Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1485: "·Consulting to send troops"

Just right, seeing your happiness, so happy with your happiness.

——Haruki Murakami (Famous Japanese writer and scholar)

The command of the Emperor Charlie was sent to the Eastern Metropolitan Government together with the promotion decree, because the central part of the Empire where the Imperial empire is now rebels, so it is not the court officials who sent the command and the decree to the Eastern Metropolitan Government. It is a knight who guards the Knights.

Bai Feng, who first dealt with the Guardian Knights, was shocked by the strength of the Guardian Knights when he saw this team of subordinate Knights; even the Holy Knights of the Holy See, known for their eliteness and power, and the Guardian Knights In comparison, there is still a certain gap.

No wonder the three royal knights resident in the imperial capital will be called the guardian power of the royal family by the people. Their strength is not bragging; before, they still sighed the fragile Baifeng, the foundation of the imperial capital, and the kung fu in a blink of an eye. To the heritage of the empire.

After sending away this team of guards, Bai Feng summoned the ministers of his own metropolitan government and negotiated with them to send troops to rebellion; now the eastern metropolitan government is qualified to come to the metropolitan government to discuss things. The ten are all confidants that Bai Feng can push the heart.

They are respectively: Count Marcus, who is firmly seated as Governor by virtue of his ability, Vice Minister Viscount Oakley Lake, Count Moritz, Count Victor Liszt, Count Sharon, Vice Chancellor of Finance, Viscount Cunningham, Duke of Finance, Duke of Midas, Minister of the Interior, Count of Abraham, Deputy of the Interior, Count of Adonis, Minister of Justice, and Viscount of Heinrich, Deputy Minister of Justice.

In addition to the former Governor of Nice, the Governor of Nice Province, who was dubbed the Duke of Charles by the Emperor Charles, because of his promotion to the Holy Power, the titles of the other inspectors and deputy ministers are relatively stable; even if the title of the inspector of the Interior is higher, But he is still one level lower than the governor.

Bai Feng, who does not have the authority to register the noble knighthood, in order to avoid the influence of the Imperial Metropolitan Government’s existing system on the imperial capital, the principle of higher rank than the knighthood is implemented in the Eastern Metropolitan Government; this means that the officials of the Metropolitan Government The ranks between them are only based on their positions. The title is mostly a symbolic title without much practical significance.

Together with these heavy ministers, Bai Feng was summoned to the Metropolitan Government, as well as the two military commanders of the Eastern Legion, Reichenu and Slim, the Chief of the Blast Corps, Kaswall, the leader of the Husbandry Battalion, Fury, the Government The commander of the first general banner of the guard Aguis and his five generals.

These generals are stationed outside Broyongsong City, and it is reasonable to summon them to participate in the highest-level meeting of the Metropolitan Government. After all, this meeting discusses the combat matters of sending troops to rebellion. Bai Feng needs to listen to Listen to the opinions of military generals.

The generals of the literary courts successively entered the conference room of the Metropolitan Government, and after doing a good job in the order of Wen Youwu, left, front, back and humble, Bai Feng, who was sitting on the throne, nodded to Danell, who was serving here, and knew what he knew. Danell immediately beckoned to let the two guards lift the map.

The huge picture of the empire hanging on a wooden board was carried by the guard to the front of the conference table. Darnell, who picked up the baton, walked to the map and pointed to a red dot on the map surrounded by the gray of the map. You, this red dot is the emperor capital of our empire. The gray area that is about to drown like a mist is the occupied area that has fallen into rebel control."

"After the heavy rebel army sent by the military department has repeatedly been hit hard, it has now retracted to the vicinity of the imperial capital. With the large-scale contraction of the military force, the southern, central, and western parts of the empire have become the actual control areas of the rebels. Only our four Nothing has happened to the Metropolitan Government and the southern border."

"In order to restore the completely uncontrolled rebellion, Charlie the Great has issued the latest order of rebellion. Du Du and four other princes, as well as the Duke of Longze in the southern border, were appointed as marshals of rebellion. In the hands of the rebel marshals."

After Darnell introduced the situation, he placed the baton next to the map and returned it to its original position. The thoughtful military ministers put their eyes on the gray map, and each estimated that the empire is now. The situation has already made its own opinion.

"Dudu, it's not too late to send troops, we still have to prepare as soon as possible." As the only person in the conference room who knew the plan of the four behemoths, Marcus first said: "The longer the time, the stronger the rebels. The higher the difficulty of counterinsurgency."

As soon as Governor Marcus finished, the Minister of the Interior, Maddice, put forward another opinion: "Du, I think that the matter of sending troops is not too soon. It is better to delay it until all other five troops are sending troops. Find the right opportunity to send troops at the right place."

"Talk about your reasons." Bai Feng, who had to send troops early because of Fengyan's four plans, asked quietly.

"Dudu, you see." Medici stood up, walked to the map, picked up the baton, and explained the black dots all over the map: "The reason why the rebel army sent by the military department was repeatedly hit hard. On the one hand, it is because of the low combat capability of the regiments directly under the Ministry of Military Affairs. On the other hand, it is because the fighting power of the rebels cannot be underestimated. Some rebel leaders are also very capable."

"Fighting head-on with the rebels who are in the ascendant period will definitely bring considerable losses to our own army, which is by no means the best choice for us; by comparison, other counterinsurgents will fight first, We have much more choices ourselves."

"Your Excellency Maddison, in fact, the fighting power of the rebels is far less powerful than you think." Military Superintendent Moritz commented on the fighting power of the rebels: "The rebels composed of refugees have no hope of survival. Under the premise, they can only choose to fight with the rebels, and then a powerful fighting force has erupted; once they have new hope, their will to resist will collapse."

"In my opinion, to deal with an enemy like a rebel, bread is far more useful than a sword." Moritz concluded.

"Whether the fighting power of the rebels is strong or weak, sending troops as soon as possible is our only option." Marcus walked to the map and used the baton to pass the other five counterinsurgency forces: "If we don't do it as soon as possible If you send troops, then the other five-way counterinsurgency forces will penetrate their influence into the empire at a very fast rate, which is not conducive to the development of our governor’s office."

"If the military is sure that it can calm the rebels at a minimum cost, then I suggest giving priority to sending troops to the south of the empire." Mediz quickly adjusted his suggestion: "Although the southern provinces and the central provinces are about the same distance from us However, the central provinces have always been banned by the imperial capital, and our penetration there will inevitably be countered by the imperial capital. It is better to choose a more fertile south."

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