Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1480: "·Small Town Fight"

A teacher's personality is everything for an educator, and only healthy minds can have healthy behaviors.

——Ushinsky (founder of Russian Educational Psychology)

The refugees from the affected provinces of the southern empire traveled all the way north to the Clermont-de-France province near the northern frontier of the empire. This has to be said to be a great irony; when hundreds of ragged refugees appeared near the small town of Giverny , Bonafide took decisive measures.

Under Bonafield’s arrangement, in the four villages around Giverny, each village received more than 100 refugees; because the village does not have much grain storage, the food needed for the resettlement is received by Bonafide was transferred from the town warehouse.

In terms of the composition of the empire's local power system, Bonafide, the highest military chief of the town, is not qualified to call the town's warehouse to store grain, even the grain and grass needed by his light infantry and militia squadrons for daily training. It should be ordered by the mayor.

Bonafide, who does not have the right to adjust grain, sent people out of the warehouse without the mayor’s consent, which is somewhat arrogant; even so, the mayor who has other plans is just I watched Bonafield's actions with cold eyes, without intervening.

After the first batch of more than 500 refugees were properly settled by Bonafield, there were soon the second, third, and fourth batches of refugees coming from the wind; only half a month's time The number of refugees pouring into the small town of Giverny exceeded 5,000.

In a village with only four or five hundred people, a maximum of four or five hundred refugees can be resettled, and no more can’t be resettled; as a last resort, Bonafide can only send more refugees out of the town And further expanded the militia squadron to maintain order.

When the militia squadron was expanded again, Bonafide, who fully considered the refugees, did not continue to expand the original militia squadron, but selected five hundred young and strong squadrons from the refugees and built five militia squadrons, which were managed by the refugee squadron. Refugees to avoid problems.

The southern refugees who could wander all the way to the province of Clermont-de-France were subjected to malicious evictions during the northward journey, and they were countless; they suffered from suffering and discrimination, and finally felt the warmth in the small town of Giverny. Feder is grateful to Dade.

Just as a steady stream of refugees flocked to Giverny town from all directions, the son and nephew of the successful mayor, with a large group of five hundred imperial soldiers dispatched to them by the Duke of Albert, swaggered back to the refugee gathering Giverny town.

The command given by the Duke Albert to the team was to assist the mayor in investigating the local situation. If the town’s highest military chief Bonafe did suspect of conspiracy, they had the right to arrest Bonafe on the spot and disband Bonafide expanded light infantry and militia units.

These five hundred soldiers are troops in the empire’s regular army combat sequence, and there is no affiliation with the local bureaucracy. It should be reasonable to investigate the matter impartially; but the mayor’s means are really clever, and he didn’t need much effort. The captain who led the team was bought.

The captain who deliberately favored the mayor, on the second day of being bought by the mayor, sent someone to arrest Bonafide, then disbanded all the refugee squadrons and half of the militia squadrons on the spot, and finally appointed the town The long nephew is the new acting military chief of the town.

If this series of events dissatisfied the disbanded militia, then the refugees hated the behavior of the imperial soldiers; but the refugees are refugees, and they can’t guarantee their survival. Can't do it.

The first thing that the town mayor of Bonafide successfully “killed” after regaining power was to let his son lead 50 light infantry to guard the warehouse and no longer allocate food to the refugees; the second thing, He asked his nephew to lead the refugees out of the town.

Refugees who have just found a habitat can watch the Bonafide’s arrest in order to survive and are indifferent, but can’t bear to lose their only habitat; they refuse to leave the town, and therefore nephew with the mayor A fierce conflict broke out among the team.

The mayor’s nephew’s fifty light infantry and two hundred militiamen, who had previously participated in helping refugees under Bonafide’s, now let them expel refugees, and they are naturally impossible to die; the same restrained refugees, It was desperately beating the mayor's nephew.

The conflict between the 50 light infantry and the 200 militia and more than 3,000 refugees seems to be very fierce. In fact, only the mayor’s nephew was beaten with a bruised nose and blue face; the mayor’s nephew fled back to the mayor’s residence. The mayor cried out the inaction of the light infantry and militia.

After learning that the lightly armed infantry and the militia were unreliable, the mayor once again visited the captain of the commander stationed outside the town with a gift; after receiving the gift, the satisfied captain directly dispatched his three squadrons to the town. To help the mayor expel the refugees.

Three hundred full-employed elite soldiers and the expulsion of three thousand unarmed refugees should have been a breeze; but the repelled refugees took some special measures to stay in the town. Caused a sharpening of contradictions.

A trembling refugee old man came forward to ask for something, but was rudely pushed to the ground by a soldier. Unfortunately, the old man's head just hit the stone tip of the roadside; the old man's blood bleed away The ground, among the chaotic crowd, seemed so dazzling.

The two sons of the old man were selected by Bonafield to be a refugee squadron, and they had received some of the simplest combat training; they saw their old father was treated like this, they instantly red eyes, and they picked up aside. The farm tools rushed towards the imperial soldiers.

The melee between the three hundred imperial soldiers and more than three thousand refugees broke out, and even without Bonafield’s personal command, the ninjas who actually controlled the militia forces decisively chose to join the battle and help the refugees fight too much. Brutal Empire soldiers.

The melee in the town was fighting for your life and death, and it was not long before the two hundred imperial soldiers outside the town entered the town, and the melee was further escalated; the only idle person in the whole town was the Bonafe detained in the dungeon. German, he was just listening quietly to the sound of fighting.

The help of light infantry and militia forces, and a strong desire to survive, made the refugees resist the fierce attack of the 500 imperial soldiers; while the whole day of the melee gradually came to a close, the heavy imperial soldiers were still withdrawn and took the initiative to withdraw A chaotic town.

As the evening approached, the mayor who dared not stay in the town, packed up his family and took his family to follow the imperial soldiers and fled the town. The refugees in the town with no heads rushed into the unguarded dungeon Here, Bonafe detained inside was rescued.

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