Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1487: "·Heart of the Emperor"

If you fall into the darkness, all you can do is just wait and wait until your eyes adjust to the darkness.

——Haruki Murakami (Japanese famous writer and scholar)

Charmed Emperor Charlie, who was busy with the recent chaos in the Empire, only had middle-aged. His two temples had gray hair, and he leaned on the dragon chair with a lonely expression, and said in a low voice: "Ames, what do you say In a flood, how could the empire situation erode to this point?"

"Your Majesty, the Justice Department of the Duke of Tras has formally arrested 173 Treasury officials in the Imperial City, and another 325 Treasury officials are under investigation. These people have embezzled the Treasury’s allocation Money for disaster relief." Ames reported truthfully.

"I know that these insatiable worms have caused the status quo in the Empire, but is it only the finance department that mobilizes the money? Do you think I don't know what Trass wants to do?" Charles Emperor, who forcibly suppressed his anger, hated Scolded: "Up to the Central Minister, down to the local officials, who are not worms? I really want to kill them all!"

For the fierce words of Emperor Charlie who were almost vented, Ames just kept his due silence, and did not say a word; Charlie Emperor also knew that Ames would not speak when he should not speak, which is also The reason why he trusted Ames.

The verbal abuse won't solve the problem. After leaning slightly back on the Dragon Chair, Charlie the Great asked again to Ames: "How many aristocrats and officials are involved in the various departments in the imperial capital, do you have hidden guards in the emperor? Enough force to arrest them?"

"Your Majesty Qi Jun, the nobles and officials involved in the various departments of the imperial capital accounted for about one-third of their total number. Although our covert guards have enough power to arrest them, the covert guards always have the right to monitor but not to arrest The right to arrest a trial should not be taken lightly in this case."

"Shouldn't this case be opened lightly?" Emperor Charlie raised his eyebrows softly, seemingly said with deep meaning: "Ames, which combines supervision, arrest, and trial power, is the dream of many power ministers throughout the ages, you Why can it be indifferent to this?"

Even though Emperor Charlie’s tone was as usual, Ames could still feel the pressure from the other person’s eyes. He was sweating and sweating behind him, and he knelt down and explained: “Your Majesty forgive sins, the slave is just a dagger in your hand. , Dare not have the heart of a minister!"

"Okay, get up. You have followed me for so many years. I don't believe anyone will believe you." After Ames, who was sincere and fearful, got up from the ground, Charlie the Great ordered him: "I don't care about these How many nobles and officials are involved in this matter. Three days later, I asked the Ministry of Justice to sentence 300 people to death. The specific operation is up to you."

"Your Majesty, rest assured that before sunset tomorrow, there will be noble awakening nobles with conclusive evidence to report to the Ministry of Justice, no one can escape the **** relationship." Ames immediately made his own guarantee.

"Well, I'm still at ease when you do things." Emperor Charlie nodded comfortably. He didn't say anything. Instead, he picked up the notes on the table and began to review them. Among the many notes, there was a note from the northern government. He angered again.

"Crack!" Prince Philip's handwritten twist was thrown out by Charlie the Great along with the royal pen. Ames, who knew what was going on, just lowered his head and even breathed very carefully.

"Sin son! It was only a few days since he first became climatic, and he dared to play smart and violate my orders. Did he forget who gave him everything?!" Charlie the Great, who was violently thundering, asked Ames seriously: "Is the Jurchen tribe in Metzhang really moving?"

"Your Majesty, the Jurchen tribe in Meshang Province has not changed recently, but in the grasslands north of northern Xinjiang, a powerful tribe named'Mongolia' has newly emerged; this winter season is coming However, they may have the possibility of violating our border south."

"A new and rising tribe might just be destroyed in a short time, which is not a cause for concern." Charlie the Great, who did not put the Mongolian tribe in his heart, sneered. "It's my'good son', but now the more It's more and more overwhelming."

After thinking for a moment with his eyes closed, Charlie the Emperor suddenly said: "How about the other three capitals of Dudu and Nanjing, how many counterinsurgents did they send, and where are they now?"

The long-awaited Ames detailed report: "His Majesty, His Royal Highness, the Northwest Metropolitan Government of His Majesty William has dispatched six standing legions and six Northwest Legions, plus 20,000 officers of the Guard House, a total of 200,000 troops are working Advance from north to south to western provinces."

"His Royal Highness of the Southwest Metropolitan Government dispatched four standing legions and four Southwestern Legions, plus 30,000 guards of the General Guard, a total of 150,000 troops are advancing from south to north to the western provinces; Duke Baifeng's Eastern Great Governor The government dispatched ten standing legions and ten eastern legions, plus one hundred thousand governorate guards, a total of 400,000 troops are advancing to the southern provinces."

"Southern dispatched five divisions of 50,000 soldiers and arrived in the province of Perpignan under the leadership of the Duke of Longze; but because the rebel forces entrenched in the province of Perpignan were too strong, the Duke of Longze did not continue for the time being. The idea of ​​going north is to keep confrontation with each other."

"Huh, the five provinces in the southern region have only sent 50,000 soldiers and are still standing in the province of Perpignan. It seems that the selfishness of some families is getting heavier." Charlie the Great mentioned another thing Dao: "I remember you reported before, they seem to have engaged in a South Union in private in the five big families in Southland; what is the strength of this Southland Union now?"

"Your Majesty Qi, has established the Southland Alliance for several years. In addition to the Southland Knights and the Southland Swordsmen Group jointly formed by the five families in the Southland, each family has not less than 30,000 private troops, including the Long family and the White family. The most powerful private army has the largest scale."

"The Nanjing family with more than 150,000 private troops alone has only 50,000 soldiers for the imperial rebellion. I have written down this account." Charles the Great, who was more dissatisfied with the families in the southern boundary, thought about ordering Ames Tao: "Just taking advantage of the opportunity of Bai Feng's army to enter the rebellion of the southern provinces, you should send some more capable officers to the Eastern Metropolitan Government. It is also time for me to take back the Eastern Metropolitan Government."

Bai Feng had just dispatched 400,000 troops there to rebel for the empire. Here, the Great Emperor Charles was already thinking about depriving Bai Feng of his military power. He felt what it was to be the Ames who killed the donkey. Leave more than one way for yourself.

"There is also the old eighth place, the central provinces are the places where your secret guards have the strongest strength. You have to find a way to disintegrate the rebels that are entrenching all over the place from the inside, help the eighth party to settle the rebellion in the central provinces as soon as possible, and restore the original order of the empire. ""Charlie the Great said with an ear.

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