Roman Empire of Total War

Chapter 1492: "· Lure Plan"

When we were young, we pursued passion, but when we were mature, we were obsessed with mediocrity. After we searched, hurt, and diverged, we still believed in love as always. This is a kind of courage.

——Haruki Murakami (Japanese famous writer and scholar)

When Bai Feng was still using the local army number of the Eastern Legion and the temporary number of the temporary army to collect the rebels, the Prince of Pros had already organized the rebels he had collected into the Empire’s standing legion; the advantage of legitimacy, let Pross The prince's rebellion was extremely easy.

But Prince of Pros’ counterinsurgency operations were not all smooth sailing. Occasionally, there were some rebels who were reluctant to surrender. They used their methods to cause various losses to Prince Pros; Compared with the things, it is really not worth mentioning, so even if you encounter a recalcitrant, Prince Pross will not be too concerned about it.

What really annoys Prince Pross is the takeover of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Finance, and Justice, and the Ministry of War of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Finance, and Justice; whenever a province is recovered, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Finance, and Justice will send some officials, and then Selecting some officials at the local level and proceeding to restore the central government's rule over the province, the military department will also send officers to re-establish the destroyed city defense force.

Unlike Bai Feng who was far away from Emperor Seco, Prince Pross, who was under the emperor’s eyelids, while enjoying all kinds of powerful assistance from the center of the empire, also lost the opportunity to regain the power of the provincial army and government. Of course it is unwilling.

The big moves dare not have the Prosperous Prince who has no small moves. Every time after completing the recapture of a rebellious province, he will attract some local nobles and promote some civilian children with good abilities. For these small moves, the emperor is the most powerful. We all open our eyes and close our eyes. Officials sent by the central government will not offend the powerful prince.

Just as Prince Pross put more time and energy into expanding his sphere of influence, the largest rebels in the central region and nearly a hundred rebels of a large scale reached an alliance agreement in a secret meeting. Formed a strong rebel alliance.

The largest and most powerful rebels in the central provinces are actually the last main rebels secretly supported by Bai Feng, that is, the Liberal Army led by the system general Salvini; the Liberal Army, which is a majority of the rebels like The most common names used are at least five of the ten rebels that use the name of the Liberty Army, and at least two to three use the name of the Self-Strengthening Army.

The Liberal Army led by Salvini has as many as 50,000 well-equipped elites, and the number of ordinary soldiers with ordinary combat strength all over the world is as high as 100,000; the total strength of the entire alliance has reached an astonishing two million, and Distributed in the three provinces.

The formation of such a rebel alliance is naturally impossible to hide the ubiquitous covert guards, but there is no direct connection between the covert guards and Prince Pross; therefore, only need Ames to fight a time difference, just Can help the rebel alliance cover up the trail.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the rebellious army under the leadership of Prince Prossal, Salvini personally formulated a decoy plan against the rebel army; according to this plan, 300,000 soldiers from the rebel alliance were fighting three free legions The banner of the country occupies the capital of the three provinces.

Knowing that the rebels in these three provinces did not intend to return, the army under his command, Prince Pross, who was only one step away from the three provinces, sent a 600,000 army of 30 standing legions and marched into the three provinces. In an attempt to destroy these three rebels in the shortest time.

The newly formed 20-member standing corps, Prince of Pros, has a total of 42 standing corps in his hands. This does not include the guard troops with 30 divisions under his command; through the surrender of the rebels With the collection, Prince Pross became the first prince among all the princes to have a million troops. This is the most striking thing this year in imperial politics, and none of them.

With the 600,000 soldiers of the 30 standing legions, strangling the three rebels with 100,000 soldiers, it would be a **** to kill the chickens anyway; the Prince of Pros, who has experienced too many ups and downs, acted with caution It is indeed extraordinary, but it is a pity that he chose the wrong opponent.

These three rebels with up to 200,000 troops entered the territory of the three provinces, and one after another, a small rebel force attacked and harassed them in various ways; this small-scale attack harassed, see It seems to have little effect and its practicality is not small.

It’s like taking a knife and gently scoring a small opening on a strong boxer. Perhaps this opening won’t affect the boxer much; but as the openings are getting more and more, Even if he can't kill the boxer, it can make him weaker.

Can a weakened boxer show 100% fighting power when fighting with other boxers? Under the premise that everything is only for the final result, it is the core of Salvini's plan to weaken his opponent's strength before entering the battlefield as much as possible.

In addition to the 100,000 rebel soldiers who captured the capital of the province, Salvini also hid 100,000 rebel soldiers who could help the capital near each capital; once the rebels entered the range of thirty miles, the hidden The rebel soldiers will immediately go to the capital.

Two hundred thousand rebel soldiers, even if they are inferior to the imperial rebels in terms of combat power and weaponry, and they have a strong wall to rely on, they can also hold the capital for a few months; at the same time, the rebels dedicated to the decisive battle The main force of the army will also act in turn.

Time passed day by day, the first rebel army that first arrived in the capital of the province was no longer the 200,000 army at the time of the expedition; the small rebel army attacked along the way, although they failed to cause them serious injuries, But they also consumed thousands of them.

The loss of thousands of soldiers may not be a heavy loss for the rebel army with up to 200,000 troops, but the repeated attacks of the rebels make the soldiers of the rebel army angry. But Yu was helpless, which had a negative impact on morale.

The morale was not high. After the rebels surrounded by the city, they thought that only a few waves of attack could be used to scare the rebels as usual. As a result, they were not prepared for siege. After launching nine waves of fierce assaults in a row, they failed to step on the wall. Instead, they lacked siege weaponry and suffered heavy losses during the attack.

After three consecutive days of defeat, the morale of the counterinsurgents, whose siege weapons have been continuously strengthened, is gradually decreasing, especially those of the original rebel generals who have just been classified as soldiers of the Imperial Regiment. To the point where they can't do it.

Because the morale of the soldiers was too low, the commander of the army commanding the battle had to slow down their offensive rhythm in order to alleviate the depression of the soldiers; the offensive rhythm of the attacking party slowed down, then the advantage of the defending party Bigger.

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