. The strongest Warcraft is only three or four levels. For the adventure team or hunting team that enters the jungle, the threat is not as good as the community. The second level Warcraft blast war wolf.

Bai Feng sent a large number of Roman soldiers into the jungle outside the sunset mountains to slay the purpose of Warcraft. On the one hand, he collected the useful Warcraft crystal nucleus. On the other hand, he wanted to train a group of self-growing system generals to lead the main force in the plan. Rebels.

It is undoubtedly the most buried use of the system generals by sending the system generals summoned from the temple to lead the main rebels in the "Fengyan Siqi" plan; if the system generals are sufficient, Bai Feng can still use such luxury, but unfortunately, There are not many system generals now.

The current situation that the Roman city system generals are not enough determines that Bai Feng can only solve the problem of the main rebel leader by cultivating the self-growing system generals as much as possible; as to whether this method can succeed, then it depends They are out of luck.

Whether a group of Roman heavy infantry or Roman Centurion Centurion can be successfully promoted to a system general, the process of luck is more important than ability; in order to increase the probability of the Centurion being promoted to a system general, the 104 team of Roman soldiers It was divided into 26 groups of hunting teams.

Each hunting team consists of four groups of Roman heavy infantry. With the tactical coordination of Roman heavy infantry, 644 well-equipped Roman heavy infantry can siege at least three blasts of wolves at the same time. The combat power is already enough to scorn the dense forest outside the sunset mountains.

After more than a month of strangulation, the Warcraft in the outer jungles of the eastern provinces of the Dragon Empire near the Sunset Mountains was almost killed by the Roman heavy infantry; the excessively **** smell even attracted many high-level Warcraft Out of the interior of the sunset mountains.

A group of Roman heavy infantry who encountered two high-level Warcraft, killed nearly one-third of the soldiers in the process of siege, but still failed to kill these two high-level Warcraft, but after they escaped They have been repeatedly attacked by them for several days in a row.

Low-level Warcraft is instinctive Warcraft, but high-level Warcraft is different. They not only have strong strength, but also have extremely high intelligence; this makes the Roman heavy infantry all over the jungle impossible to encircle and suppress. Killing even a high-level Warcraft, but the haunting attack of the high-level Warcraft God, caused the Roman heavy infantry who did not occupy a territorial area to suffer extremely heavy losses.

The day after the number of heavy infantry casualties in Rome rose sharply, Bai Feng, who received the report, ordered all Roman soldiers who entered the dense forest outside the sunset mountains to be evacuated from the jungle, and dispatched the lances of the Shogun Battalion and the samurai warriors to the border. In response to their retreat.

Nearly five thousand Roman heavy infantry were dead or injured. For the Roman battalion with a total strength of only 16,000, it was already a loss of muscles and bones; fortunately, there has not been a tragedy of the whole army. Bai Feng only needs to put them Send them back to Rome for reorganization, and they will be able to restore them to full.

The gains that the Roman battalion exchanged for at the cost of heavy casualties were actually very satisfying to Bai Feng, because there were six centuries of Roman heavy infantry who successfully promoted to system generals; if the magic crystals piled up in the mountains, then It's a stable and profitable exchange.

Six Centurions newly promoted to system generals, namely ****, Kotarelli, Savona, Salvini, Milanesi, Bonafide; with these six Roman heavy infantry A general of background, Bai Feng's rebellion plan finally has a core figure.

On the night of sending the Roman battalion soldiers back to Rome for reorganization, four system generals including ****, Kotarelli, Savona and Salvini were sent by Bai Feng to the selected main rebels Province, Milanesi and Bonafide were left by Bai Feng.

Bai Feng’s purpose of leaving Milanesi and Bonafield is not to leave them in the office of the Metropolitan Government in the East, but to personally teach them how to launch a rebellion; because the place they are about to go to is Lang Lang. Gore and Clefmont provinces.

Duke Reinhardt and Duke Albert are both famous soldiers of the Empire, and the Legion is a well-equipped and strong standing veteran standing army; they are engaged in rebellion under their eyes, and the risk is high. It’s hard to overstate it.

Since Bai Feng devised this'Fengyan Siqi' plan because of the huge amount of energy, money, and financial resources, it means that he is not afraid of suffering losses. As long as the final result is what he wants, he is willing to pay a heavy price. This is willingness. , You have the chance to get it.

The problem now facing Bai Feng is that the risk factors of insurgency in Langer and Clermont are too high, and it would certainly not be possible to not send a system general to sit; even if a system general is sent in the past, it may not be completed The set goals are the real trouble.

In the provinces of Langer and Kleifmond, the comparison of the strength of the local garrison and the rebels is indeed too disparate, but the rebels are not without advantages; because the rebels are all local people, their geographical, human and The advantage is relatively obvious, which is not possessed by the garrison.

Bai Feng, who is familiar with a classic war in another world, what the professor gave to Milanesi and Bonafield, is an outline of the famous sixteen-character strategy of weak attack in the other world: the enemy advances and the enemy retreats, the enemy Stay in my turmoil, fight with the enemy, and chase after the enemy.

What can be taught to Milanesi and Bonafied, Bai Feng has already taught each other, as to what degree they can finally achieve, it depends on their own performance; Westminster Chamber of Commerce in Wrangell The number of secret storage bases built in the provinces of Province and Clefmont is only two fewer than the four major provinces, and two more than the ordinary provinces. They are definitely enough for materials.

After Bai Feng had done all the preparations he could, on the day when Milanese and Bonafide arrived in Langerhang and Clevmon, respectively, rain suddenly began in many provinces in the southern part of the empire; The heavy rain in the province has continued for seven days and nights without stopping!

Bai Feng, who wasted four gods, turned into a swamp in the southern provinces known as the “Imperial Granary” into a swamp with such a heavy rain that the water magician could not stop; the crops that were about to mature in the field were swarmed by rain. Occasionally, some crops that were snatched back by farmers were worthless compared to the crops washed away by the rain, and it was obvious that the empire's granary was finished.

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